Amanat jamea saifiyah. She […] JavaScript is disabled in your browser.
Amanat jamea saifiyah Students return to the campus after a two month end-of-year break, with renewed determination and vigour to tackle the academic year ahead. 471/1078), the author of eight hundred majālis (sermons) on Fatimi thought and philosophy. Under the guidance of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, he had an integral role in all the initiatives and activities undertaken by Aljamea. He was accompanied by a delegation of five other members from the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi. The phrase that represents this thought in Arabic, ‘zaat jamea saifyah’, equals 1385, the year Syedna Burhanuddin RA ascended the throne of Dawat. © 2024 - Al-Jamea-Tus-Saifiyah (Sindh) 60K Followers, 30 Following, 322 Posts - Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah (@aljamea_tus_saifiyah) on Instagram: "Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah is a world-class Arabic academy under the patronage of His Holiness Dr Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, head of the Dawoodi Bohras. User Id. Ticket Type: * (Please select a department before choosing a ticket type) Complaint / Request (50 character limit): * Since January 2019, Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Mumbai (Marol) has been actively participating in the Dawoodi Bohra community initiative to rid water bodies of plastic waste known as Turning the Tide. A century after its initial institutionalisation, the legacy and honourable task of imparting knowledge and preparing souls was entrusted to the 51st dāʿī, His Holiness Dr Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA. Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Nairobi, Kenya. Empirical and social sciences in Aljamea are studied from an Islamic perspective emphasising the parallels between the physical and the metaphysical worlds as conveyed in Prophet Mohammed’s following hadīth, “Allah has established His religion in the image of His creation”. Please enter your login and password! Remember Me? Sign in to start your session. 1: Ground Floor: Mahal al Shifa – Girls: Rabwat al Tawado – 16. This […] The youngest of this year's batch is 6 years old while the eldest is 62. edu Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah(Sindh) © 2022-23 Faculty of Empirical and Social Sciences. Amanat al Jamea: Admin Building: Second Floor: AVIT: Admin Building: Second Floor: Makhzan/Manshuraat: Library Building: First Floor Mezzanine: Jawazaat: Academic 09: First Floor: Mahal al Shifa – Boys: Maskan al Rahat – 15. بين سهولةٍ في اللفظ والتركيب ودقةٍ في المعنى والتعبير: المهارةُ الأدبيةُ للداعي الفاطمي سيدنا طاهر سيف الدين في الشعر Ashara Mubaraka in Jamea is nothing but a culmination of centuries of endeavour by every dai RA and it is now, through their successor, Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS, that their light is reaching out from east to west – both in Jamea and from Jamea – to every mumin’s soul. Using aerial footage of the campus, this short documentary provides a few glimpses into the architecture and design of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Nairobi. Al-Jamea’s department of Funun al-Quran focuses on the visual and decorative arts inspired by and derived from the words and meanings of the Holy Quran. The est Feb 2, 2018 · Peace Campus The Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah campus in Nairobi seeks to propagate universal brotherhood and love that are central to the Dawoodi Bohras, writes MOHAMMED WAJIHUDDIN on Speaking Tree We drove past the Nairobi National Park, the verdant green forests and beautiful valleys, and entered Saifee Park, a sprawling gated Dawoodi Bohra colony dotted by lavishly built bungalows. After his shahādat, the wretched tyrants brutally raised Imam Husain’s AS blessed, severed head atop a spear, and subjected […] Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah © All Rights Reserved 2023. Following […] Ashara Mubaraka 1443 H Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Nairobi Majlis 1: 2nd Muharram al-Haram In the first ever ʿAshara Mubāraka presided over by a dāʿī mutlaq within Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS addressed the gathering, ‘O, congregation of seekers of knowledge!’ He then added that each one of those gathered is a student, who in the […] Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Karachi was awarded second prize at the 69th Pakistan Annual Flower show under the University Gardens category on the 20 th of February, 2020. 1810 by Abde'Ali Saifuddin, it was after extensive renovation (c. His era was that of World Wars, the struggle for independence, movements of freedom, pan-Islamic caliphates and unheard of The Second level of the Collegiate Level involves specialization and focus. His notes, in conjunction with personal memoirs of Amir al-Jamea al-Muqaddas, served as a historic record and were instrumental in the publication of ‘Al-Dāʿī al-Fatimī fi al-Āthār al-Aimmat al-Fatimiyyīn’, a publication by Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah that recounts this historic journey of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA Remember me? © 2025 - Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Nairobi Support Helpdesk: mawaid. The campus redevelopment in Surat, the inauguration of a new campus in Karachi along with the construction of two new campuses in Nairobi and Mumbai, the establishment of Mahad al-Zahra and the infusion of information technology into teaching and learning reflect Syedna’s efforts in ensuring the continuous fulfilment of Aljamea’s objectives. Al Jamea tus Saifiyah | 1,533 followers on LinkedIn. They introduced modern facilities and contemporised teaching methodologies while May 22, 2014 · Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, the Arabic Academy, Karachi, a institution inaugurated in 1983, is on the pattern of, and benefited by the experience of now more than two centuries old academy Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Surat, India. Sahat The annual Radiant Arts exhibition held in Mumbai this year, featured a section by Funun al-Quran, the Quranic and Visual Arts department of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah. The academy has been functioning from its present campus in Surat, India for over two centuries, with a sister campus inaugurated at Karachi S. Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah has been providing young Dawoodi Bohra men and women with an education based on The academic portal of Aljamea Tus Saifiyah in Mumbai provides access to educational resources and information for students. Remember Me Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah's Educational Legacy. Every Sunday, groups of students and faculty members join Afroz Shah, community members and other volunteers to lend a hand in the cleanup of Mithi River and […] Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah. " Darse Burhani Darse Burhani is a unique 4-year program offered at Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, designed for students seeking a deep and meaningful engagement with the Fatimid faith and its teachings. The credits also represent the estimated hours of study contributed to that particular subject by the student; one credit equalling forty hours of study. The crowning moment for the growth and development of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah undoubtedly came during the late His Holiness Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin’s RA 100th birthday celebrations when he announced the establishment of a third campus of the Academy in Nairobi, Kenya. Please enter your login and password! Amanat Application for Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Nairobi. He addressed us first as those who show kindness towards all […] zaat, of Jamea. Sign In. sign in Enter any ITSID and password. The students of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Business School (JSBS) Nairobi recently organised an educational exhibition titled ‘Daurat al-Tijārat al-Islāmiyyah’ (Islamic Commerce Exhibition). The new campus in Nairobi has been under construction for 5 years and its architecture is intended to be a representation of multiple periods of the community’s history using elements and design motifs from North Africa, Egypt, Yemen and India. © 2024 - Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Nairobi Remember me? © 2025 - Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Nairobi Enter any ITSID and password. As this momentous occasion approaches, it is an apt time to reflect upon the various meanings, implications and allusions of the number 100. The academy has been functioning from its present campus in Surat, India for over two centuries, with a sister campus inaugurated at Karachi Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Saifee Park, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Road, Nairobi, 00100, Kenya Following the demise of Syedi Mazoon al-Dawat Shahzadah Qasim Hakimuddin, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS appointed him one of the four rectors of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah on 20th Rajab al-Asab 1439 H/5th April 2018. As part of what is now becoming an annual tradition, thousands of such […] Al Jamea tus Saifiyah | 1,602 followers on LinkedIn. Please enable JavaScript for a better experience. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Prior to his appointment as rector, on two occasions in the year 1416 H/1995 and 1426 H/2005 - he conducted Aljamea’s viva voce The Birds’ nest. This philosophy encompasses tenets that have proven themselves over the centuries along with the best of what contemporary disciplines have to offer. Posted in Dawoodi Bohras Jamea Syedna by Juzar Noorani No Comments Yet Feb 2, 2018 · The Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah campus in Nairobi seeks to propagate universal brotherhood and love that are central to the Dawoodi Bohras, writes MOHAMMED WAJIHUDDIN on Speaking Tree We drove past the Nairobi National Park, the verdant green forests and beautiful valleys, and entered Saifee Park, a sprawling gated Dawoodi Bohra colony dotted by On India's 70th Republic Day, students from the Surat and Marol campuses of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah engaged in various activities to commemorate the occasion. Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah © All Rights Reserved 2023. Masākin Mohammediya is the on-campus residence for boys whilst Rabwat Jibla is its equivalent for girls. Please enter your login and password! The Nairobi Campus . The temporal alongside the spiritual. Website by Saifee Creations Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah © All Rights Reserved 2023. The Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah band was invited by the Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Vijay Rupani to perform at the Republic Day Parade in Palanpur, having seen them perform on numerous occasions in Surat. Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, originally built in Surat, India in 1810 for the teaching of religious lore and jurisprudence under the direct supervision of the al-dāʿī al-mutlaq of the time, has been greatly expanded under Syedna Saifuddin TUS and his predecessors. A Al-Dai Al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA (d. Primary reason BIM was adopted in this project. The award was presented to faculty members by His Excellency President Arif Alvi at a ceremony which came as the culmination of a gardening competition organised by the Horticultural Society of Pakistan. Al-Dai Al-Ajal Syedna Abdeʿali Saifuddin RA (d. May 4, 2011 · Tags: Abnaul Jamea, Ahle Bayt, Arabic, Culture, Dawoodi Bohra, Fatimiyeen, Jamea Saifiyah, Mumineen. ” When a Mumin visits the quboor mubaraka of Awliya Allah AS, they go with the conviction that their every prayer will be answered by the sanctity of the blessed graves. Please enter your login and password! May 9, 2024 · The @Dawoodi_Bohras and students of @jamea_saifiyah were honored to participate in this forum! Reply on Twitter 1835582520672272890 Retweet on Twitter 1835582520672272890 6 Like on Twitter 1835582520672272890 32 X 1835582520672272890 Amanat Application for Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Nairobi. On Tuesday 7th May 2024, Dr Iyad Abu Moghli, founder and Director of the Faith for Earth Coalition at the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), visited the Nairobi campus of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah. 1435/2014 Aljamea’s annual exams are conducted by Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS in Saifee Masjid, the masjid neighbouring Rawḍat Tāhirah, the mausoleum of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah utilises a number/percentage grading system and credits its courses according to their import in the academy’s annual final examinations, al-Imtihān al-Sanawi. Established in Surat as Dars-e Saifee c. Login. He stated An English rendering of al-Dai al-Ajal al-Fatimi Syedna Mohamed Burhanuddin’s RA marthiyah mubaraka ‘Fulk al-Husain bi Karbala’. During the visit, he was taken round classes, library and other facilities available to the students at the […] Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Saifee Park, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Road, Nairobi, 00100, Kenya Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS and ʿAshara Mubaraka: Excerpt from 75 Momentous Years On Tuesday 7th May 2024, Dr Iyad Abu Moghli, founder and Director of the Faith for Earth Coalition at the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), visited the Nairobi campus of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah. […] The prayer hall of the Mumbai campus replicates the design and architecture of al-Jāmiʿ al-Azhar. jameasaifiyah. The library comprises of a multi-level reference and circulation section which contains an array of content in diverse languages, including vast selections of print and non-print media. For Students Please Login to nairobi. She […] JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Login with your ITS / Staff Id and password. Quranic art, through a combination of complex geometrical designs, intricate patterns of floral ornament and Arabic calligraphy is a unique form of aesthetic representation. He initiated his tenure with an emphasis on the educational and spiritual reclamation of his followers. karachi@jameasaifiyah. Website by Saifee Creations Jamea Link Surat. 1340/1922-1407/1987) Dr Shahzāda Yusuf Najmuddin’s dedication to Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah was exemplary. The Surat Academy, one of the oldest center of Arabic and Islamic Studies in the subcontinent of Far East, in turn, was a sapling of… “Al Jamea Tus saifiyah” has been completely designed on BIM. Its sole benefactor, His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Al Jamea tus Saifiyah | 1,536 followers on LinkedIn. Dr Pinto delivered a talk to students and faculty on the topic of medieval Islamic maps where she explained their prominent characteristics and distinctive features. Remember Me Amanat Application for Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Nairobi. 2010s) carried out by Taher Saifuddin and Mohammed Burhanuddin, the university gained prominence. Dr Abu Moghli has dedicated around 40 years […] On Saturday, 16th November, Dr Karen C Pinto, a professor at Boise State University’s College of Innovation and Design and an eminent medieval Islamic maps expert visited Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Karachi. He spoke of kindness to all, family, and upbringing. Website by Saifee Creations Oct 10, 2018 · Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, continuing its esteemed tradition, releases this recording through Sautuliman, the official channel for audio and video publications. The high pointed arches and decorative grilles employed in the interior of the masjid have the effect of transporting one back to Cairo, where the community’s roots remain firmly established and evoke memories of the learning sessions conducted by the imam’s dais, at his behest, especially © 2024 - Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Nairobi Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah [a] is an Arabic academy dedicated to Islamic learning based in India, Pakistan, and Kenya. 1960s) and expansion (c. 0 feed. He appreciated the Bohra community for their discipline and contribution towards the progress and development of the province, including Karachi. This entry was posted on May 4, 2011 at 7:31 PM. […] Ashara Mubaraka 1443 H Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Nairobi Majlis 7: 8th Muharram al-Haram Illustrating Rasul Allah’s SAW exemplary demonstration of humility and taqwā, qualities that were the reason behind so many peoples’ acceptance of Islam, al-Dai al-Ajal al-Fatimi Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS related an instance originally narrated by Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA. Website by Saifee Creations. 1980s and c. Website by Saifee Creations Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Devri Mubarak, Zampa Bazaar, Begampura, Surat, Gujarat, 395003, India Dr Shahzada Yusuf Najmuddin QR (d. 1435/2014 Aljamea’s annual exams are conducted by Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS in Saifee Masjid, the masjid neighbouring Rawḍat Tāhirah, the mausoleum of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah © All Rights Reserved 2023. No Kalaam Play Online Download Audio Download PDF; 01: Motius Suwalat Dua Ashara Mubaraka 1443 H Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Nairobi Tazyeen Maulana al-Imam al-Husain AS was mercilessly slain upon the scorching plains of Karbala along with his kith and kin after being tyrannized for three days without food or water. Sign In ITS JHS Amanat ul Jamea Mawaid Saifiyah Clearance Billing System Medical/Scholarship Asateza Funds Help Desk Program Booking Digital Signage AlMawaid-us-Saifiyah APK Current Day Scan Details Current Day TimeTable Use a local account to log in. Website by Saifee Creations Published: 1432 AH Praise be to Allah Taʿala and salaam upon His chosen devotees. 1305/1888-1385/1965) In 1333/1915, at the age of 28, Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA became the 51st al-dāʿī al-mutlaq. 3: Ground Floor: Swimming Pool – Boys: Maskan al The hijrī month of Shawwāl al-Mukarram which corresponds this year with the Gregorian June/July, marks the beginning of a new academic year at Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah. Jamea remembers and it will never forget. Apart from the returning students, each year sees the […] Aljamea’s Development. The Nairobi campus of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah is inaugurated by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Kenya Mr Uhuru Kenyatta. His Holiness TUS had directed for a permanent roof to be constructed atop the central courtyard following the Ashara Mubaraka event of […] The Nairobi campus of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah is inaugurated by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Kenya Mr Uhuru Kenyatta. Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah has been providing young Dawoodi Bohra men and women with an education based on Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah provides young Dawoodi Bohra men and women with an education based on the principles of Fatimi philosophy. 1189/1775-1232/1817) An exceptional scholar and writer, Syedna Saifuddin RA was referred to as ‘Muʾayyad Asghar’, a reference to Syedna al-Muʿayyad al-Shirazi RA (d. Feb 8, 2018 · Governor of Sindh Mohammad Zubair visited Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Arabic Academy in North Nazimabad on Thursday, February 8, 2018. The extended phrase bina zaat jamea saifiyah, or the construction of the zaat of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah adds up to 1438 — the year the Nairobi campus was inaugurated. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Management Module for Surat Jamea Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, Saifee Park, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Road, Nairobi, 00100, Kenya From ʿĀmils, representatives of His Holiness Dr Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, that serve and lead local congregations, to Muʿallims, head teachers of local community schools; almost every position of service and leadership in the Dawoodi Bohra community is held by graduates of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah. 8th Muharram al-Haram Al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS commenced today’s waʿz mubarak by revealing hues and themes in his opening address of the hadeeth shareef that would form the basis of his bayan mubarak. BIM allowed the contractor and concerned individuals to be active participants in the design process and helped them carry insightful discussions regarding site execution and scheduling of work. Venue: (Please select date and time first) Timeslots: Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah's Educational Legacy. Its sole benefactor, His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS, oversees and guides it in all its endeavours. Introduction The dawn of 1432 AH heralds the Centennial Milad Mubarak of al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA. Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah is the principal educational institute of the Dawoodi Bohra community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. edu/Malaf_Student Students will not be able to login here Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah © All Rights Reserved 2023. Since this is the first experience of living away from home for many students, it encourages them to be independent and resourceful. Anwaar al-Funun, better known as Radiant Arts, is run by members of the Dawoodi Bohra Community to identify and bring together artists from diverse backgrounds, dedicated to different art forms and […] Rasul Allah SAW states: “Whoever does ziyarat of my qabr after my death, it is as if he has visited me during my lifetime. Upon his arrival in Nairobi on Monday, the 3rd of July, His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS inaugurated the newly constructed roof (saqaf) which covers the entire central courtyard (sahat) of the campus. Library Aljamea has an extensive library catering to the varied needs of its diverse student population. As early as the 11th century CE, the Fatimi dāʿī, Syedna Ahmed Hamiduddin al-Kirmani RA stated that understanding the Physical and Natural World constituted an essential aspect of worship. Password Aljamea Tus Saifiyah (Nairobi) - Student Malaf(Academic Portal) Malaf(Academic Portal) Login with your ITS No as Username and ITS Password. Students major in either Literature, History or Jurisprudence and begin the groundwork for their dissertation which is due in the tenth year. Of the 920, 445 are male and 475 are female and 488 of the total are from the broader community whereas the rest are from Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah and its various affiliated hifz programs across the world. In a long-standing tradition of over forty five years, Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah is responsible for the publishing of a series of devotional poetry and hymns known as Saut al-Iman, the Voice of Belief. dqmixu tvx irmetwl kabotop ibhbb limu jyleks cnskfc koo aspgdnou