Brain fog after exercise reddit. Now I sound like one of our "crazy" patients.
Brain fog after exercise reddit Sep 29, 2019 · Just as hydration, proper nutrition, and rest allow our body to recover after physical exercise, the same should apply for our brain. Pin Appreciated Physique: Dylan McKenna, @mckenna_dylan Can Brain Fog Occur From Other Things? The relationship between stress and fatigue is nuanced, and many different things can impact it. I’ve stopped taking sertraline about 9 months ago. A fatty liver will be sluggish too to filter the blood. What I do is lay down, close my eyes, and deep breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 2, breathe out for 8 counts. For me personally, the only time I am motivated to exercise is very late into the evening. Had to reset my nofap streak and can definitely tell you: porn will cause brain fog and even after 2 months of not doing it, I'm back with less motivation, brain fog and bad feelings after having relapsed. Respect that boundary. I now also take Lexapro and I‘m so clear in my head. I feel great straight after the ride, it's usually the day after that this happens. There's nothing wrong with weightlifting or bodybuilding. It’s definitely something to weigh the pros and cons of! For me, the brain fog is less impactful to my quality of life than my anxiety was. I'm curious to hear how others experience brain fog associated with me/cfs since the term is a somewhat subjective mix of cognitive and physical symptoms. Basically- start writing that email even though you have no idea what to say. I am wondering how common it is. i definitely starting to think it's this. I did not want to wait for blood work, either. Well, it’s been two days since I took it, I have my energy back, but I feel like the front of my brain has been rewired in the worst way. But it is so unfortunate that viruses can cause dementia-like conditions even after the infection is gone. Finally, please understand your limits. Harsh Reality: Anything you buy at the grocery store that comes in a box is processed food I want to know the perspective of other people who have brain fog. Dopamine? After 3 years of brain fog and memory problems I finally came off trintellix because my mood was low, very poor memory and severe brain fog. It makes sense cause I feel like the brain fog is worst at the same time that I used to light up every day. It's just not the best when you are struggling with anxiety and/or brain fog. Brain fog started early Fall 2021 after GI issues. Now I sound like one of our "crazy" patients. The brain fog was the last thing to go, and only lasting for about a week. I think Semax actually made my brainfog much worse, or the combo of that and PE-22-28. It would get rid of my brain fog, I am assuming by a hormesis response increasing my hgh and testosterone. I've been lifting for a long time and I have always experienced brain fog, difficulty concentrating, and mental fatigue even a couple days after an intense session. did an in depth hormonal blood work and it came back normal. because i was trying my best to stop bit i kept relapsing. Autoimmune disease causes inflammation which can also occur in the brain producing brain fog, cognitive impairment, anxiety, depression, etc. In the studies the average minimum length of time before it really starts to get better is seven weeks after Covid symptoms disappear and can last about seven months. But the showers are worse than the exercise. and for nearly a year now i still have it. im still trying to The doctor explained about gut leak that's related to the inflammation that causes brain leak, this brain leak is what causes brain fog and other symptoms in our head. I’m always tired after I exercise, but I noticed that the exhaustion lasts for a days if I overdo the exercising. true. Anyone else have experience with this? My brain fog worsens after some forms of exercise, and weight-lifting is the worst. Absolutely worth trying. I think it has to do with CNS as others have mentioned. It also depends what medication it is, the one I’m on has antihistamine erects so it’s more prone to causing brain fog. If you'd like to reduce the amount of homework because volume in itself can be demanding with brain challenges, most schools accommodate disabilities to give you more time or postpone a course until the Fall semester without impacting your marks. 7, some breath shortening and reduce in oxygene, some muscle pain, total smell/taste loss ( came back after 20 days in a satifying level). Physiotherapists and gym coaches can help. Second jab No symptoms until a week after Swollen tonsils and brain fog Headache - on going. I struggle greatly with brain fog and short term memory and when I told pt this, they incorporated mental exercise with my physical exercise. If you push yourself too hard, it's easy to burn out. The liver usually keeps the amount of plasma ammonia at an unnoticeable level. thanks for the reply. I've tried showering my body and not my face or head and I still get symptoms. I had fog on the meds and I now I have fog being off of them. My vape gave me debilitating brain fog for three years before I realized it was actually the vape (50 mg) causing this. It feels like I'm living in a haze or sleep walking like my brain is not fully awake at any point. Ever since that day I’ve had brain fog (5 days ago). Welcome to r/science!This is a heavily moderated subreddit in order to keep the discussion on science. or vice-versa. The fatigue, lack of motivation, and even brain fog we experience after training may not necessarily be entirely due to physical exhaustion. I sleep the whole night thru. 261 votes, 76 comments. Stopped bc of a really bad reaction (Like a panic attack x 5) and had panic attacks for awhile after (never had panic attacks or brain fog before meds. It is like stopping self-gratification thinking surely that will cure my brain fog because wow, can't think anytime after physical activity. While I can't fully guarantee it'll completely go away but a healthy diet and being active for fitness will definitely work wonders for your Brain fog! As someone who had the standard brain fog symptoms, just cleaning up my diet and being active in the gym definitely helped me see clearer and have more cognitive brain function. Well done on the job and for your decision to make yourself better for it :) once you're actually in the job and doing, you'll probably be so engrossed in the role that you Brain fog after being sick with covid-19 Question I used to experience brain fog occasionally before getting sick but ever since I can't focus and It hits me unexpectedly, for example, I was at school 2 days ago and had no problem doing complex math exercises but later that day I couldn't remember what I ate. I also started focusing on healing my brain fog after letting it sabotage my life for the past couple years. After 3 months of gym, my thinking had stopped being clouded and I could stop the whole mundane process. After all, a sharp mind in a fit body is a powerful combination! Remember, whether you’re dealing with brain fog after running, lifting weights, or any other form of exercise, you’re not alone. This after 5 years of smoking, 3 of those being Coffee used to do me wonders and actually had me going to the bathroom if anything. high quality fish oil, turmeric, ginger, kefir, align probiotic, spirulina + morninga. cutting out or at least Same issue here- there are some studies showing this is very similar to cancer patients that get brain fog from chemo treatments. Most people here mention how their brain fog sometimes gets worse and sometimes clears up. Trust me when I tell you, that stopping porn (and maybe masturbating) will result in some postive effects after some days, weeks or months. However, we recognize that many people want to discuss how they feel the research relates to their own personal lives, so to give people a space to do that, personal anecdotes are allowed as responses to this comment. However, this time around, it seems to be lingering. Now I can definitely feel if my neck is aligned and the difference is day and night: when misaligned, I cannot think at all as if my brain has turned off, there are pressure and congestion in my neck/jaw/head, my head constantly feels hot especially after exercise as if the heat is trapped in my head, I can't breath as deeply and I quickly No mater what I eat during and after eating I experience a rise in brain fog. It’s a common experience that Jul 3, 2024 · I exercise regularly. I will look up about low-histamine diet. I need some sort of post quitting brain fog remedy!!!!! i saw a neurologist, sinus specialist, many doctors before working with a gastro and he said it could be linked to my gut. i used to have brain fog whenever i stopped vaping. Now I will get sleepy but won't have brain fog. I'm hoping this isn't a coincidence and that tribtellix was the culprit. Cognition levels varied day to day. This is because those kinds of exercise put a lot of strain and stress on your body and increase inflammation. . Note: my blood work comes back excellent every year and I'm superficially healthy according to standard tests. The vitamins help maintain proper levels of everything when I can't feed myself well (and it's really true that nutrition can have a massive impact on the brain), and the exercise does whatever the hell exercise does. I myself was cleared up and feeling better than ever in 3 months of sobriety and regular exercise. I have experimented with yoga, meditation, self-massages and posture exercises, to no avail. I used to workout like 5-6xs a week and 80% of the time, I was exhausted with brain fog and felt like a shell of a human just floating around. My physical therapy gives me three words a day and has me try to recall them while doing exercises. Going outside, exercising. cold then too hot). Hello Reddit community, I’ve been struggling with significant brain fog and a loss of motivation, which I believe stem from a relationship with a narcissistic person. I had brain fog after going to the hospital with covid and had to undergo many surgeries because of bacterial infections that crept in while my immune system was busy fighting the virus. But not since hit my 30's. It is all part of it. You have to take initiative and fight for your best health. Making sure your electrolytes and hydration is up, a good idea. Now it seems after an initial burst of energy and then brain fog and bloat. It shouldn’t be as bad for you by the way it sounds, mainly because I was exceeding 400mg every day. There are a LOT of medical issues that can cause or worsen brain fog. My brain fog has lifted 10% in the last 2 months, and it's been a game changer. Anybody have something similar happen to them? I did have Covid last month, but was fine after 3 days with minimal symptoms This process can be disturbed by SSRI's, heavy metals like mercury or lead(I think this is my issue as I have had silver fillings/amalgams my whole life) or gut/brain inflammation from pesticides in our food. But I wouldn't want to give advice on exercise because I'm pretty sure my exercise habits go against what is currently recommended for adhd'ers. Type “blah blah blah” and then go back and edit what you wrote until it’s acceptable. Concentration was easier too. I was going to bring up long covid. So I've simply been drinking nothing but tap water, low sugar/carb, a probiotic and mild exercise with as much sleep as possible. I've tried everything I could come across, and I do everything right, but nothing works. My brain fog is slowly getting better. It may seem weird to suggest, but they're estimating 30% of people who had the virus (even if symptoms were mild) have long covid, with brain fog being the leading symptom. As well, ADHD has been linked to higher cortisol levels compared to those without ADHD. Hi everyone , This is my first ever post on Reddit but I feel I owe it to everyone to let you know my journey with Brain Fog, constant fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches at base of skull , spacing out, horrible anxiety (especially when talking to people), on and off emotions and weakness (also I should mention terrible dandruff through this time period) Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. If there is some process going on that either slows down the liver or increases the production of ammonia, brain fog can result. Here is the 4 pillars of my brain fog: Egg yolks, fat in dairy, fat in meat: Warming these foods makes significant effect on the level of brain fog. That inflammation could be from multiple food sensitivities/low oral tolerance. I know high school was when I really started noticing the brain fog and aches and fatigue that years later were diagnosed as fibromyalgia. been struggling with severe morning groginess and brain fog for years. Breathing exercises work for me. When this happens, it causes insomnia, I lose my appetite, and my body temperature fluctuates (i. Second month the insomnia and brain fog interacted, and I made mistakes daily both at work and personal life. I have severe brain fog, two months after getting COVID. Fats and proteins are not depleted during exercise so just getting them at any point during the day (like say from your regular meals) is just fine. basically disfunctional until 1-2 pm. I can drink a glass of whole fat milk without any issues. Not a doctor. Let me assure you I tried literally everything before this. Good diet. Interestingly, I've had bouts of brain fog in the past, and it did clear up after quitting weed for a while. then one day, i relapsed and nothing happened. This makes me feel so hopeless Same with continuing exercise to keep the blood flow and neurotransmitters like dopamine healthy. I also get brain fog from exercise but that only lasts for a few hours and then it goes away. I took a week off after smoking heavy for five years, after the week off I started smoking a little before bed and randomly woke up in a fog with blurred vision and it hasn’t gone away. I started with Mirtazapine because I developed insomnia. Or check it out in the app stores Brain fog after exercise upvotes The brain fog comes and goes but the journal helps me remember what I’ve done or said. There is a case study out of Yale that suggested GUANFACINE + NAC could potentially help brain fog but I haven't tried it because I'm very sensitive to medications and supplements and feel like I'm coasting right now and want to keep the calm through the On the first jab, Symptoms started 2/3 days after Heart palpitations (a week or two) Brain fog for 3 weeks Enlarged swollen tonsils for a week I had an ecg and it was all ok. Lion's mane helped a lot, but it didn't get me all the way back to my previous sharpness. I am now 2 months vape free and one month nicotine free (I used patches for one month). Vitamin deficiencies, thyroid issues, long covid, autoimmune issues, fibromyalgia Tons of things. But perhaps the two come naturally after starting meditation. It's not exercise that is the issue, rather the type of exercise you are doing. Back when my brain fog was peeking, exercising was actually harmful, it made my fog much worse Tho now when I am foggy and decide to work out, it helps for some reason Reply reply If I go 3 days without exercising, I start experiencing brain fog and get depressed & more anxious. Brain fog was the stuff of nightmares for me and I've lived with it for 27 years before I finally found the solution. I agree 100%. What helps me the most to avoid post-exercise brain fog is ensuring that I eat enough before working out. Lately I've been trying to build up my digestive system / insulin sensitivity by not eating breakfest (eating between 12-8, also known as intermittent fasting) and taking probitics/ eating probiotic foods. Done sleep studies and blood tests (only high creatinine and familial cholesterol). I discovered this brain fog effect after drinking only 2 glasses of wine and feeling like crap drinking some beers. Discussions of literary criticism, literary history, literary theory, and critical theory are also welcome. I had brain fog for around three years because of my anxiety and PTSD and the only thing that helped was medication. Jul 4, 2022 · How to Alleviate Foggy Brain Syndrome (FBS) Okay, so FBS isn’t a real syndrome, but maybe it should be? If you find yourself feeling less than competent after a long or difficult run, don’t wait to have a recovery drink or snack. Going down the rabbit hole of what is wrong is a waste of energy in my opinion. Post-workout brain fog refers to a state of mental confusion, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating that occurs after intense physical exercise. never even questioned my gut in the brain fog scenario for some reason. I had horrible brain fog and fatigue pre-hysterectomy, so I thought I felt great almost immediately after. Usually 10 mins is enough, but if my brain fog is worse than usual I'll go for longer. I question the wisdom in that decision as well unless there's a very important reason as to why it needed to be done when he needs his brain to be at 100% right now. i was panicking because i was stuck with the brain fog. I'll post an update after my first round. Now I also avoid fermented foods, added sulfites and have reduced brain events more. working on overall inflammation, nutrient dense foods and probiotics cured my brain fog. Wondering if anyone else has tried things for brain Fog that have worked. From what I've read it takes around a year of treatment to reverse most of the brain damage caused by sleep apnea. Physically I had a ton of energy, but I realized when I tried to go back to work early (at the time, just doing data organization and a little analysis, nothing physical), my brain was weird almost the full 2 months of recovery. Started Biocidin a few months ago, and now the brain fog is almost completely gone. Three weeks after starting I noticed that I could think more clearly and the brain fog disappeared. My most recent hypothesis is that it’s… Ran 5 miles in humid weather last week and felt gross, thought I might have had mild dehydration but levels seem fine now. It is characterized by a feeling of mental sluggishness and a lack of mental clarity. Exercise induced brain fog happens to athletics who overtrain. Melting cheese is a big trigger. I ended up having a posterolateral thoracotomy, which is an incredibly painful surgery that took a lot of pain medication to manage while I was recovering. My guess is nutrition is the biggest one to optimize to address brain fog though. It’s likely not due to the exercise or my diet itself, but it’s never a bad thing to get your vitamin levels checked if you’re struggling, plus a blood panel. No matter what I eat, drink, exercise or not, what supplements I take, my brain fog feels exactly the same 24/7. For example, people with gene RS6265 val/val release BDNF after exercise; actually boosting brain plasticity. The only time I felt immediate relief was after trialing a 5 day course of prednisone, which got me thinking of an autoimmune process of some sort. High sugar ends up with belly fat and numb feet. Wow thank you for this post. Every time I do light to moderate exercise, I get brain fog 2 hours after my work out that lasts up to 24-48 hours. and whenever i relapsed, the brain fog would disappear. Tons of brain fog after 7 years of mostly daily but relatively light use in the evenings. I started meditating/everyday mindfullnes practice 1 year after quitting. I am now dealing with brain fog from quittimg nicotone but heard it should hopefully subside by 3 months so I am white knuckling through it. I have twitching eye lids, brain fog and mental fatigue triggered by non-restorative sleep. I'm 21, lift weights 5x a week, eat generally well and high protein, take daily vitamin d, omega 3, zinc, magnesium. Now I have a very stressful and demanding job where I always have to be "on" and clear so lifting is causing me a big problem. There are natural ways to lower cortisol through food choices, exercise, relaxation. ; Have you ever completed a run only to feel completely out of it? All of above. Welcome to /r/literature, a community for deeper discussions of plays, poetry, short stories, and novels. I highly recommend doing some light exercise everyday to help speed up the process. My sleep worsens by the month / week and exercise, diet, hasn't alleviated it. I have these same symptoms. If you try this please let me know if it works. The emotional numbness and brain fog freaked me out, and fatigue felt like I was moving through molasses. The main idea is that the carbohydrate needed for the brain to function goes to the muscles, then something goes wrong and it starts to malfunction. However, at the end of the class, I feel so mentally drained and tired. I saw tremendous improvement after changing diet to mostly organic vegetables and reducing/cutting inflammatory food like low quality meat, gluten, sugar. My thinking gets fuzzy, and I have trouble concentrating. I can't even remember all the different things I've tried to help with brain fog. Brain fog can be caused by an increase in plasma ammonia levels. Shortly after I finish eating, it feels like a cloud descends on my brain. At least blood work was always good for thyroid. Jul 4, 2022 · Head in the clouds? Do you suffer from serious brain fog after logging miles? Your absent-mindedness isn’t just due to tiredness. Starting trying herbal antimicrobials like Candibactin afterwards. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. this has been going on for 10 years since I was 21. Brain fog is usually an indicator of dehydration. What I’ve Learned About Brain Fog and Neuroinflammation. Some strategies that could help: Exercise: Even if it doesn't seem to have a huge impact, regular activity will help your brain heal. Plus two another changes: After I quit watching porn and fapping (yes, joined r/nofap) my brain fog disappeared quite rapidly. 263 votes, 172 comments. I've been to different doctors multiple times and done tons of blood work. The duration of exercise should be whatever you can initially tolerate, but five to ten minutes (excluding the warmup and cool down) is a good starting point. When I workout again, I gain mental clarity, become more motivated to take on the day, and like 75% of the self-deprecating thoughts I experience go away. Multiple months. It could be from high toxic burden, exacerbated by MTHFR gene mutations or from lacking liver enzymes that help break things down (CYP1A2 for example, there are more). This helps kick your brain back into study mode once you start getting brain fog, and have taken your cardio/water/snack break. Doing hard things to exercise my brain has been very important. It will definitely heal with time. Even 1% fat milk causes brain fog. Bingo. Multitasking was the main issue I had with the brain fog, even doing a couple simple tasks felt impossible. My microbiome was also really messed up, I think fixing this helped a lot of the other symptoms but the brain fog was persistent. I also get mild brain fog after exercise. I’ve found that diet and exercise can counteract the brain fog to a decent extent. I get brain fog after workouts and sometimes when I get up from sitting after a while, my right side of the body (predominantly face, shoulder area, arm and leg) gets super tense and contracted for a few seconds before I can relax the muscles. It is significantly affecting my ability to think and function. Unbelievable improvement in just 10 days after 10 years of suffering. He suggested trying EWOT. I've recently been experiencing increased 'brain fog', general difficulty focusing and lack of alertness, after riding. I lowered mine after two weeks and been on 150/week for the past 10 weeks. no processed food at all, tiny amounts of Getting tired/foggy after a meal is pretty common. Both no exercise and a high sugar diet will end up with brain fog - healthy vessels also bring blood and nutrients to the brain. I was out of action for a very long time and just got back into training. No caffeine, gave up alcohol, I'm almost one year sober after years of heavy alcohol abuse, no more weed or drugs, more productivity, less masturbation, healthier foods (veggies, lean meats, fish, fruits and juices, broths, whole grains, big one here. Since I’ve started running again r going to the gym a few days in the row I’ve noticed brain fog that I just can’t shake. I am really really struggling. B12, vit D, iron. the current consensus regarding brain fog is that it's caused by neuroinflammation, meaning, mediators released from mast cells cause neuronal damage in the central nervous system, given that most of these damaged neurons don't regenerate, the brain fog is there to stay, even if we are able to completely inhibit the mast cells The brain has a scientifically proven and incredible power to heal itself. Make sure you are getting adequate water intake (double the volume of your caffeinated beverage in addition to your daily intake if you drink caffeine, even more if you exercise as well). It supposed to super-oxygenate blood flow to the brain. Has anyone felt similar, and successfully made any improvements? Everyone's definition of "brain fog" tends to be different. I used to get a lot more exercise than I do now, but I still get out there. I started to feel better once it wore off, so I decided not to take it again that night. I found the brain fog/cravings/lack of focus was much more transient when I got on regular exercise, topped up on non-caffeinated fluids and made sure food was good stuff. It's been important for my mental health but I can't say it was for my brain fog. For the last two weeks I did Keto with some days of water fasting in between but still had als ways brain fog while or after eating. After that for 2 weeks I had migraines for days, but after that it got better. My situation was similar to many other posters here, where doctors are completely unfamiliar with how this could be related to the stomach - just shrugging and saying to The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. I (30M, late diagnosed) have always struggled with chronic brain fog and fatigue, but after a particularly bad period of burnout it has become debilitating and I can't snap out of it. ) If NSAIDS are helping you, that means your brain fog is related to inflammation. For me, brain fog is my most debilitating or most difficult to manage symptom. Sep 25, 2024 · Every time I exercise I get brain fog and feel very mentally fatigued after. What I’ve tried: Cardio vs weight lifting, both caused it; caffeine pre workout, post workout or no caffeine at all; Exercising at different times of the day; more or less volume ; more or less intensity ; blood test; doing exercise fasted vs eating beforehand Dec 16, 2024 · Having struggled with brain fog, I've tried a lot of different things to try and help, but nothing has made a noticeable difference. I started doing Pilates with an instructor who tailors the exercises according to my needs and, physically, it has been fine. I saw improvements in mood and energy levels immediately after starting CPAP. Pretend you don’t have brain fog and pantomime what it’s like not to have it. Basically they don't have the ATP energy to complete training. I like to think I eat somewhat healthy, so I'm a bit puzzled about the cause. My discovery was that during days of brain fog, I would always feel a severe tension in my neck and upper back area. I have done some research on this in the past, and unfortunately haven't found many answers. Additional Good Stories on Eliminating Brain Fog. My body doesn’t feel worse than usual in terms of pain but I feel my brain really foggy after the class. Shame my brain doesn't shut itself off that easily but I will definitely try to go to bed as early as I can after exercising. In hindsight, doing these exercises did probably affect the probability of having brain fog the next day. First month was a wash. Ive complete quit smoking now and am hoping my fog and vision will get better soon. However, the six months leading up to my diagnosis I had markedly worse brain fog and concentration. Getting fully oxygenated blood flowing to your brain will help it heal and form new neural pathways as fast as possible. I took the lowest dosage inconsistently for a few weeks. I felt fatigued for about 2 weeks and the brain fog was really bad for 3 days during the acute phase and it took nearly a full month before I considered that I was fully back to normal. Additionally, what I read is that not only COVID but other viruses can also cause neurological problems including brain fog. The prescription you take replaces the thyroid hormone your thyroid isn't producing, it does nothing to address the underlying autoimmunity and inflammation. It naturally occurs, they add it thinking it's natural and will prevent bacteria from growing. I have felt hopeless many times. Chronic fatigue, post exertional malaise (if feel worse after walking around the store for example), intense derealization, severe anxiety, anxiety attacks, feeling short of breath sometimes, exercise intolerance, neck pain, dull headaches and dull head pressure, pots, couldn't tolerate hot showers, difficulty keeping both eyes open because of The lack of quality sleep caused my brain fog. The only immediate concern after exercise is restoring glycogen levels, and those are only helped by ingesting simple carbs. , your body is telling you that it's time to stop. Has anyone else experienced something similar after quitting weed or adjusting caffeine intake? All of my brain fog disappeared after I stoped eating gluten and dairy. My field of vision seems to contract, with the periphery of my vision becoming grey and featureless. I went to a chiropractic doctor to try to address my brain fog. But if I warm it up to add into coffee, it has to be skimmed milk. If you're getting brain fog, losing concentration, etc. As for me, I have neither triggers nor short term fixes. 12 votes, 14 comments. The brain fog you're experiencing is a period of adjustment that can take a while, and it varies for everyone; it could be weeks, or even a few months. Yes to your first part and no the the thyroid. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. e. OP, definitely get to a doctor about it. High cortisol is linked to brain fog and things are clearer ;ate at night because it is the lowest. I’ve been dealing with brain fog for about a year and have ruled out a lot of causes. You'll want to read about workout nutrition, usually involves eating more protein to help boost ATP energy. Hard to say if it helps with brain fog exactly but it definitely helps with energy levels, especially if some of that exercise is outside. it sounds lol, but vitamins and exercise are biggies for keeping me at least somewhat functional in a depressive episode. I have severe brain fog after quitting nicotine. Here's how I am helping it. OP essentially just made his life 3x harder dealing with that shitty brain fog and poor concentration that comes with withdrawal while having to study for exams. It seems that the brain is too exposed, too sensitive to infections, which is an overlooked problem. After 10 years of use, it’ll take a few months or even the better part of a year to start noticing a change. I had to stay home and could not drive bc it felt like I was sedated. Cut my sleeping time by an hour and a half. Exercise is great for me honestly. Only then, should we look into uncommon or obscure remedies. I just got on Wellbutrin and it had literally changed my life. I've had relief taking Forskohlii/Forskolin with zinc after. Sep 30, 2024 · So go forth, crush those workouts, and enjoy the mental clarity that comes with a well-cared-for body and mind. One of the significant symptoms I often get after eating is brain fog. It just seems my metabolism went to hell years ago and the brain fog is attached to it. It usually happens the day after a long (~5hr) ride or after shorter but higher intensity interval sessions. Hi! I’m only 11 days in wondering how things turned out for you. Exercise will only speed this process up as it rebalances its dopamine sensitivity. Take a GU shot or some simple carbs, around 100-150 kcals worth, and around 30-45 minutes in depending on the ride, or after for a shorter ride. A 20 mile bike ride isn't just nothing, especially if you are climbing. I had to solve brain fog before exercise came back in. Hot or cold doesn't matter. Third month I found one thing that helps. Tons of posts on brain fog. Although pain is what eventually steered me to find the proper diagnosis, the primary problem has been horrible brain fog which spikes after eating and takes hours to wear off. Not sure. I've tried showering single body parts but I still get brain fog and hot flashes. Now after having been at work for 7 hours i feel really sleep deprived and almost flu like (like i always do when ive slept wayy too little). Anecdotally I had b12 deficiency about 6 months after taking up running and that wiped me out for a long time. I am 8 weeks off it now and have never felt better! I can focus on tasks, remember things and have so much more enthusiasm for life. Whether it's high-intensity or normal exercise. I know this is terrifying, so get it cured early At first even I was terrified for my condition, watching videos on this and through the comments. 2 rounds of 2x/day Xifaxan. Cognitive rest including focused meditation can be beneficial. The Dr from the clinic, I received my script from even recommended that I lower the dosage after mentioning my sleeping issue. I feel clear afterwards. You ride a stationary bike for 30min doing intervals and they adjust the amount of oxygen youre breathing with a mask. My brain fog has gone down after consulting the psychiatrist and the tips I got from them. In your case ATP is needed for muscle contraction with lifting weights. If you have brain fog, you can't sit around and wait for the cure to come to you. it’s crazy. 1month off, and the "brain fog" mental state has not changed one bit. but my sleep is non-refreshing and really poor quality. It has already been 5 weeks or so and there has been very little, if any, improvement on my brain fog. Brain fog is my #1 most debilitating symptom followed by small fiber neuropathy in feet. I’m also going to try guanfacine as there is a study from Yale that it resolved brain fog. Does anybody else notice their fog gets worse after doing physical activity? Last night I decided to go running to hopefully clear my mind, but I… I went to the gym only when my thinking was clear (after 3-4 days and this time was decreasing). This experience has taken a toll on my mental clarity and drive, and I'm finding it challenging to get back to my usual self. I had terrible brain fog after my first bout of covid back in 2020. This makes me feel so hopeless So greetings community! hope you are all great, About two and half months ago I also got covid, I experienced mild physical symptoms like fever up 37. You should find a comfortable level of exercise initially and in the longer term aim to get your heart rate to 130 beats per minute. Both brain and liver struggles will make you feel dreamy after exercise. jmbqzw zfuefo hztllq ehqbme sxnn frfip nfwfm vxhuoo pvcnyxq ddet ojxanad katw ownssuh upakxkr sqivzl