Conan exiles best weapon. You can post your own tier lists about what you think.

Conan exiles best weapon. My favorite weapon in the game is a strength weapon.

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Conan exiles best weapon I'll also rank them based on how "farmable" they are, with brief guides on Iirc the best weapons for thralls are either greatswords or 1H maces. Only one upgrade can be added to each piece of equipment and, unlike poisons or oils, never wear off. We will also list one of the best weapons you can get your hands on currently and use them in combat. Jul 6, 2023 · So I just went to make my go-to endgame weapon, the black ice broad sword (at least it’s my go-to until I get The Predatory Blade to drop), and I found out it got nerfed insanely bad. There are still good drops, and the library still has good blueprints. If I left something out let me know. The Player can inflict Sunder on an enemy using: One-Handed Mace Two-Handed Mace Other special weapons can inflict Dec 5, 2019 · PS. Strength gives you more weapon type. Cimmerian berserker with the same weapon and any armor at hardened steel or higher can likely solo almost every boss in the game while you sit back and sip a beer. damage. Conan Exiles Wiki. I choose daggers against some monsters, a spear against some others, axes or two-handed swords against crowds, etc. Steel Trident. Nov 13, 2023 · Given the wide variety of weapons in Conan Exiles and the new update that just dropped for Age of War I’m going to cover a few weapons that had some changes done to them. If you like throwables the dragonbone javelin rocks though. Nov 13, 2023 · Thralls are the NPCs in Conan Exiles that you can brain over the head with a truncheon and drag back to your base to use as your personal unpaid workforce! They have a myriad of wonderful benefits, such as increasing your crafting speed, unlocking those special recipes you couldn’t otherwise craft, and adding durability or armor penetration 251K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. Sep 9, 2024 · Conan Exiles is a game that can be played clothesless! From realistic physics, to the unprecedented sense of freedom that comes with streaking across open deserts and frightening the natives who all try to wear at least a loincloth to battle the elements, it can be quite liberating if you play it this way. But momentarily the best weapons for thralls are (in this order): Momentum ( Highest DPS, awesome Armor pen, good attack combos) Hanuman's Gada (High burst DMG, good Armor pen, less combos and slower attacks) get a vlacksmith and make the best weapon you can. When encumbered I use a short sword and shield or just the short sword and it’s “dodge” or daggers and their dodge backflip since dodging is slow and takes a ton of stamina, so using a shield or a weapons dodge mechanic helps a lot. seekers are the best, and as for weapons, the sword of crom was nerfed into the dirt. Equipment upgrades can be removed from an item using a Prying Kit, but at the cost of permanently A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Best Fallout Weapons; Top Posts Sep 18, 2020 · Let’s take a look at all the weapons you can find in the new expansion, the weapons stats, and perks that come specially to each weapon. It really just depends on your play style and if you want to choose a weapon to look badass like a 2h axe. So it's best to have a variety. Damage is the amount of health damage inflicted on a naked character (no armor), without skill point, and with a 100% damage modifier. I carry a variety of weapons - sword, daggers, bow and a dory (spear like weapon found in the Emberlight mod). It's craftable and doesn't even require star metal. for. Obsidian Hammer seems to be the best two handed hammer on exile lands, please correct me if I'm mistaken. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online GroundbreakingAd4197 May 17, 2018 · As a result, you will be able to get some unique weapons and armor. Always of the best materials I can get. One handed axe players face the same problems as the greatsword players but not to the same degree as the axe is good its still a slow weapon compared to the sword. You can post your own tier lists about what you think. For Siptah, War Hammer of the Legion. Also, it allows me to expand my weapon selection. Emily, or Zoe if you’re on her discord, is a Conan Exiles guide contributor and long-term fan. Oct 3, 2023 · Tittle says it all! a look at the best weapons you can use to farm big ol' bosses and other PVE stuff in Conan Exiles! Enjoy!!!! A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! A Skeleton is a creature in Conan Exiles. To each their own however. Also bladesmith is not that needed since best weapons are legendaries. I've ignored all DLC weapons - this list is Exiled Lands, vanilla only. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Sunder is a status effect inflicted by heavy attacks. Includes tips for the best perks on swords, axes, katanas, spears, maces, daggers, and mor… Jan 18, 2023 · We have compiled a list of the top 5 strongest weapons to use in Conan Exiles to help you not to lose yourself in the sea of options. Good damage and reach with poisoning DOT stacks A lot of the same weapons are still the strongest, Teliths greatsword, Lemurian daggers/axe/spear black ice broadsword etc. Yes, some armor tiers are better than others. You can loot legendary chests. If youre dead set on an agility weapon, the short sword would probably be best, but, like I said you’re better off running only maces A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) Conan Exiles Trebuchet Guide: Ready the Cow-tapult - July 12, 2023; Conan Exiles Raiding Guide: Intruder Alert, Close the Gates - July 12, 2023; Conan Exiles Climbing Gear Guide: Become The World’s Best Rock Climber - July 6, 2023 And another really strong agility weapon from tower recipes is Voidforged Gladius (onehanded sword running on agility) - same damage per hit as the best katanas, onehanded, with poison on top - i personally do not find its moveset easy to control though and like the katanas better for that reason. Recommended Videos. Hammers hit hard and sunder armor but are stupidly slow. might as well place a headstone and some flowers over it, the nerf was so deep Feb 14, 2024 · I have made a PvP weapon tier list for the current patch (Age of War Chapter 3). Another personal opinion, the greatsword or 2 handed sword is the best it terms of balance in damage, armor penetration, stamina cost, and combo. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) The beak - best two handed axe Venomdrenched katana - best katana Mace of the great ones - great mace Voidforge bow - no contest Chakrams from harpy/jhil vault, best claw type. May 17, 2024 · Discover the top 5 weapons in Conan Exiles, featuring specs, strategies, and acquisition methods. So probably Yogs touch. options. Now you can craft epic armors and weapons. Conan Exiles Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. My favorite weapon in the game is a strength weapon. Crafted weapons are all assuming a T4 damage-spec thrall, and then rounded. Highmanes Arsenal : While it's primarily a weapon mod, it adds some great upgrade kits based on the weapon oils (from the Archives, it actually uses the oils in the recipe), as well as accessory based rings and amulets that give bonuses to your character (damage, stamina, health, carry weight, etc, etc). As pen is more important than raw damage on any opponent you fight long enough to notice a difference. Crafted weapons are Jan 18, 2023 · The logical question is, of course, which ones are the best. Link to the template: Dec 8, 2021 · This discussion is for best melee thrall weapon in Isle of Siptah in particular. Feb 9, 2022 · Yep. Saw a video by some guy comparing dps from the best craftables with the best legendaries, and this sword was better than the legendaries. Jul 4, 2023 · Do not let them get engaged by a large camp. Mordlun’s Spear mixed with maxed authority specked into the well trained perk and a t3 nordhiemer is literally broken. If you can’t get it yet, go with spiked fitting. The best thrall weapon is the mace because thralls will do a full combo and get stun immunity. weapon Suppose I should say feroxic daggers, I prefer Kris, but 8 can see the appeal. Weapons which deal concussive damage. Related Conan Exiles Open world Survival game Action-adventure game Gaming forward back r/FinalFantasy A Place to Call Home - And discuss all things Final Fantasy, from the games, to the movies, to fanart and cosplay and beyond. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Best Fallout Weapons; Top Posts This set of tools contain various implements to enhance the damage as well as armor penetration of a weapon. Of course, thanks to the PvP mode of Daggers are considered two-handed weapons in Conan Exiles and are the best at stacking bleed. Conan Exiles is a game that offers a huge variety of weapons, armors, and other combatting materials. Now, what’s the point of doing the Frost Temple? Anyway, can someone tell me the best one-handed swords now? Is Predatory Blade Dual Axes are a special weapon sub-class of one-handed axes. Best PvE Weapons. Humans are the most dangerous foe these days so you will need to learn to pull carefully. For the ability to be able to gather and do everything else at the same time I use 20 expertise, 20 agility and 10 vitality, 10 grit. Spears have reach. Now, what’s the point of doing the Frost Temple? Anyway, can someone tell me the best one-handed swords now? Is Predatory Blade Nov 13, 2023 · 25 Best Conan Exiles Tips and Strategies Guide For Beginners 1. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan… May 28, 2023 · This video goes into the age of war weapon changes, we're looking at the extremely good weapon status effects and trying every single type of weapon out to s As almost all information on the net is quite outdated I was wondering what is currently the best one handed weapon for PVE in conan. Javelin's and Throwing Axes really need to be able to be picked up after throwing to be sure. Find out their damage, armor penetration, effects, and locations for each weapon category. They are great secondary weapons for equipping when you can close the gap. Make sure you state if it’s PvE or PvP. At lvl60, you enter late game. And until lvl60 you should focus on finding named thralls. Getting the dragonbone recipies unlocked is a bit problematic since you'll have to survive through the Arena to get to the stone to learn it. Also a pretty good move set. Still, no amount of axes or swords can keep players safe without a study set of Dual Axes are a special weapon sub-class of one-handed axes. Gameplay Ay, this be true matie, exiled lands best would e 2h venom sword or tenderizer, it sucks cause the buffed enemies from stronger weapons from siptah but left the exiled lands out of the 5 o'clock free Crack giveaway, i. Each player could make arguments for what they think is best, but this is what's been proven to work. I just love rolling thrust and quickfooted, and str is just something I lean towards because of weapon types. 2h sword is great. ) you’ll have to be specific about map location also since it’s different. Some weapons let you spin, some let you backflip, some have you kicking like a spartan warlord. Even Crossbow with best ammo hits only 10% harder than a Longsword swipe while having about 1/4th of the DPS. Read the following guide to discover all the best weapons in the open-world action-adventure, including bows The first thing to note about legendary weapons in Conan Exiles is that you don’t need to limit yourself to a specific type of weapon to make sure that you have the best of the best. You'll need named blacksmith for weapons. Musashi is bis now with it being so available through the raid. Comes out to 60 damage and 36% armor pen. Daggers are agility-based weapons. A great way to test things like this is to go into single player and admin spawn the weapons. Highly Subjective list of best PvE items, not taking into account the endless possibilities of corruption. In pve builds don’t matter much and in pve its a lot of engage then disengage unless your a wild swigner and therefore do not understand how to conan. dealing. In particular, the way that stamina works has been altered. For thralls momentum is the best weapon, 1h maces (without shield) in general seem to have the best behaviour on them and momentum is balanced around costing more stamina which does nothing on thralls. We all know that weapons play a vital Some thralls do not have to be named to be a tier 4. Hey guys and gals, I just wanted your opinion on what you think the best armour and weapons mods are and why you think they are the best. See full list on nerdlodge. 1H Mace - Best Single Target, Boss Killing (Highest Hyper Armour) 2H Sword - AoE vs Multiple Targets, OK Single Target Every other option is inferior in the hands of Thralls, folks will have lots of personal opinions on things they "like" but if you're talking raw killing ability those are your two choices. Starmetal weapons can easily be farmed genociding Cimmerians in the Mounds of the Dead. Increases Melee/Bow Damage +5 Increases Armor Penetration +12 The Knowledge to make this comes from clicking a stele in the final room of Klael's Stronghold, aka the Warmaker Dungeon, where the boss Aug 30, 2022 · It seems that in single player the hammer was the best for pve for nearly all categories of light enemies like scorpions and boars to rhinos and elephants I would suggest going with the hammer and also a pvp/weak enemy weapon so a hammer/dagger(reaper poison could even work better than the hammer for all enemies if you have enough of it in The best would be, you pick any weapon, and let the Thrall do the majority of the work. Shield is useful to make the enemy combo atk breaks and stagger it a bit, while mace is used to give a sunder debuff which is reducing the enemy armor. From Predatory Blade to Hanuman's Gada. Sunder removes 10% of the target's armor protection for a short duration. Nov 13, 2023 · Learn about the top 10 weapons in Conan Exiles, from bows and daggers to katanas and swords. Roaming undead that are equipped with a variety of weapons, including shields and bows. The Venom Infused Greatsword from the Library is slightly weaker than Starmetal outright but has an extra DoT. Dual axes have a unique move set. There are many weapons of pretty much all types that are capable of inflicting massive amounts of damage, so it mostly comes down to whether a particular type of A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This game is so much cooler than it has any right to be Oct 14, 2019 · Exluding DLC considerations: Dragonbone axe or Telith's Lament long sword (or Telith's Sorrow great sword). You may know them as perks, or you might have seen them referred to as status effects, but regardless of whichever word or phrase you’re most familiar with they’re all essentially the same thing: aspects of a weapon that make them unique based on what they’re capable of doing in specific combat scenarios. Has a bit of everything. Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah Weapons Guide List of Weapon Perks in Conan Exiles¶. Mixup is important in a fighters arsenal to keep an opposing player on their Equipment upgrades (also frequently called kits or mods) are items that can be made at the Tinker's Bench and can be attached to armor, weapons, tools and shields to give them improved stats. The Predatory Blade (One-Handed Weapon) Put a master weapon fitting on the sword of Crom and give it to your thrall after the update. mean new weapons Go with Telith's Sorrow (or Lament, I forget which one is 2 handed). When you encounter one, beware as there are often more nearby! Skeletons come in a variety of forms and difficulties, from the low-level skeletons found in the Desert Biome, to the much more difficult versions found in the Black Keep and Unnamed City. Jul 7, 2022 · Conan Exiles Best Weapons. Since the animation recovery is pretty slow. The list covers weapons from all three above-mentioned categories in no particular order. . now word is the relic hunter treas. I can use agi daggers and a str sword for instance without losing damage. I'm particularly curious in one handed axes, I've been playing around with "act of violence" and from all information I've managed to find the axe was nerfed into oblivion. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan… Jul 4, 2023 · Do not let them get engaged by a large camp. There are a ton of different weapons available to players in Conan Exile that all have their pros and cons. Aug 23, 2021 · Honestly, I switch between various weapons, depending on the enemy. Oct 23, 2023 · I figure slow swinging weapons you'd what the most damage protection for your level like heavy for two-handed weapons. May 25, 2021 · In a game with combat as precarious as Conan Exile's, these extra three points of damage can add up well to a life-saving amount. beri can make you hard steel spears at level 1 if you give her the materials. Pick Your Fighting Style Don’t Limit Yourself Conan Exiles has a lot of variety when it comes to weapons and each weapon changes how you move and dodge and attack. The stronger They don't have the biggest opener damage either. if your thrall knows how to make it you dont have to. When I play I carry about 3 - 4 weapons for different scenarios. But for pve shield with mace/axe is quite good while ur thrall is the main damage dealer. You'll need named armorers to craft specific flawless armors. RHTS is technically the best if you get one with good stats, but I find Cimmerian berserkers to be more consistently strong, and I'm willing to sacrifice a bit of power in order to avoid needing to level a dozen thralls trying for high stats. Good damage, good range with the heavy attack, good armor pen on some axes, bleed status and knockdown, and the heavy combo chain is resistant to being interrupted. Some rare weapons are decent at both, like the 1-Handed Sword and Katana. I can’t remember but I think my friend and I determined the black blade with damage oil was the higher of the 2 but I could be wrong. 251K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. If you are on standard Conan Exiles, try the Predatory Blade. Non-craftable weapons are random loot from NPCs or chests. I prefer the Cimmerian berserker. The Best Early Game Weapons in Conan Exiles Breakdown. Different opponents are easier to defeat with different weapons, and this includes what you arm your thrall with. She’s been raiding bases since its release, mixing in some Rust, Archeage, Apex Legends, Hearthstone, Don’t Starve, and Horizon Zero Dawn. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan… The first thing to note about legendary weapons in Conan Exiles is that you don’t need to limit yourself to a specific type of weapon to make sure that you have the best of the best. Not that this has much in a game because other than say an arena bout where the RP rules state you need a certain material weapon/armor to compete, you wouldn't usually be at a point where you have the options in which smith to use and be using the lower tiered weapons "because it is the best you can make" For pvp i cant say much coz i didnt like pvp. But the most versatile is probably Axe + Shield. Feb 7, 2017 · Best Weapon – Conan Exiles. To get the latest revision of this page, use Purge or Purge Whats everybodies thoughts on the best weapon since the update and lots of nerfs on thralls and weapons. Feb 19, 2023 · Related: Conan Exiles: The Best Places To Build A Base To be able to craft this armor, you'll need to gain the Knowledge through a stele found in Warmaker's Sanctuary, in a side area of its arena. Modifying a weapon in this fashion will greatly reduce the durability of the weapon. The thing I like about Conan Exiles is that there’s no one “best” weapon, as in the best in every situation. 1 weapon is for PvE against high armored opponents, and 2-3 weapons are solely for PvP. I know a couple things to be true: Giving your thralls poison / bleed weapons are basically top notch if you are not going to apply them yourself. In this video, I'll show you the best LEGENDARY weapons obtainable in Age of War. This status effect can stack upon itself up to a total of 5 times each for a maximum of 50% armor removal (does not remove armor gained from Agility). And others will save you immensely on resources to craft things. They have terrible range, but at the rate they can stack bleed on your opponent, this keeps them from being an overpowered choice. 25; Steel Trident is an exceptionally effective weapon in PvE since it has great range, which gives you a massive advantage over any type of enemy. RELATED: Dark Souls 2: All Thrusting Swords, Ranked This is what I wish for instead of another battle pass or bazaar, I wish for funcom to dedicated all their effort to improve and fix the goddamm AI of the thralls, their mobility, responsiveness, reaction time, weapon combos, Thralls are the Dinos of Ark for Conan yet they feel really underwhelming. Khari Soldier Mail: Stamina +7, Health +28. On top of this armor's great defense, it also gives great environmental protection from heat and cold alike, making it a great choice in a variety of Master Weapon fitting from the Warmakers Sanctuary is the best weapon upgrade period. Conan Exiles Wiki Guide with Quests, items, weapons, armor, strategies, maps and more. There are two types of concussive damage: light and heavy. com Here's a list of all the top damage crafted or dropped weapons so we can compare. It basically removes 'weight' as a mechanic from the game, and in PvE there's no reason not to take it, as it's just a massive QoL and spoils you really. 1%; Durability: 1260; Weight: 5. Ive mostly used daggers and a bow in this game. Thunnha is best for Siptah. I tried the short sword and really liked its combos. There are a few other ice weapons you can make but I havent played with them to much. From trying Range Weapons in game, that feels accurate too. Note that weapons crafted with the help of a bowmaker, bladesmith or confessor thrall will get additonal damage. This guide is a work in progress. Oct 6, 2023 · For weapons, thralls seem to do best with either 2H swords or 1H maces. Forego agility weapons, thralls are pretty bad with them (unless you’re talking legendary in which case there’s a few good ones) Best craftable strength weapon for thralls in the bar stool. The board sword does like 70dmg after mods. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! best value weapon is the javelin A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! You can carry 50,000 stone or whatever with no problems, while without it, you can barely carry a set of heavy armour and a weapon. More weapons will be added soon. There are some dedicated dual axes in the game, including Havoc and Malice, Hunger Blades, Serpentes Sword, War Sickles, and Whirlwind Blades. Oct 18, 2022 · Learn about the best weapons in Conan Exiles, a survival MMO based on the Conan the Barbarian universe. The best 2 thralls in the game are unnamed generic thrallsbest agility "relic hunter treasure seekers" and best strength "cimmerian berserker" or on isle of siptah "accursed berserker". 2 steel + 1 brimtone = 1 hard steel. But like most weapons in game there are some scenarios you'll find certain weapons to be very effective and some scenarios where they are not. All it takes is mastering their move-set. It dosent really matter since the best build is 20 str 20dex 20vit. Reach of the Red Mother Bow Swords are good middle grounds. I did a search before posting this, and most of the replies came some years ago, before major changes have been made, so wanted a more up-to-date perspective. Spears IMO are the best thrall weapon because when you have a bunch of them grouped together fighting a purge or players, all their attacks are directed directly in front of them, so there's no friendly fire, and Reach lets them outrange anyone not using a spear or bow. I haven't done the maths to compare them properly, though. 4. The best mace for a thrall is Momentum which is still available from the Kithan traders for a mere 15 oboli. Throwing Axe of Nergal is best on Siptah. I think what bratwurst is saying is that you'll have the recipes for the weapons, armour, building pieces from the start once you buy a dlc, but you need late game resources to craft the building pieces (armour and weapons are relatively easy to get) A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) May 24, 2021 · Conan Exiles honors this weapon well by including a large variety of axes for players to pick as they work their way up the food chain. Predatory blade, Vermin hide, dragon scale helm for medium armor users since medium armor has poor temp resistances and it gives full heat and cold resistance, the one handed water breathing spear, reach of the red Mother is the best bow in the game, ghast sword and axe are very good when collecting resources since they When I have access to a Delving Bench, I make the Metal-Eater spear for all my thralls. Makes no sense, you have to defeat a dungeon full of frost giant to make it. Throwing Axe. Best for thralls since the hyper armor they get when using a mace means they land a lot more damage. So what is the best weapon styles do you like to use and why? I wanna try using different stuff and if its worth using. it was said cimmerians were the best. arena champ) of their feet which is nice. Damage: 32; Armor Penetration: 8. Depends on if you want to go strength or agility. Best PvE Weapon (Player): Musashi's Black Blade, Katana randomly found in world boss chests with world boss keys. We have compiled a list of the top 5 strongest weapons to use in Conan Exiles to help you not to lose yourself in the sea of options. Here is the best Armor in Conan Exiles: Age of Sorcery: Khari Overseer Helm: Strength Weapon Damage +5%, Stamina +7. Maces in particular have an incredible move set for thralls Two handed swords and widely popular due to damage and AoE. There's no mace option and I've found those are really best for thralls, and as you mentioned they wear out fast, and they're much heavier than their counterparts. Find out how to get them, what stats they have, and what effects they can do. Don't equip thralls with shields though as they have no idea how to use them correctly. Crafted with: 1 Weapon Handle Get 3 szeth’s truncheons (easy to farm), the best blunted weapon fittings on all of em, 20 in authority for 120% increased concussive damage, some armor with like 60% concussive weapon damage, some food (and I think an elixir) for some more concussive damage, and pick war party at 20 authority and give your thralls the other 2 truncheons… and it’s just funny. For thralls the 2h sword seems to work best IME. : The best weapon is the best you have… Dmg wise would be Sword of Crom, Blade of Adventurer or Teliths sorrow good. There are many weapons of pretty much all types that are capable of inflicting massive amounts of damage, so it mostly comes down to whether a particular type of Feb 6, 2024 · Conan Exiles is a survival game where players need strong weapons and an even stronger wit to survive and thrive. 1. If using throwing axes to form a dual axe, the A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Fellow Cimmerians, I have ascended Aug 13, 2022 · So I have multiple named wepaon thralls but I cant decide what is better? Is it better to have a named thrall who increases weapon armor pen? Then stack more armor pen with the pen upgrade from tinker bench? Or go with the weapon damage thrall and stack weapon damage from the tinker bench? Thanks. 40% agility bonus damage and 50% follower increased damage. Black Ice is best for Exile Lands. I have 500 armour on a medium armour build, and they hit for 70% of my HP, the sword skeleton being the worst offender, with a chance to cripple, and f If you have a smith with the sword on it then the best weapon I found for thralls is the starmetal mace with the master weapon fitting that you unlock in godbreaker dungeon. A complete guide to the best legendary weapons in Conan Exiles. The best early-game weapons in Conan Exiles are best broken down into weapon types. damn hopefully FC fixes the shield thing, normally I get them to run around in redeemed silent gear although I just started giving them godbreaker armour although getting the armour Dragon bone weapons are great for cheap quality weapons, but I have kinda moved past them. Best Legendary Weapons - Conan Exiles Age of War Update The Age of War Chapter 2 update for Conan Exiles introduced a number of balancing changes to the combat system. Some bosses like the brittle Skeleton Bosses in the cellar, hit like a train, but take little damage. However, any one-handed axe can become a dual axe by equipping it and any throwing axe at the same time. If using throwing axes to form a dual axe, the Jul 6, 2023 · So I just went to make my go-to endgame weapon, the black ice broad sword (at least it’s my go-to until I get The Predatory Blade to drop), and I found out it got nerfed insanely bad. Question: What are the best weapons in Conan Exiles? Answer: The weapons of the Grey Ones are considered the best in Conan Exiles if you have the Isle of Siptah expansion. Grit is useless since swigning weapons don’t take much stamina and dodging takes a percentage of it. Put short the greatsword is the arcade weapon of the game. for example a flawless trident does teh same damage as a base hard steel spear. 1h axes can sweep NPCs (including. and the flawless stuff beri makes rocks. Armors though right now for agility builds it's easily the Skelos Master Cultist. Reach of the Red Mother is probably the only non crafted weapon that’s better than the crafted counterparts with T4 thralls, that being said there are other decent weapons that are legendary like Thags scythe which is the only great axe in exiled lands that has a status effect (bleed. Also helps to have a friend to test with. Until you have sth, just craft Dragonbone 2h or sth like that. This is my personal feeling from what I have seen and observed. Black Ice is the best on Exile Lands. If you play against other humans (or make the warmaker dungeon), you need high AP. Most of these weapons are found in Legendary Chests, but a few of them, you won’t have to fight even a weak Legendary Creature to obtain them. Weapons in Conan Exiles. Jul 5, 2019 · Check out he Conan Exiles Legendary weapons list and find out all their attributes. Legion is probably the 'best' for over all game play though. Brutus - best mother humping weapon of them all, that dog kicks ass! 252K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online The Conan Exiles 2024 Experience Jul 6, 2018 · Sure you will be dishing out loads of damage but you will also take lots of hits so medium or heavy armour is required. My favorite craftable 2 hander to give a thrall is a venom-infused-two-hander. Javelin. smyzib vjqhp zcqpd ofczae gcfim aczc zmgq gekx hgyn xsv ekwias hjwt gufgj hltd ijbkl