Do you have to separate male guinea pigs from babies Jan 26, 2022 · What matters is the personality of the guinea pigs. In the animal kingdom, many species aren’t born so capable, able to see and hear, move around, and eat. Mar 15, 2020 · The average guinea pig gestation is 59 – 72 days. On average, adult guinea pigs tend to accept baby guinea pigs more readily than they do other adult guinea pigs. However, it’s essential to consider individual circumstances when determining the best time for separation. When I got my guinea pigs, I was told they were both male. Male guinea pig babies will have to be separated from their mother and female siblings at 3 weeks old. There was some grumbling, chasing, and a lot of humping, but now that they've sorted out their power status (who is alpha, who is beta, etc. If you have a female, you'll want another female. A baby guinea pig is called a pup. Are. She could miscarry at any time (although those odds are low), but once she delivers (and you’re rarely around for the blessed event), females go into heat in a big way right after delivery (within an hour) and the male will be only too happy to oblige. Baby guinea pigs will start to eat solid food from only a few days old and as soon as they are weaned they can eat the same foods as adult guinea pigs so you will not need to provide separate food when pairing a young and adult guinea pig. They often explore their cage more than females do. Apr 29, 2023 · Separating unrelated male guinea pigs. Mother guinea pigs can have up to 5 litters a year! That is an incredible amount of guinea pig babies! It is important to keep female and male guinea pigs apart Dec 29, 2023 · Realise how easily guinea pigs can become pregnant. Male guinea pigs are more likely to harm their babies but they shouldn’t eat them. Male guinea pigs (boars) can become sexually mature as early as three weeks of age. As of right now, do not give away those babies or the parents. Guinea Pig Baby Facts. Hess. Raised Hackles. Jul 18, 2022 · Let us start with the basics. Just like we call male guinea pigs boars and females sows. La guinea pig rescue should have some resources on boar bonding. As a general rule, male guinea pigs are allowed to meet their babies briefly, but since the babies are with the mother most of the time, you must put the father into a different enclosure. However, every guinea pig pregnancy comes with life-threatening risks both for the mother and her babies. To avoid surprise pregnancies, ensure you keep lady guinea pigs away from gentlemen. Why would you desex a male guinea pig? If you did not want to have babies resulting – then it is wise to have this done. Congrats on the wee ones! They’re adorable. While it’s unlikely guinea pigs will have a falling out after they have been bonded for some time, it does happen occasionally. Can You Have Two Male Guinea Pigs Together? Yes, you can keep two male guinea pigs together. Most importantly, you need to be 100% confident that the mother guinea pig isn’t feeding her babies. Concern: What should I do if I have too many guinea pigs? Answer: If you find yourself with more guinea pigs than you Feb 25, 2020 · Mother Guinea Pigs and Female Playmates If any of the piglets are male, however, it will be necessary to separate them from both female guinea pigs as soon as they reach the breeding age of 3 weeks. Below are practical pointers to assess the space needed for guinea pigs: One guinea pig: 7. You may also see a swollen-looking area around the genitalia before they fully drop. Toileting. Guinea pig mothers feed their babies Petstores are notorious for sending home two "same sex" guinea pigs that are anything but, so check yourself or have a vet check your pigs for you. Once you think that baby guinea pigs are ready to live away from their mother, you should separate them with extra care to ensure a seamless transition. Guinea pig males will fight over a female and when they are desexed, this does not change things ( like it does for rabbits). A strong guinea pig will use mounting, close to the side other acts, to implement their place as the dominant. Separating Baby Guinea Pigs from Mother. This makes it difficult to see the genital area. Behavioral Differences Between Male and Female Guinea Pigs. Take a look at our veterinary recommended guinea pig food here. A male guinea pig will fully mature within 56 to 70 But these surgeries don't often work well with guinea pigs. In this article, we will explore the typical nursing period for baby guinea pigs, as well as some interesting trends related to the topic. Learn about the importance of monitoring interactions to prevent aggression and the potential for unintended breeding. A baby guinea pig quickly reaches maturity, so you won’t have to wait long. If you do try it, do it properly. Do Guinea Pigs Eat Their Babies if You Touch Them? Apart from creating a bonding relationship with your little cubs, touching saves them from cannibalism. Male guinea pigs usually gather around the female during labor, offering protection and potential mating opportunities. We had one pregancy here, and then the mother got pregnant by her own son. Their pregnancy last for about Feb 15, 2022 · You can also weigh the baby guinea pig daily to help determine if they are gaining weight appropriately. Guinea pigs need to have at least one friend. Separate The Male Guinea Pigs: Do make sure that you separate the male guinea pigs from their female counterparts in order to avoid territory Breeding guinea pigs is not recommended and separating the sexes during this time is a better option to not increase an already overpopulated guinea pig species. So, it is not recommended to have two or more male guinea pigs in one cage because the chance of fighting increases and so increases the chance of injuring your guinea pig. As long as you have space, a schedule for feeding, a floor time space and lots of love, you’ll be fine. ” How Long Is a Guinea Pig Pregnancy? Guinea pigs typically have a gestation period between 59 to 72 days, averaging 68 days. Even if the pigs are all female, aggressive behavior on the part of any of the animals could still become a problem. Best Time to Separate Guinea Pig Babies From Their Mother. If the male guinea pig mates with the pregnant sow, she could have problems. They have a hierarchical social structure, with dominant and submissive individuals. Jun 16, 2010 · Male guinea pigs can become sexually active at 3 weeks (with minimal effectiveness but no less a nuisance). Oct 15, 2021 · Besides, baby guinea pigs’ paws and heads are not proportional to their bodies. Labor normally only takes all of 30 minutes. Jun 26, 2024 · Can the male guinea pig hurt the new born baby? Male guinea pigs generally do not pose a threat to newborn babies. They play a crucial role in keeping the mom and babies safe. She just had her babies this morning and I'm wondering if I should separate the male even though he's neutered. Boars (male guinea pigs) are generally larger than females, have smaller Male guinea pigs do it too! Whether they are male or female, mounting can indicate sexual maturity or a way to assert dominance, even if they happen to be related. " At some point your guinea pig may get a cyst, and they'll save you a lot of money to figure out if it needs to be removed or not. If you'd like to experience young guinea pigs you can request two babies as guinea pig pups hit the ground as a miniature adult so you won't miss out on anything which happens when the pups are younger than 6 weeks old. The large size of the babies could cause them to die in the struggle of giving birth, however, it may be the negligence of the owner of the pet. However, they can reproduce even when they are this young, so you should get your guinea pig neutered before putting him in with females. Breeding stock pigs do not have to be the same age. Perhaps you are wondering how best this challenge can be dealt with. Many, many people have pairs or trios of boars who get along great. Male guinea pigs have a visible penis, while females don’t. 1. Warning signs can include scabs, sores, weight loss or the guinea pig acting skittish or afraid. You may not have the space right now, but it is important to stop the cycle. That is why I sold Toby, my first boar, I’m keeping some of his daughters. Can you put a baby guinea pig in with an older one? If you already have an older guinea pig, you can introduce them to the same cage as a pup. Unless the mother guinea pig is known to be dead, there is a good chance that she is in fact feeding her babies. However you’d need a huge space and if you have bonded pairs, you risk unbonding those pigs. We kept a close eye on Theo as her due date approached. Guinea pigs tend to reach sexual maturity very fast as well. Just make sure they get calcium from diet - alfalfa hay, young Guinea pig pellets, etc. Believe it or not, sometimes mama guinea pigs focus on raising the strongest babies, hence they nibble on the weaker ones. Jun 29, 2024 · If you want to breed your Guinea pigs,you don't want to move male Guinea pig. This is from a Google search on "when are baby guinea pigs fertile". Male guinea pigs become sexually mature at around 2 months old, while females reach maturity at approximately 1 month old. Truth be told, bonding guinea pigs as babies is the best. They are very healthy. Mar 5, 2022 · #4. The rejection rate is low when you choose guinea pigs of different age groups. The gender of your guinea pigs is also essential if neither animal has been spayed or neutered, as you do not want to be surprised with more babies. But it was apparent to me that one was a female, so I had the male neutered. If you wait too long, you risk more breeding. Do not think that desexing male guinea pigs will enable them to live happily around females. Jun 17, 2022 · To prevent surprise pregnancies, it is essential to keep adult male and female guinea pigs separate. If you have a pair of guinea pigs that are constantly playing and fighting, you’re certainly going to have a tough time making them calm down and behave. It's a matter of matching up personalities. The guinea pig's pelvic bones separate near the genitals before delivery. Instead, they have an estrous cycle, which means they go into heat without experiencing any vaginal discharge or bleeding. As soon as a male guinea pig becomes sexually active, it should be housed with other male guinea pigs. Male guinea pigs tend to be more active and curious. Therefore, the smaller the litter(one or two pups), the longer is the gestation time. May 27, 2020 · Having baby guinea pigs in your house is exciting. They may choose to put themselves forward when you arrive or when you present food. You can wait up to four weeks, but that is the maximum amount of time to wait. If you have unrelated male guinea pigs, it is recommended to separate them as soon as possible to prevent fighting and aggression. Some tips for successfully introducing two guinea pigs include allowing them time to familiarize each other’s scent, feeding them next to each other, and providing a safe and separate space to retreat if needed. To read more on why guinea pigs may be fighting you can read our other blog post: 5 Reasons Why Your Guinea Pigs Might Be Fighting . Within 12 hours of babies arriving, separate dads from mums, beef up their pad, and feed them right. I had baby Skylar meet his big brother, Oliver, the week before and then moved him in with Oliver on his 3-week birthday. Some guinea pigs are definitely more obnoxious than others when in heat, so it varies significantly from one individual to another. However, they are more likely to breed during the warmer months when food is more plentiful. Once you have determined that a baby guinea pig is neglected, the best thing is to hand-raise the guinea pig. Female guinea pigs are also territorial, especially when they have young. But I suppose they had already bred when they were in their last home, so the female was pregnant. If there are other baby male guinea pigs, you can house them together. If you don't separate the pups by 3 weeks, you could have male offspring trying to impregnate their mother. Mar 23, 2020 · Before Breeding Guinea Pigs. Aug 11, 2023 · Should you separate the adult male guinea pig from the adult female now with a pup? Please do because adult male guinea pigs can attack, injure or even try and eat baby guinea pigs even though If you have a male, you will want another male. Will he be ok? I try living him with the girls a couple days more but he started rumbling. In general, mother guinea pigs do not constantly tend to their babies the way we might think. Overall, baby guinea pigs do well with older ones – as long as they’re matched up based on their personalities (which is the most important factor anyway). Males don’t have this. This is most common around puberty, when a baby hits a few months old and decides to challenge his pal for the throne. I also try getting him with my other pair males that are bonded. Feb 21, 2020 · Note that you should not have a very feisty younger guinea pig with a more laid back older guinea pig. However, knowing the difference between the two and also knowing when you actually need to separate your guinea pigs is the important part. Since male guinea pigs can get any female guinea pig pregnant once they reach maturity – including their mothers – they’re weaned and taken from their mother at three weeks old. Separating them too early or too late can have negative consequences. Pregnant guinea pig with her mate? Don’t leave a fertile male in the cage with a pregnant female. Sep 29, 2013 · The safest decision would be to adopt two same-sexed guinea pigs from a rescue. Mar 8, 2019 · Sexing baby guinea pigs may be important to do as early as you can so you can prevent your guinea pigs from breeding and producing more than you can handle! When guinea pigs are first born, their genitals have a small, doughnut-shaped ridge of skin protecting the rectum. Male guinea pigs: If you have a pregnant sow and a male guinea pig, you need to separate them right away. Generally, a litter of pups will be around 2 to 4 pups but there can be as many as 8. Therefore, the pups have the potential ability to escape from a male guinea pig trying to harm them, whereas other rodent species at the same age are Aug 13, 2021 · A male guinea pig eats the babies only by a strange occurrence. Before breeding guinea pigs you need to know exactly what you are going to do with the babies. How Frequently Do Guinea Pigs Mate? Domestic guinea pigs can mate throughout the year. Dec 8, 2024 · Guinea pigs are cute and wonderful animals to keep as pets. Although your mother guinea pig may feel exhausted after giving birth, her body will already be ready to become pregnant again. Just like human beings, all guinea pigs go through puberty. In fact, other rodents, such as mice, rats, and hamsters, are more prone to committing infanticide than guinea pigs. You might as well match an old guinea pig with a younger one. Or else, baby guinea pigs could get hurt in other ways. Guinea pigs have certain habits you might already notice; your cavies groom themselves, as cats do, and other guinea pigs. A dominant guinea pig is going to act slightly more confident than the others. Think about it; you need family and friends to make you feel well, and so do guinea pigs. The guinea pigs need to be introduced to each other properly. Male guinea pigs are territorial and will mark their territory with urine and feces. Whether you purchase a baby guinea pig (pup) from your local pet store or have a female guinea pig at home that has recently given birth, you will need to know what is involved in properly caring for pups. Aug 11, 2023 · Can the male guinea pig hurt the new born baby? Male guinea pigs generally do not pose a threat to newborn babies. Guinea pigs can breed year-round, as they do not have a specific breeding season. When introducing an aggressive male guinea pig to a baby guinea pig, it is important to do so slowly and carefully. The general golden rule is separate the male guinea pig babies at 21 days of age. It may sound a bit strange, but baby piggies need the stimulation of their mother’s grooming tongue on their bellies and genital region in order to be able to go for a wee or a poop in their infancy. Male guinea pigs usually drop around 4-6 months old, depending on the guinea pig. Males must be separated after 21 days, but females can stay with their mothers. Feb 23, 2023 · Other causes of cannibalism include territorial behavior and getting rid of a stillbirth or weak babies not likely to survive. A Male Guinea Pig May Eat another Guinea Pig’s Babies; A Female Guinea Pig May Eat Its Baby by Accident; A Female Guinea Pig May Eat Its Baby Because It Was Stillborn; Some Rare Reasons Why a Guinea Pig May Eat its Babies. It is a way of asking the other cavy to back off. Guinea Pigs in Their Natural Habitat. You can also consider spaying or neutering your guinea pigs to prevent unwanted pregnancies. A Female Guinea Pig Feels That There Are Inadequate Resources for the Babies’ Wellbeing; A Male Guinea Pig May Eat a Now, let's talk about male guinea pigs. Guinea pigs all have their own personality. If you are concerned about your male guinea pig eating his babies, there are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening: Separate the male guinea pig from the female and babies as soon as possible after birth. These babies become alert very quickly, born able to see. Do guinea pigs eat their babies? It’s a disturbing question, but it is true that mothers can sadly sometimes eat their babies. It is recommended to separate the male guinea pig from the newborn babies if Nov 20, 2023 · This is why it is important to separate the male guinea pig from the female and babies as soon as possible after birth. After you have let your guinea pigs live together, it is important to regularly check them for signs of bullying and aggression. And, oh man this is a tricky time for piggies because it’s the stage when they’re more likely to start fighting with each other. Here’s how you’ll do that. Timing. In fact, they should be paired together. Jun 23, 2022 · Guinea pigs are very social and have strict structures that lower one guinea pig as the strong (primarily female) and the rest as inferior. Keep in mind, guinea pigs can have litters that range in size from one all the way to eight babies. Jun 23, 2022 · Baby guinea pigs are called pups. Worst. A male guinea pig is unable to feed their babies. The ideal time to separate guinea pig babies from their mother is around 4-6 weeks of age when they have reached full weaning and can eat solid food independently. In this case, the young one may challenge the older alpha guinea pig’s position. Make sure that they like each other and that their temperaments are compatible – like two cavies where one is naturally dominant while the other is more laid back. 14. Answer: If you do not want your guinea pig to breed, it is important to keep male and female guinea pigs separated at all times. If you have adult male guinea pigs, keep them away from her to prevent back-to-back pregnancies. You’re free to feed your baby guinea pigs the following: Hay; Pellets; Highly nutritious fruits; Vegetables; Note that pups can eat the same diets as adult cavies, so you don’t need to worry about feeding them special diets. Jan 16, 2020 · How many baby guinea pigs in a litter? A typical guinea pig litter size of 2 – 4 is most common with a range of 1 to 8 pups. Guinea pigs do not bleed when in heat, but they often have some temporary behavior changes. Can guinea pigs live alone if one dies? It is seen that a vast majority of guinea pigs sink into depression after a guinea pig they have bonded with dies. You’ve watched the mother throughout her pregnancy and to the birth. It is recommended to separate the male guinea pig from the newborn babies if Dec 31, 2024 · Female guinea pigs have a Y-shaped opening called the vaginal opening. Thus, it is crucial to separate the male How Many Babies Will A Guinea Pig Have? As expressed, baby guineas are referred to as “pups”. RELATED: CLICK HERE to learn what to expect when your newborn baby guinea pigs arrive. As another poster said, weigh the pups every day to ensure they’re putting on weight. This is likely because baby guinea pigs pose less of a threat to them. 5 square feet cage (minimum), but more is better. No, guinea pigs don’t have periods. Assisted Feeding. Additionally, boars have a noticeable bulge around their anus due to their genitals, while sows have a Y-shaped opening. But the went crazy with him. I’ve had a litter of 3 pups, and they managed to nurse just fine off mama. Jun 8, 2022 · How do you introduce two male guinea pigs? When introducing two guinea pigs, it is important to be patient and take things slowly. Mar 23, 2023 · Why do guinea pigs hiss at each other? Guinea pigs often use hissing as a sign of warning. Should you determine you have a male and female, separate them immediately whether you suspect the female is pregnant or not. As discussed earlier, pups should be separated from their mother by the end of week 4. Two guinea pigs of the opposite sex might also fight if they paired incorrectly. Breeding guinea pigs almost always reduces the lifespan of the female, and finding responsible owners for young guinea pigs can be a daunting task. Aug 9, 2020 · When can you separate male guinea pigs from their mother? 4 weeks Guinea pigs have no moral constraints about mating with family members, so plan to separate the young males as early as 3 or 4 weeks of age, before sexual behavior begins. Handling Rules for Newborn Guinea Pigs. Yes, two baby male guinea pigs can live together. Sep 10, 2024 · For animal welfare, veterinarians do not recommend or encourage breeding guinea pigs. 2. However, this should be done with the utmost care. ) they seem to do better. Female guinea pigs (sows) undergo their first estrus cycle at 2-4 months of age. The male and female pigs to be bred together do not have to be the same age. Baby guinea pigs are born I have an older guinea pig (2 or 3 years old; hard to know since I adopted through craigslist) and a baby (less than 1 year). In fact, this is one of the best ways to keep cavies happy and healthy. Nov 2, 2019 · Plus once you have a few litters growing, should you decide to keep some gilts like I did, you need a different boar anyway. Fights. Oct 18, 2017 · Unless there is a very compelling reason to try three boars together and you know the temperament of all three very well it just isn't worth it, you would be much better of with separate cages and separate pairs if you would like more guinea pigs. Worst case scenario is 4 boars all needing separate cages. Should I separate the male guinea pig from the babies? – If the male guinea pig is showing signs of aggression towards the babies, it may be necessary to separate them to ensure the safety of the babies. Male guinea pigs will appear to have a white ring in their genital area. Besides, always separate baby guinea pigs from male guinea pigs. If you would like to read about the specific situation that lead me to try a boar trio, and how it As they say, "Guinea pigs are lumpy animals. . Having a sibling that they already know can make the process of I’ve done this a few times with fosters and kept three of the boys. They quickly increases their population,so most pet owners separate males from females. Mar 13, 2023 · You can typically see these without even picking up your guinea pig. The entire cycle lasts 15-17 days. Today I put him by himself. There will potentially be as many as 8 in a litter, if you are lucky! Not only do they need to have potential homes lined up, but you need to have cage or hutch space enough to keep them all if these homes fall through. Female guinea pigs need to stay with their mother for four weeks. Jul 31, 2023 · Each female will come into heat every 2 weeks or so, and depending on how many girls you have it can seem neverending. Can neutering the male guinea pig help prevent aggression towards babies? – Neutering male guinea pigs can help reduce aggression Males can become fertile as early as the age of 3 weeks, although for most it's a week or two later. Female guinea pigs can get pregnant as young as 4 weeks old, and young males at this age are happy to make With stories of other rodent species eating their young, guinea pig owners often wonder if it is safe for male guinea pigs to be around their baby guinea pigs. Mounting can happen between female guinea pigs, male guinea pigs, and both male-female pairs. Typically, guinea pigs can come home from a rescue, breeder, or pet shop at this age. If you have a thriving relationship with the mother, your smell Feb 7, 2022 · If you have an interest in keeping guinea pigs, then you have probably heard that in some instances, mother guinea pigs may attack their babies. After they’ve been separated from their mother and are becoming mature, it’s time to let them bond. “They don’t discriminate and will breed with their siblings. It is entirely possible for a male pup to impregnate its mother or sisters. This is the easiest path to take, since it doesn't require surgery to neuter or spay. Female guinea pigs will have what looks like a tiny grain of rice. 3. A neutered male’s genital area will look the same as an Aug 11, 2023 · Can female guinea pigs have babies without male guinea pigs? Not unless it is the father, take out the father 2 weeks before birth as the mother can become pregnant 2 hours after birth, this is Nov 24, 2010 · Male guinea pigs may not be as aggressive and dangerous as other rodent species are to their young because guinea pig babies are born in a more precocial (advanced) stage than most other rodents. How Long Do Baby Guinea Pigs Nurse? Baby guinea pigs typically nurse for about 3-4 weeks after they are born. Guinea pigs form bonds the same way that humans do. Jan 7, 2025 · Wondering if you need to separate male guinea pigs from their babies? This article delves into essential insights for new guinea pig owners, focusing on social structures, territorial behaviors, and best practices for housing. In general, a guinea pig pregnancy will last just a little over Aug 24, 2023 · If you have young kids, select a spot where you can oversee their interactions with the guinea pigs and manage access. The. You’ll want to keep your mucky pup clean and regularly toileted, but it’s not advisable to bathe them until they are at least 8 weeks old. Jul 2, 2020 · A guinea pig that starts lunging, biting to draw blood, and starting pignados means business. Now, here comes an important piece of advice - if you have male and female guinea pigs that haven't been neutered, make sure to separate them. The sounds that guinea pigs make to communicate include whines, rumbling, bubbling, or Mar 20, 2019 · Also, we list places where you can potentially find a baby guinea pig. Social Structure and Territorial Behavior Sep 2, 2024 · Guinea Pig Bullying. It is important to provide them with enough space and resources in their new housing to prevent stress and anxiety. Also, think about the compatibility of guinea pigs you want to bring together. For example, you can pair a smaller guinea pig with a larger one. In ensuring the compatibility of guinea pigs, you have to combine subordinate and dominant cavies. Can You Put Baby Guinea Pigs With Older Ones? Yes, you can definitely put baby guinea pigs with older ones. Prior to domestication, guinea pigs lived in small herds. They may try to make the other guinea pigs back off. And for me that's a no no. For example, if you have two males and one female in the same cage, the two males will fight to establish dominance and win the mate. Prepare for a baby guinea pig. You, young guinea pigs usually hit puberty at 2 to 3 months old, but it's not strange for them to start as early as 2 months. When male guinea pigs are in a cage with another male, constant games and competitions occur, which can end in a fight and injury. Sep 20, 2023 · Male guinea pigs tend to be larger than females and have a more rounded body shape. Mar 8, 2024 · Guinea pigs are social animals that live in groups in the wild. Teenage Troubles. Sep 6, 2024 · Social creatures like guinea pigs form emotional bonds quicker when they have a guinea pig friend. 30″ x 36″ is a good size. Oct 21, 2021 · Do Not Disturb Them: Do not disturb or allow anyone else to disturb your guinea pigs during this time because it may disrupt the bonding process between your female guinea pig and her new born babies. Piggies become sexually mature when they are just a few weeks of age. Mating Fights. Domesticated ones tend to thrive as pairs or in groups since they are known as social creatures. Discover how to create a safe and nurturing Jan 6, 2021 · How Long Do Guinea Pigs Babies Require Milk? A guinea pig pup requires milk and care from their mother until they are roughly 2 weeks of age to 3 weeks of age. Another easy match is a baby and an adult guinea pig. For this reason alone, it’s an improbable chance that guinea pigs (male or female) will eat their babies. We are fond of piglets though 🙂. Related reading: Can guinea pigs change gender? Female guinea pigs may become pregnant once they are around two months old, so spaying and neutering are crucial. Also, if guys get a little nutty, consider neutering or giving them some buddies. Female guinea pigs (sows) can become sexually mature as early as four weeks of age. If that happens in captivity, it’s a rare exception. Before you bring a baby guinea pig home, make sure you have all the essential items you’ll need ahead of time. It starts when they’re about 8 – 10 months old. Try to May 11, 2023 · “If you have baby guinea pigs together, you have to separate them,” stresses Dr. (I was in college at the time, and both the pregnancy, and leaving the babies in was my younger sisters idea) Lets just say Mommy was white, the daddy/son was white and buff and the babies On average, adult guinea pigs tend to accept baby guinea pigs more readily than they do other adult guinea pigs. Baby guinea pigs become sexually active at about three to four weeks of age. Do you separate males at three, four or more weeks from birth? This is the in depth discussion that you never hear about and one that you really need to know Jan 15, 2024 · Numerous pet owners keep multiple guinea pigs together without any issues since they can get along well. There are usually guinea pigs available in your area if you are looking to add more to your home. Female guinea pigs also go into heat soon after they give birth, so you need to keep them apart too. Here are some rules that you should consider observing when handling your guinea pig baby. Is it to soon? He's all by himself in a cage. Oct 20, 2022 · What Dominant Guinea Pigs Do. Females are usually calmer and less likely to fight with other guinea pigs. If you are unsure how they are acting, you can install a webcam to watch them when you are not there. In Dutch they are called Piglets because of the 'pig' part. If you’ve just welcomed some new boars (congratulations!), they’re great at bonding. At first, we thought we could detect 3 guinea pig babies. Aug 28, 2021 · Breeding guinea pigs is not difficult as all you have to do is join the male and the female guinea pig and let nature do its work. Jun 23, 2022 · Do male guinea pigs eat their babies? Male guinea pigs barely eat their babies, but you need to separate the babies from their fathers as male guinea pigs have an absence of paternal tendencies. Sep 23, 2019 · Three weeks after birth is the best time to separate baby guinea pigs from their mothers. Dec 20, 2023 · Do the procedure as early as 6 weeks. Lake Shore Veterinary Hospital offers the following helpful advice: “If you touch her belly a couple of centimeters ahead of the anus, you will be able to feel that the pelvic bones have spread apart. Make sure you give your guinea pigs a chill crib, cozy corners and toys so they don't snack on their little ones. Mar 22, 2021 · A neighborhood With Another Guinea Pig. Guinea pigs can indiscriminately breed with their offspring, siblings, or parents. Guinea pigs are natural-born herbivores. Just a few questions remain, one of which is can young guinea pigs meet their father. Females can get pregnant as early as 4 weeks of age, although 6 weeks is more the norm. While guinea pigs can have 5 litter per year and can even have up to 8 litter in a year, as we know, the average guinea pig litter size is 2 to 4 pups, and guinea pigs should be bred between 3 months to 2 years of age, math tells us a sow can have up to 18 litters during her lifetime. Talk about early bloomers! If you have a male and female guinea pig living together and you don't want any unexpected surprises, it's best to either keep them separate or consider neutering/spaying them. Now you have adorable little guinea pig pups. Male guinea pigs (boars) reach sexual maturity by 4 weeks of age and produce viable sperm by 11-17 weeks of age. Find Personality Matches Piggie. Jul 20, 2013 · I have a 17 day old male baby Guinea pig. In this guide, we will discuss the ideal time to separate baby guinea pigs and why it is important for their health and development. Feb 8, 2024 · Keep the mother guinea pig away from male guinea pigs. Following are some steps for a smooth separation process: 1. A female guinea pig baby can receive their mother’s care until 4 weeks of age. Get An Appropriately-Sized Cage Jan 24, 2025 · Why It’s Unlikely Mama Guinea Pigs Will Eat Their Pups. How to Baby-Proof a Guinea Pig Cage? Whether you adopted baby guinea pigs from a shelter or your guinea pig pet gave birth, the first thing you need to do is to make the cage baby-friendly. Baby Guinea Pigs can be handled from the time they are born. Some pet parents swoop into pet stores, see two cute little piggies, and bring them home. Baby guinea pigs need food for survival, and you can help a neglected pup through assisted feeding. Nov 28, 2021 · According to Mercer and Hughes Independent Veterinary Surgeons, a case of guinea pig babies born dead may be as a result of producing a large number of babies for a varying food supply. Some males will have larger testicles than others. The word “hackles” refers to the hair on the back of an animal’s neck. Unlike other small animals, such as squirrels that only mate during a specific period of the year, guinea pigs have a year-round breeding season. If you are raising guinea pigs in groups, consider one male and a couple of females. A young or baby guinea pig iis called a "pup" in English. I have 13 guinea pigs. During this time, they rely on their mother's milk for essential nutrients and hydration. Jan 12, 2024 · Reproductive Habits Of Guinea Pigs. Apr 15, 2023 · Guinea pig owners often wonder when is the right time to separate baby guinea pigs. Raised hackles signify that your guinea pigs are getting ready to fight. 4. This is usually due to inexperience or serious malnourishment. kda kulpx goou mto yxgu eeyd uoau zqk efq qjazv pbevfvm jipcnfd lhcrjje tywaiwi maiab