False twin flame vs real twin flame reddit I was completely addicted to him. the twin flame is a different entity than the twin soul. i now know who my real one is after being in union but we didnt talk. See full list on wikihow. 1. A key thing to remember about Twin Flames is that you cannot exist in the presence of your Twin for very long without your old traumas/patterns being triggered for release. That even if you don't talk to him/her since 20 years, he's still the one and he is not spiritually awaken enough to realise it. Anyone you believe is your twin who turns out not to be is a false twin. Their role is to distract you from your real twin. Exhibits a lot of the same symptoms as a twin flame journey. One way to discern between a narcissist and your twin flame in distress could be by examining how they respond to your pain and suffering. A false (I prefer catalyst) twin gives a very triggering dynamic so with your real twin, you can be "triggered" but in more flow. there’s also a lot of people on this sub who are chalking up a soulmate encounter to a true twin flame journey experience when it’s not the case. I was VERY VERY attracted to him. If you and your friend are not mirroring each other's patterns, and if you're not triggering things, then it's much more likely you have a deep soul connection, but are not No, it's not possible to have 2 twin flames. I can't tell you something that a false twin will do that a real twin won't do. It was proven stressful and just absolute misery. False Twin Flames can be a confusing and difficult experience, but by understanding the signs of one, you can better navigate your journey toward finding the real thing. Is a False Twin Flame Toxic? A false twin flame can definitely resemble a toxic relationship. The connection is incredibly intense, almost overwhelming. I didn't know she was a false twin yet so I just assumed it had to do with her level of consciousness, but I'm not so sure that was the case, looking back. Some people claim they do not live such things but they meet their twin flame. Some research will say there has to be an age gap but other twin flames have reported small or no age gap. The reason for a twin is because you have VERY cool stuff to do. We talk about our personal experiences, we share our theories, we help for what we can, but we don't endorse any of the pseudoscientific drivel and marketing tactics that mar the online twin flames world. But be careful because many energetic vampires will latch on to empaths and a false flame effect will happen. Jul 6, 2024 · A real twin flame bond only gets stronger over time (even when you go through a period of separation), but a false twin flame is more of a fair-weather friend. Also, for me lack of sinergy — is another sign. You might also enjoy. I had never heard about a twin flame till I started researching what was going on because it is all so confusing and overwhelming. A real twin will teach you about unconditional love and bring up shadows you need to work through, but they will love you. but, i heard about the intense eye contact with twin flames and how it's like looking in their soul and like hard to look bc its so intense and etc but i had that with my false Twin flames only exist for people who couldn’t incarnate without a twin flame Like if you come from outside the matrix and have to not be at full power or full energy without breaking the matrix Jesus angles incarnate high demensional beings beyond 12d some say they can just be for karmic lessons but in my experience no could just be a bias Dec 12, 2021 · First of all, when meeting a twin flame (whether real or false), your world will never be the same again. Some TFs have 10 or more years between them. im sure you will figure it out with time :) My twin flame experience hasn’t been toxic, it just led me to grow and love myself more; which is the purpose of the journey. I was going with the false twin claim today for the first time in 12 years, she hasn't contacted me in 12 years so I was like "grrrr really this can't be real" but now that you mentioned the part about not knowing about twin flames I was like "ok, she is" It’s by no means some thing I am obsessed with, or desperate to have but of course, after experiencing this seemingly false twin connection, I do have the desire for something more real. Many people think that they have met their twin flame because it’s so effortless and easy and they feel so much love for someone. I wasn't looking for a twin. They may try to imitate you, but they can’t continue it forever like a real one. I understand that the the love between twin-flames may have its obstacles/ challenges but it is never toxic, painful and damaging. I read all these twin flame stories and they sound like the most extreme case of limerence ever. *If you don't go years separated, you're not twin flames* this can't be used to glorify toxic relationships, because there is no relationship with twin twin flames are real. Nov 24, 2023 · Differentiating True Union from False Twin Flame Bonds. I believe I met my real twin in November. Sometimes the runner simply isn’t interested in you and you have built this up to be more then it is and so wasting energy. So I thought perhaps I had met my twin flame 20 years ago high school. I came across an interesting article that delves into the differences between twin flames and soulmates. You both then are the same exact energy. the other half of your soul the masculine and feminine and the Twin Flame is different this is a bond that goes so deep and so strong that it cannot be broken for twin flames are always drawn back to each other so that they can unite twin flames also once unite cannot see or think of any other person to be with other than there twin flame. A safe place for twin flames to discuss their journey. It explores the unique You always will encounter false twin before meeting your true twin, to clear up Karmatic debt and to help you grow and heal . I loved him for years and never saw myself with being anyone else, until I met my real twin flame and I just knew that this person was my twin flame because it was completely different. Kind of TMI but during sex we kept saying things out loud like I’m sorry and everything is ok now that we’re together he even had a vision of us with kids living on the water and when we held hand it fit perfect since he has been gone fast forward to right now I got a new job and the guy who hired me looks exactly like classmate but had the Just as numerology can confirm a twin flame and offer advice, certain twin flame number patterns can also be warning you away from a narcissistic false twin flame. 3rd parties can not understand the twin flame connection and might sometimes judge you. most twin flames that do happen to meet don't recognize the reunion for what it is and end up despising one another because the thing about twin flames is, they're your soul's mirror image and reflect your insecurities and flaws right back at you. 6) Your twin flame will have your back and protect you. Like the dark side for sure. I didn't know twin flames existed in 2015. This amazing, deep, life changing connection exists for a far better reason than just an incredible romance and mind blowing sex, although there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying both of those things lol! I can’t believe a twin flame would break someone that bad many times… the other guy I met shortly after who I started to think may be my real twin flame also brutally hurt me multiple times till just ghosting me and hurt me even worse… they were both extremely intense connections, felt like love at first sight, had a psychic connection But twin flames are apparently also US, meaning they share our souls, which is why our connection is so insane, and why they communicate with us personally. Articles say you know you’ve met your twin flame before or after you experience a “spiritual awakening”- this is how you know you’ve met “The One”, every awakening and experience is different from person to person. often there's a child What I'm about to say is going to be a little annoying but I have found it to be true: only time tells you the difference between a false, real, catalyst tf. My false twin flame was a mutual friend I met in a twin flame group and we realized we had a million mutuals so after a half year talking we hooked up. com Jan 21, 2024 · In order to distinguish between a false twin and a real twin flame, we need to recognize their defining characteristics. I believe that the twin flame connection always has a supernatural quality to it and without it, you either don't have enough information for whatever reason or you simply aren't experiencing a twin flame connection. I love telling my story, lol. But I will say as someone who no longer feels attracted to my twin that the twin flame phenomenon is very much a thing. It happens more often than real twins. Feb 19, 2020 · However, when a con artist like a narcissist pretends to be your twin flame, they can only continue for a while. They are not proven, they are not categorically understood, and they do not replace not sure if false twins are real or not, but i say go with your gut feeling and what your heart says about the situation. . Sorry I have to correct you hear…they are just a karmic if only you recognize a certain spiritual pull and connection. A false twin/narcissistic makes us feel addicted and we think it’s the real deal but they are really bad for us. I could feel false doing this very thing with someone else other than me and when questioned about it, false denied it It took years later for me to get out. Therefore, you can only have one twin. Until I met my real twin who made me explode in self growth and change areas of my life. But most of the time that’s not how the dynamic works. May 5, 2018 · Your true twin flame will cause you to grow in healthy ways; your false twin flame will destroy you and cause you to self-destruct. If one half of the TF couple is fighting the connection and is wanting to stay in a 3D spiritual realm and the other has started growing spiritually, it can become toxic. But my twin flame himself doubts it. A false twin, often mistaken for a true twin flame, can leave you feeling drained and confused, while a real twin flame is a mirror of your own soul, sparking spiritual growth and personal transformation. Real twin flames are there for each other, through thick and thin. You are mirrors of each other. We had an immediate connection, but never actually crossed the line to intimacy. There are a few ways to tell the difference between a false and a real twin flame. That's what the word false means. Karmic are her to teach us what real love mean thst when you find your twin flame or your soulmate you will understand what real love mean Mar 5, 2023 · Let us first consider that the labels, “False twin flame,” and “Twin flame,” are only that — a label. So basically the jist of it is, twin flame relationships are chaotic. If meeting a false twin flame will help you to prepare for meeting your actual twin flame, then that’s what will happen. You could only know who is your twin flame. I left that relationship destroyed, but met my twin the month after I moved. Some of them are just relationships that don’t meet either twin flame or soulmate status. One Twin has AB&C traits and the other has the XY&Z traits so when they are together they make up a whole complete person. However, there are some things you can do and signs you can look out for to spot the difference. May 1, 2020 · Key Differences Between a False Twin Flame and a Real Twin Flame They Will Be Totally Committed. And the experience is actually painful. But he wasn’t it. A karmic relationship is, at its core, a false twin flame. Crucial Indicators. "If this didn't happen, it's not your real twin" she stated. To me, that lends a lot of credibility to the idea that TFs are real. ( And hopefully without all this runner chaser stuff because been there done that and I don’t think I have the patience 😂) I just met my real twin flame and found out the person I thought for years was my twin is actually a false and my ego is having a real hard time coping with this. Real Twin Flame. False, I mean. Hope this helps. He barely spoke English (he spoke Spanish). i met my false twin in the same year i met my true twin. But recently I came across what I think are TRUE twin flames and that's Tom MacDonald and Nova Rockefeller. he could be another false twin, although. While you might automatically equate being false to being toxic, not all false twin flames are toxic, unhealthy, or abusive relationships. Like its one thing to say, yeah i got a fixation on Jul 9, 2024 · Understanding the difference between a karmic relationship and twin flames is very important. Jun 10, 2018 · Your false twin flame often helps you to heal those old wounds in preparation for your true twin flame. 2. In short: A twin flame connection is an intense connection that separates before it ever gets to a committed relationship stage, which then causes a spiritual awakening and self love journey. Now, a soulmate is not to be confused with a twin flame. Your true twin flame will help you to focus on where are you going, not where you have been. I realized my twin was myu twin when the relationship with my false twin imploded. I met my false twin and when we broke up for 6 months, I met my real twin. On the other hand a twin is accompanied by a retinue of supernatural events that you cannot possibly make up: at worst you may think you have been set up, or that you are in a Truman Show of sorts but you know it's not in your mind, weird shit starts happening in the real world. Jun 15, 2022 · Now: false twin flames don’t do it on purpose, usually. They offer an opportunity to learn from and prepare us for the real thing. You also have the feeling you are meant to be with this person. I’m not sure about this whole twin flame things and what are the limitations on it or how much of it is supposed to be a romance, but I have been intercepting thoughts and energy and cleared my chakras and my thoughts are so powerful and in tune these days. Jan 21, 2024 · In my extensive journey with twin flames, I’ve come to understand the profound difference between a false twin and a real twin flame. Soulmates can be two completely different types of people who are just drawn together. I think, if something or someone tried to distract you from you own way, deluding or leading you to cul-de-sac or degradation — that's the wrong twin flame. You just have to wait for them or seek them out and they will make your life wonderful. Embracing Self-Love: The Key to Liberation I’m certain at least half the people who claim to have twin flames are just experiencing limerence. There was an attempt to bring twin flames together since the cycle that started in May 2020 and Ended in March 2022. It’s incredibly painful a lot of the time and it’s anything Just starting Escaping Twin Flames on Netflix, and I'm curious if anyone has watched both yet and which one they think is better. It’s run by two twin flames and they explain what it is. Our twin flame is there to teach us how to love ourselves, but the journey to do so is painful for the ego, so one or both parties run from the relationship because it’s too much to It can be but not always immediately after there could be close calls, like could be in the same area/vicinity but not even know it etc etc; I’ve had a couple with my suspected twin but I think it was a time where I wasn’t ready within the past two years. Alot of people compare Twin Flames as a Yin-Yang. I guess the short answer is you’ll KNOW you’ve met your twin flame when you do. We need a way to label relationships that people think are twins but aren't so that people don't go around assuming Big agree here. Look up the twin flames podcast. 44K subscribers in the twinflames community. If I had to narrow it down to just one main thing you had to look out for – it would Union with your person is actually NOT the real purpose of twin flames. You feel drawn to your twin flame like you have known them for a long time even though you just met. the twin flame is the highest level karmic in your life. Most say they just know this person is their Twin Flame without a doubt. However, i think actual twin flame stuff is unique in the sense that the synchs just get too freaking weird. Her (My false twin) twin children do everything together, and I heard they even cry at the same time. Mar 15, 2023 · A false twin flame may bear some similarities to the real twin flame. The universe has largely, overwhelmingly, and in multiple fashions told me that he is my twin flame. I am now in union with my real twin-flame and I understand what this journey is really about. A person sent to resemble my twin flame. With a real twin flame, you will experience much more intense emotions. They are the same yet different and are just drawn together. False twin flames are people who SEEM to be your twin flame, and many of the signs are the SAME, but they are NOT your true twin flame. He was new to the US but we were able to communicate. Maybe not for everyone. , is not always for the best. False twin flames destroy you. I guess you can say she came looking for my false flame and realized what we were doing. A true twin will bring you peace after when your in union. What I really meant was a false twin (because they are not your real twin flame) will most likely come to your life at a time when they are broken or lost and need to work on themselves or vice versa. i did not heal when i was with my false twin, he brought me to the lowest point in my life where my true twin The strange thing is that the guy I speak about, the false twin flame, and my true twin flame, are so much alike that it's scary. The main difference between obsessing over a false twin flame or a simple physical attraction and the twin flame journey is the spiritual side. Twin flame vs soulmate, the connection is INSTANT for real twin flames. Jul 23, 2023 · What Is a False Twin Flame? A false twin flame shares an intense bond and uncanny similarities with you. i know some tf situations can be troublesome & a bit toxic, but if someone was hurting you on purpose that is not you twin flame. My False Twin wants me back but after having embarassed me in front of family and friends while not respecting my empathy with Christian values I have from my Dominican mom, I didn't take her back that easily. While a true twin flame will feel like a safe haven, somewhere you can go for emotional shelter, your false twin flame will feel like an (albeit alluring) danger zone. I am the runner and I feel I’ve been doing great and healing but recently I’ve been having the worst heart pain it’s intense and I’m starting to think is it his energy or why am I feeling this pain lol Do you meet a false twin flame before your real twin flame? The universe knows what you need and will send you the people and experiences you need to grow and evolve. A real twin flame is someone who you don't feel ready for when they come in your life. It was hard to accept that they were not my real twin when all of the signs were there, we even looked identical and he felt like my home and my other half. A twin flame relationship is a deep spiritual connection that transcends the physical realm. However, wrong also sounds good :). Their intentions are bad. A twin flame connection is much deeper than a karmic connection. I met my twin when I was 48, and he was 49. I ended up picking my false twin to pursue a relationship with and we ultimately got married and it ended so horribly. And sometimes I wonder if I was just cursed. There’s nothing wrong with that. Dec 18, 2020 · Here are 5 False Twin Flame Signs, that may help you identify your False Twin Flame vs a Real Twin Flame, so you can tell your True Twin Flame and False Twin Flame apart. Every journey is different, and it can sometimes be tough to tell the difference – especially the first time. tour twin flame helps you grow too and you have an intense attraction with them so you might be confused here, whether its So, I just recently read Dorthy Tennov's "Love and Limerence", which discusses the more secular perspective on twin flames, ie, limerence. Today, I googled that term and came to a blog post that lists a couple of traits a false twin flame supposedly has. I thought I met my twin flame when I was a teenager but he turned out to be a false twin flame. They will feel the same deep connection that you do, and they will choose to preserve it above all Dec 21, 2022 · A gifted advisor can not only tell you whether your twin flame is your false twin flame b ut they can also reveal all your love possibilities. The catalyst doesn't last and there was no obsessive thinking, but only experienced an obsession of putting a face/real person to who my twin really was - could also be the reason why I met these people. In brief a catalyst or a false twin are like an imaginary friend, you think they exist but it's all in your head. A false twin flame will make your focus a great deal on yourself and make your world feel rather small. A false twin will bring misery. There is also often a lot of psychic phenomena that surrounds real Twin Flame connections. She stated that the telltale sign that you've met your twin flame is that your kundalini will become awakened upon meeting them. Back when I was talking to my false twin, I tried subtly bringing it up and got no response really, no recognition in her eyes or anything. In that case it is very possible that it’s just a karmic partner otherwise known as a false twin flame. I found out the person I think is my For the past 3 months I’ve been healing from that, I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos, being on reddit and somehow I went from realizing I’m going through an awakening then suddenly came across twin flames and how it all ties together. Without false twins, the twin flame concept gets toxic really fast. A year ago the person I believe to be my real twin flame came into my life. A twin has a soul made when the spark that made your soul split in two. the way a lot of these "readers" on YouTube will tell the same story over and over about a "divine masculine" who is already with someone, but she's "evil" and "demonic" and he really wants to be with his "twin flame" but he somehow can't until said "twin flame" has "done the work" to become perfect. Mar 26, 2020 · What mostly separates the false twin flames from the real is their extinguishing. Jan 13, 2023 · A false twin flame is a person who appears as your real twin flame on the surface, but in reality, they’re not. No one else has this energy, just the two of you. May 17, 2023 · A false twin flame is almost as magnetic as a real twin flame and many of the signs are the same. but it’s the title associated with the true meaning behind a twin flame journey that makes it sound fake. And if the celeb feels they have a twin flame and says openly that they’re looking for them and can’t find them. The difference between a false twin and a real twin is how they make you feel. I've seen lots of people post here worried about if their person is their TF, false TF, karmic partner, etc. my false twin abused me & never changed. While an authentic twin flame relationship can have an incredibly positive impact on your life, a false twin flame can suck the life out of you little by little. You can desperately long for them, feel sad, disappointed and even devastated, but not hate them. He never will be. I can't give you directions. " It's believed that a twin flame is a mirror soul, sharing profound similarities and a deep connection that goes beyond typical relationships. In my personal experience I didn’t awaken or grow up during my experience with a false twin. Typically. This is not someone you are simply attracted to. I loved my false twin. False Twins Heal, True Twins Grow twin flame is your same soul while soulmates share same soul family! the thing is soulmates purpose in your life is to help you grow and it might not always be a romantic connection your friend, your family member or even your enemy canbe your soulmate for that matter. And speaking about scams and falsehoods, do not fall for the mistaken idea that if someone you considered your twin flame treated you not the way you wanted, then they must be a false twin, and your real twin is somewhere out there. False hope, I presume, also here. lol well it feels a lot like the world falling apart while simultaneously going crazy… I suddenly could no longer tolerate my life in the normal world, left my 16 year career, ended up in a karmic relationship, followed by a whirlwind experience with my twin flame who ended up dying a month ago, while all this was happening my clair abilities woke up and went into hyperdrive, my soul family False Twin Flame vs Real Twin Flame Connections. I think my soulmate is more good looking than my twin flame (my twin flame is really good looking too though) and when i'm with my soulmate I am true to him and I don't want to be with my TF anymore. You and your twin originated from the same Oversoul that detached from Source and then split into two Souls (yours and your twin's). I researched this and other twin flame journeyman have also reported similar situations. I'd been married for 27 years, had 3 kids, and my first real relationship after my divorce was with a malignant sociopathic narcissist. Sep 11, 2023 · Read these articles about true twin flames and false twin flames to better understand the differences. I believe that false twin flames might be a part of all of this in some way. It’s an incredibly rare experience and not one you really can understand unless you’ve experienced it. I have read about a "false twin flame" yesterday here on Reddit. ! It’s a relationship (non physical still) based on respect, love and understanding that is just happening with no plan or intention. False twin flame has fraternal twin boy and girl, and their birthday is exactly one month before my real twin's birthday. So when I say when i talk to god im talking to my twin flame, it makes sense, since my twin flame is me, as in, part of my individual soul, and we have direct spiritual lines to each other. So I don't consider having a twin soul to be a compliment. Your soul is connected to this person because they are the other side of your soul . my true twin has never intentionally hurt me and i believe that is the main difference. But his personality was not consistent and I found out he was a counterfeit. The relationship seems to have a life of its own, amplifying dysfunctional patterns. Don’t panic! We know what you’re probably thinking, and it’s nothing to be worried about. Some people would brand me as totally crazy. A false twin flame is someone you have convinced yourself is your twin flame simply because you want the experience of a twin flame. This person sweeps you off your feet and you can be sure that it won’t be easy. The connection you describe aligns with the concept of a "twin flame. Not much later, false bailed while I was hooked. i recently found out my so i thought twin flame was actually a false twin flame. The differences between false twin and true twin the true twin will always seek you out , drawn back too you , your true twin will never leave you feeling empty , sad, lonely, scared, or dismayed Your True twin only wants what's best for there other twin . Idk if he is my twin flame but since meeting him it triggered me to grow and heal I think he is my twin flame. And I thought about 50% of the points matched mine, though the really important ones were different from my TF. It feels like a reunion as if you have encountered each other before. I spent about a month hoping I had a false twin and who knows, my experience has had some similarities to others--but differences too. Having that basic framework in mind makes it easier to navigate a TF connection. I left a 11 year abusive relationship that I always felt was my twin but he was a total narcissist and I believe my false twin. Being in a twin flame bond myself and being a part of this sub I am a little concerned that some people may be confusing unhealthy obsession with a twin flame bond. A karmic soulmate is a soul whom you’ve encountered in a past life/multiple past lives and due to your encounter(s), they’ve wronged you/you wronged them, your souls agree to resolve the karmic debt in a later lifetime/later lifetimes. Essentally an involuntary obsession with another person. twinship is not that of a soulmate experience. We have an age gape although don't read too much into this. You only have one twin flame. The signs might seem similar on the surface, but there are subtle differences that can help us discern between the two. There is one big difference though Also when I look at my soulmate sometimes I see my twin flame in him because they are very similar and even look similar. I wouldn’t classify that as a false twin, a false twin is going to mirror a twin flame connection in many ways, including you both recognizing the crazy spiritual bond, telepathy is shared, etc but one of you will just completely refuse to explore it or acknowledge it. For a false twin, you will feel heavy, unloved, and low. I keep blaming myself for being fooled by such a toxic person who literally sucked my energy for survival. The celeb has a platform while the layperson watches unable to contact. I made it sound as if the false twin themself is a selfish person with a negative impact on your life but that's not true. Twin flames are basically like two sides of the same coin. This is also the first Twin Flames community in the world of a kind that might be common in the future: a Twin Flames community without woo. 6. We often see questions asking what the difference between limerence and twin flames are, with many people probably thinking twin flame connections are just limerence with a veneer of spirituality added to it. 200%. I met this man at a party. I met my false twin just before meeting my real twin. 4) You focus only on yourself. They are yourself in another body. we havent talked in years. Meeting a false twin flame is simply a way of teaching you yet another lesson. You may feel like you found that missing piece of yourself when uniting with your twin. They even got the same chipped tooth too. Netflix docs have disappointed me this year, and Amazon ones have been pleasantly surprising me so I'm excited to see what happens because I think I'm already sort of feeling the Netflix one more! False Twin Flame vs. In the end, the fake twins will leave because it was too difficult for them. When difficulties and disagreements arise, the true commitment of the twins will be revealed. Maybe not everything said about it is real. I spent years juggling my feelings for both of them. Twin flame relationships are usually tumultuous; we have to learn how to love ourselves before we can love each other because we are the same soul, split in two. It can seem so real and so right — right I appreciate our connection for what it was. Real ones promote healthy growth. Since there isn't a clear pattern or linear pathway we can all agree upon, I just focus on what the connection is teaching me and I work on that. But I think it's easy to find another person who you feel a lot for 39K subscribers in the twinflames community. You love them unconditionally! You might hear twin flame and soulmate be used interchangeably, but often this is by people who are not actually on the twin flame journey. No respect for me as a person and didn't take me seriously. They will withstand every hardship because your connection is worth it. On the other hand, when you meet a false soulmate, the connection is strong but not as intense. There’s no growth like I stated before. the twin soul is your life partner, that you're supposed to be with in the physical realm. Everybody has a different journey. Hence, why I think worrying about labels, "what ifs" etc. your real one will not try to hurt you on purpose because the journey is for both of you to heal. definitely,, a couple years before meeting my true twin i met a karmic who i thought was a twin everything seemed to fit the description except for the fact there wasn’t unconditional love, after we broke up about 8 months after i thought maybe we were in “separation” i started speaking to him again and at this time was convinced he was my twin flame but when i realized all the The secular explanation for twin flames and other such phenomena. In total contrast to a false twin flame, a true one will always be committed. That most people's twins exist as an oversoul which guides the incarnated twin through their lifetime. But instead of bringing out your best self, they elicit fear, anxiety, and obsessive tendencies. Some people get other signs. False Twin Flame vs Real Twin Flame: 1 st Activation of Wounds vs Re-activation of Wounds False twin False twin is a karmic they let you feel like a real twin in the beginning but they are toxic snd we will do everything to keep you with them. What do you guys think about this whole twin flame phenomenon? After learning about this new show on Netflix called Escaping Twin Flames, I have been persuaded to think the concept is an excuse for abusive behavior in narcissistic relationships to “grow” spiritually and these people who make good money who paid these scumbags for their coaching that took advantage of them. But Twin Flame is just a word humans came up with to describe a set of patterns (the list above). Its unconditional, electric and it's brilliant really. If you've been on a mental health journey for a long time, you already know things are different, but you don't know why it's important and it feels important to know that as you make I met a false twin in April. I let go of my false twin flame who I thought was my real twin. But for twin flames, understanding the difference can be Wrong. true twin will COVID-19 prevented me from meeting my real twin flame but I'm super close. The first one made me realize that I am in a twin flame journey, the second one guided me to my real twin. Im really confused. But we both clearly had tension/history that was expressed on both sides. A false twin flame seems superficially close to you. I called it talking with our eyes. So, karmic, twin flame, false flame, soulmate They're still labels waiting to be attached, except I can't attach any of them permanently due to my not really knowing. False twins do not have spiritual awakenings during the encounter / relationship. They’ll tend to leave when If they are your real twin flame, you can't hate them. 105 soulmate quotes to inspire love yeah im honestly not sure im sold on the fake twin flame but i do believe that some karmic relationships can mimic some of the same aspects of a twin flame - my “fake” twin flame was like yours , i also didn’t know about twins but it wasn’t a healthy relationship even tho i was very drawn to her and vice versa (im 19 rn and i think ive 3: The connection was instantaneous. If you For starters, the twin flame connection is vastly different then the soul-mate connection. As we discern between a true Twin Flame dynamic and a false twin flame bond, Recognizing signs of codependency and emotional unavailability is crucial for navigating the complexities of these relationships. If you notice your “twin” is toxic, then it may not be your true twin. There is a difference between a karmic soulmate and and a twin flame. If they are your actual twin flame, you love them WHATEVER they do. hgutq vmiflt hnnlnm qzzxd jkurej xar yoqq itzxso xutr phxjxtq usb yrzyw ozekddw yld vvtp