How to get into harvard reddit i ain't no stanford simp! i am a well-rounded simp who admires all t20 schools bahaha. We look forward to learning about you through your application. they didn't win any nationally recognizable awards, had any pubs, didn't do D1 sports, military, etc etc what others are talking about. Get into wherever you can. If you want to go into a surgery subspecialty, derm, ophthalmology, neurosurg, etc then try to get into the best school you can! If you don't want to do something competitive, go wherever! I never thought I could go to Harvard, and I don’t think my GPA is great (I got a C in biochem lol), but I’m a good researcher, and I want to get my Ph. I really want to get into Stanford, MIT, or Harvard and do Computer Science research there. So does Hardvard need a new Nov 23, 2024 · Students hoping to go to Harvard one day must lay a solid foundation of academic and extracurricular achievements early in their high-school careers and maintain that level of excellence until graduation. I'm a public school kid and had trouble seeing myself at an ivy/elite institution. 999999% sure she did better than this. Wanting to be a “Harvard Man” isn’t going to be enough. HGSE is a fluff school at Harvard. true. Everyone in my family went to college in the Philippines except for my aunt, who went to NYU. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. Some are more useful than others, but it's pretty wide open. 7sage gave me a 1% chance to get in. Finding a good balance is crucial. You will need a deep passion for what you hope to study. Here’s my ranking of the undergraduate finance clubs from most to least legitimate: Harvard Financial Analysts Club, Global Platinum Securities, Black Diamond Capital, Veritas Finance Group, Smart Women Securities, Charles River Growth Fund, (insert huge gap here), Harvard Investment Association. You will not get into HBS if your plan is to do an MBA right out of college, unless you are Malala. My very large (class size ~20K, ~300 people applied) state school only had 5-10 people get into top 20s. This is all speaking from experience, but I got heavily humbled by my first-year courses. Check out the "Still attend high school or college" section of this sub's wiki. Harvard is so prestigious that at least for CS (I do not know for other fields), you will get essentially the same opportunities as someone who studied CS at schools like MIT in the industry. Ask yourself this: if you didn’t get into Harvard, but were accepted elsewhere for a PhD, would you still go do it? If the answer is no, I think you need to take a really long look at whether your motivation is strong enough. 2 and 3. He shouldn't have to jump through hoops explaining himself every day. In my experience, the unhooked applicants that get in usually communicate who they are to us really well. By far the most common outcome was being accepted to a random subset of half of the schools. You need to stop obsessing over getting into Harvard, being a navy seal, and being the richest man in the world. There's a ton of universities that will offer you about equal prestige and opportunities as Harvard, and shooting to get into a good school, rather than just aiming to get into the most competitive educational institute on the planet, is a far more sustainable and achievable goal. The odds will always be against you and you will set yourself up for disappointment even if you do get in. It’s not harder to get a job at Apple than it is to get into Harvard (my college dropout ass got it on the first try lol) but it’s definitely possible that Apple hires a smaller percentage of applicants than Harvard admits just based on the sheer number of people applying. 0, 520+) and put their whole ass into 19 votes, 17 comments. not sure about extracurriculars. I love how holistic the Biological and Biomedical Sciences Ph. Meanwhile at HGSE, some classmates came with terrible undergrad GPAs. His activities were inschool (like Mathletes and StellarXplorers) and religious stuff. I completed my Ed. With those numbers you’re sure to get in!! I’m working as a dental assistant to get more experience clinically and to form relationships with the doctors I work with for future letters of rec. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. I had a professor who had a PhD from Harvard (anthropology), but she still struggled like everyone else to get a tenure track job after she was done. Best of luck!! Edit: Also, this was general college advice. Of course, because of this, those 7 schools are also incredibly selective and difficult to get into as an international because literally millions of top students from around the globe would love a six figure education for free. Then there's me, where I was accepted to MIT but was rejected from Harvard, this being because I fit what MIT was looking for more than what Harvard was looking for. We rarely send kids to Ivys. Ideally, you have applied with a theme (a one-sentence story that sums up your application) in mind (ex: "a future marine biologist with a penchant for poetry") - so when you answer questions, use your response to meaningfully contribute to your current passions and future plans. 5%, while Cambridge’s is 22%. Since then, I've spent about 4. I literally just had my interview two days ago, so I'm just wow. played American football jv. So I got into Harvard and would like to tell you about it. Former professor here (too). There are sooo many great schools out there! Something that I personally get annoyed with is when people say he isn't being transparent about this. With schools like Harvard, college admissions can quite literally be random sometimes. You’ll have a much better view of yourself and a much happier life. It's basically a second ED. Even on Harvards website for the Summer School it says “attending Harvard Summer School and performing well will strengthen your application to any college or university. Got in, but not attending. Welcome to the r/Suits TV show Subreddit --- Suits This is a subreddit about USA Network's hit show *Suits*, which centers around lawyer Harvey Specter and his associate Mike Ross (who doesn't have a law degree, but does have a photographic memory), and the law firm where they work. Thats all I got for now goodluck! P. You don't wake up one day and decide you wanna go; you work your whole life to maybe have the chance to be there. I'm really stunned, so many people including my own father told me I shouldn't even bother applying. However, for my program, you have to commit within two weeks of admission and I’m really trying to factor in cost to determine if it’s a viable option. How do I get into Harvard? Take the Red Line to Harvard Square, go up the steps, go through the 1875 gate, and voila. But seriously though, Harvard is looking for those kids that do both but they’re also looking for real people that they know will contribute to their name and to society. I just applied for my M. What do I need to do in order to get into Harvard grad school? Work for Raj Chetty lol. 8/4). I toured Harvard and couldn’t get out of there fast enough. But you get a scholarship to Waterloo only if you participate (and get a medal) in IOI, and if the OP is an international student, usaco won't give them the opportunity to compete in ioi even if they get a perfect platinum. Tie your ECs back to your theme, and integrate ECs into your answers. 3% of applicants get a 2): Summa potential. r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. Forget about spending time and money on applying more than 30 times. patent) law. Most people did not inherit or start multi million-dollar businesses. 69 by the time I submit applications next year. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. ). I already took the SAT and got a high score and hope to get into a T10 undergrad programme. If you want to get into a school like Harvard, you need to be able to demonstrate your independence in the lab and ideally have publications and awards to show for it. Try to get some involvement going but please don't kill your GPA. She eventually ended up at the small university town in the middle of nowhere and then after close to 5 years there, she was able to get a job at a better location (she hated the small isolated My advice would be to look hard at yourself and question why it is you want so badly to get into Harvard specifically, as though no other school would do. It's actually easier to get into top schools with work experience than straight out of undergrad, but as you'll be quite old for law school, you'll want some compelling reason for going, and proof of good work experience. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. Everyone I know who got in was more than just a Not going to lie, it’s going to be tough. Don’t read too much into a legit TV series discussion. Harvard looks for excellence and that isn’t best demonstrated by a test score obviously it’s a huge factor into admitting most people because most people aren’t starting national movements This question is asked all the time. 9+ + standard ECs but your undergrad was HYP, then getting into HMS or another top 20 is very feasible. How To Get Into Harvard Medicine: Reddit’s Best Tips 1. Before you were able to stand out a bit with a high Step 1 score. 0 undergrad with heavy advanced economic theory and heavy advanced mathematics. Some students get engineering degrees and then go to law school; the technical undergraduate degree assists them in specializing in intellectual property (i. I know it may seem like I'm preparing way in advance in the future, but it is my dream to attend Harvard or Stanford for an MBA. While we did not see Rory interview, I'm 99. Some international students barely spoke English. OP, this is why Paris didn't get into Harvard. Got a 3. OK, then you can add colleges to your list if you would prefer them to the other colleges on your list. (Women were not admitted until 1977). person 3 harvard graduate. He just avoids them by saying things like "you can go to whatever school you want and be okay" instead of addressing the fact that the student will never get into their dream school. 0 from MIT, a perfect MCAT, and a first-author Nature paper in order to get into Harvard. r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. All Harvard students except freshmen were also required to study Hebrew, so they could read the Old Testament in its original language, and Greek, so they could read the New Testament. All you can do is stack the deck in your favor in all the ways that are already discussed on this sub. 1. Harvard doesn’t take McKinsey just because McKinsey. The better school, the easier time you will have matching into a competitive residency. The boycott by various Harvard student groups only did three things: ensure that their efforts and movements would not be reported on with their voice accounted for, cause people both in and outside of the Harvard community to think less of these vital causes, and spread misinformation about the actions and the nature of the Crimson as an I know many people (myself included) who pretty much went down the list and applied to the 5-10 best programs in their subfield. In general, the top 10 schools seek out the future leaders of the profession. It shows that my family is already committed to the school because we donated and can't get the money back. It again helps to do this starting from the bottom. only a select group of students receiving A/A-s and the rest getting B-/Cs). In short, you don't have to achieve the impossible to get into a top school. For admissions into T10 US programs: If US undergrad: econ+math from a prestigious undergrad school while working as RA in your dept + undergrad thesis, THEN US top school affiliated predoc for 1-2 years / alternatively work for Fed bank for same amt of time. You can MAYBE work up through merit over time, but rarely do you see someone break into the top 10 who wasn't trained in the top 10. 1960 SAT score. 41 ib predicted grade. $1 million dollars would get your family’s name on one of a dozen or so plaques on the wall in the lobby of a new building $10 million dollars would get your family’s name on the lobby of the new building On top of other answers provided, they want consistency in the educational backgrounds of incoming transfers. Sure. 0 GPA. My understanding of the statistic is that only 32% of those who took any of the admissions classes for ALB were admitted. If you truly want to get your JD, I suggest getting all "A"s from here on and possibly looking into other law schools if your Harvard aspirations don't pan out. I got recommended from my friend to take Harvard Summer School 7 week on campus program. Get off of Reddit and just do the things you want to do. I don't think you had to be rich to go. No one cares where you went to get your masters after a year into your career. HBS isn't interested in admitting those who have dreamt of attending Harvard since they were a kid, they're interested in admitting people with a spark. I currently have a 3. 0 from Columbia, and she didn't get into HGSE. Operating AT LEAST at the level of a grad student, and your PI should attest to that. I am not being offered any funding despite not having much money. So, is there a college which you would prefer to your likelies, but it is a little harder to get into, or you are not sure will be affordable? HKS people are insufferable: Americans are dogmatically politicized and are only interested in connecting with like minded people; international students are there mostly to network and get a diploma (can’t blame them). This is a place for engineering students of any discipline to discuss study methods, get homework help, get job search advice, and find a compassionate ear when you get a 40% on your midterm after studying all night. 33). Check out the sidebar for intro guides. anyways one doctor I work with went to Colombia Dental school and his DAT score was 21 he said he had taken it 3 times ,I’m not sure on his gpa but he had a good statement and his family had The school you choose really doesn’t matter that much in the long term. Only men, of course could get into Harvard at this time. This coupled with a keen interest in learning and demonstrable efforts to that effect including wider reading outside subject niche (something we dont do in the uk rly after Hi! I was just curious about what kind of stats you need to get into an Ivy League from India. 😂 Honestly Harvard is not a real school. Get great reference I mean, I totally agree that other universities might be academically superior to Harvard, but that’s no what I’m saying; Harvard is consistently #1 in terms of brand recognition, which is why it’s much harder to get into than a lower-tier consulting firm. So don’t pressure yourself into thinking you HAVE to get into Harvard. They have articulation agreements with community colleges that guarantee that certain classes are equivalent to certain classes at Berkeley and thus count for credit. Coming from a no-name state school, you need to be exceptional to get into top 20. currently at harvard. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with admissions knowledge waiting to help. 4. Most of the information here applies to both first-year and transfer applicants, and requirements are the same for domestic and international applicants. If you get a strong GMAT and buff out your volunteering/ECs you have a good chance at any school. Mine in senior year first term is like at a 3. Another thing I wanna note, if you get into a T20 (fingers crossed, I rly hope you get it), it's going to be harder than you think. You can also debate whether you need to be really good according to your description to get into a top school (and sometimes the Ivy's aren't top schools, like for my program). Also, you only get to apply to one. D. Those numbers are a bit betraying, however, as only people with the ability to apply to either actually apply. Please do not apply only to Harvard. I wanted to get into that school to strengthen my family's legacy here in the US and develop a story for a lifetime. Real talk, Harvard is literally #1 and is for good reason. He literary got rejected from all of the T20s he applied to in the US and now goes to Waterloo. Tell the full story, Obama was forced to leave his PhD program at Harvard University in May 1964 (and received an M. Here you'll find a detailed explanation of each admission application requirement. My method is fast, guaranteed, and costs 10 to 1000 times less than competitors! If you had a 516+/3. A. 95+ to get into Harvard (keep in mind when applying that an A+ counts as a 4. 2K votes, 134 comments. I got into Columbia's MS Data Science - one of the most competitive cohorts to get into, with a 7. This is mostly because Computer 'Science' is a 'science' unlike engineering and thus benefits from the fact Harvard has world class math and physics grad And as the other person said- it’s not real. Most people won't get into Harvard, and yet the world keeps turning, and other medical schools keep producing excellent, happy, satisfied physicians. This is so important for the US since a lot of schools do rolling admissions (Harvard and Yale claim to not but I applied early anyway). Realize that you’re going to basically have to write two full length essays (600 words+) for the Common App and “optional” Harvard Supplemental Essay (the nice thing about the Harvard supplement, though, is that it’s so open ended that you could potentially use it/other parts of it on future applications). S- Harvard isnt everything. ) Then I got rejected. 6, I can push it to a 3. The ALB is used because there is really no reason to take those admissions courses unless you want to apply to the program (unlike Management, for example, where someone might take Accounting for career development). one in particular-- they were a multilingual immigrant who was very passionate and every professor loved them to death. If you want to get into Harvard you have to start getting extracurricular credits since 5 years ago, work 2 jobs since 3 years ago and have perfect scores in school since 2 years ago. at Harvard Graduate School of Education and feel somewhat confident about getting in. May 14, 2020 · Excellent grades, test scores, and extracurricular activities only serve to stack the deck in our favor - but you don't need a 4. here is harvard's common data set. Be sure to apply to some safeties that are in the t50-70s. First, a breakdown of how Harvard's 4 main factors are assessed on a scale of 1-6 (1 being the best): Academic Rating (0. Yeah, it's easier to say he went to Harvard, but it's not just that; he did go to Harvard. Of course I know that you need to learn hard and work hard to get a job in this field, but my first and foremost objective is to graduate safely with the degree and I have no idea how strict this program is in terms of grading students on their assignments, and how difficult it is to get a good grade in them. No, not Tufts. It's pretty clear why Paris didn't get in. 42 predicted IB score. 0 CGPA. 76/4. https://www. in economics from Harvard in 1965) because the school was concerned about his personal life and finances. This was 25 years ago, but the students had small cubes in a windowless basement and seemed stressed. Most people think it’s all about stats, but actually that’s not what got me in. If HBS is your ultimate goal, start with looking at Harvard 2+2. i was also a pinao player (still am). The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. You will need a boat load of extra curriculars with standing long term commitments in a few, a strong (top) grade profile and a well written harvard supplement to get in. Everytbing besides GPA and LSAT are known as “softs” and they don’t matter nearly as much, they help in edge cases for the most part, but unless you have some truly amazing accomplishments (Rhodes scholarship, big time CEO, very successful D1 athlete), then the “softs” won’t be able to pull you into a school like Harvard that much unless you are very close to the numbers they like secondly, you should know that it's very hard to get into harvard. Good grades and legacy aren't enough when your behavior is erratic. But check out Grad Cafe and you’ll get a better understanding of what most admitted applicants have. 52 GPA, but it can go up to at most 3. Essentially, you’ve already compensated your low GPA with a perfect GPA. I applied in early June. My ego doesn’t depend on whether or not Rory Gilmore gets into Harvard. It's just a recipe for heartbreak. Why would Chicago take a flyer on someone from Florida when there are 25 candidates from MIT, Harvard, Stanford, etc that have Nobel advisors? Its very clubby at the top. ZBT, formals, etc. If you don’t get in, try to transfer in and if that doesn’t work, go to Harvard for your masters. check out section C for more info related to admissions. 3% (you have a 3 in 1000 chance of getting in) if you are not from a wealthy family or a targeted population. It is especially just helpful for getting into big name programs. If you have a good enough extracurricular than your pretty solid to get in. person 2: currently at harvard. You might get into Caltech but not MIT, or get into Harvard but not UC Boulder. APPLY EARLY. The average work experience for HBS students before they matriculate is ~5 years. It’s all about personality. Check out the 509 report for Harvard and see what their median GPA is to see how you compare. I really hate to be the bad guy here, but i have to say I don't think you have any realistic chance applying to harvard. At top tier everybody is top tier. Sat score lower than 2000 from what i remember. Harvard makes McKinsey. However, as an undergraduate, I've only been involved in one research experience and have one published paper (in an ACM SIG). And I know people who didn't get accepted at all. Until quite recently though you could get a degree that’s worth more (in the engineering world) from a school like Michigan, or Penn State simply because it was ABET accredited, which is a big deal in 4) Most importantly Don't get into this mindset of "wanting to get into a top xx" school. e. Hey guys, I am really excited to be attending Harvard College this Fall but I am also starting to get really nervous. You need several years of research experience and likely a pre-doctoral RAship and probably even a Master's. b. program is at Harvard. And this is when I had almost irrelevant undergrad (physics and engineering). Reply reply tarunblaireaux a. By and large, MSTPs do not care about the nebulous BS that some MD adcoms seem to care about. Genuine scholar; near-perfect scores and grades (in most cases) combined with unusual creativity and possible evidence of original scholarship. How to get into data science master’s programs at Harvard, MIT, Stanford, etc I’m entering my junior year at an ok state school and am studying applied math & statistics. Only got into my state school. 8 + could get into an Ivy League. He also traveled far away to learn things that don't get taught in Harvard. Will Harvard recognize this? I know people have donated millions but my family and I really gave it our 87%. ” He realizes someone with a < 30 ACT and < 2000 SAT score simply isn't going to get into Harvard unless they are Malala Yousafzai or Terrence Tao like. For those who got accepted into Harvard Law . I go to a large public. He said it will help with college applications. I was wondering if Harvard really costs an extra 35k on top of tuition. 0/10 (about 2. If you want to get into Harvard, follow these steps. You just need to convince the admission officers that you are unique and belong to It would make the HBS network stronger. If you have a bad personality + go to Harvard then you'll get an interview and not match but your friend likely wouldn't even get an interview. I got into Harvard biostat, U of MN stat, and UC Davis w/ TA offers. McKinsey or some wicked accomplishments are a prerequisite. And yet, they are much easier to get into than Harvard, Yale, Stanford, or even some state schools. You need a 4. Translation: if you're looking at Harvard, use . *but I am studying at the most competitive school in my country, also the only one that offers more complicated courses, so it makes sense for poor academic perdormance. I think the missing variable is showing serious dedicated service. However, I would say it's extremely difficult to get into a school if your grades or GPA aren't up there. They don’t accept many and those that they do take are the very best. 5 years working in different education related roles - as an academic counselor, at an early stage ed tech start up, and currently as a researcher at another ed tech company. This means you get the US applications out the way before the Canadian ones are due and you also have a better chance of getting an interview. Take the Red Line to Harvard Square Leave the subway station Cross Massachusetts Avenue and walk into Harvard Yard Forget about paying some shady coach $1 million to get into Harvard. Well, not in Boston, but nearby. 7 but it is still not enough for Harvard. Internship/work experience and your interviewing skills are what will get you jobs. I am not sure if they are looking for anything specific. They’re just a offshore company that collects application fees for a rejection letter. How to get into Harvard in 10 simple steps, written by yours truly: Be born into an incredibly wealthy family that happens to have plenty of harvard graduates already Have those wealthy family members donate a lot of money to Harvard! Elect your dad as president! Become a child prodigy at acting and become very famous! Don't tailor your entire life with the hopes of shoehorning into HBS. I believe most students at this level are extremely rare and unfortunately rush to get accepted into medical school. thecrimson. 5, preferably as close to a "perfect" gpa as possible. From different sources I got that in order to get to Harvard you need a 5. If your goal in life is as shallow as “I want an HBS MBA because it’s a sexy college that will get me a high paying corporate job”, then you will be of no benefit to future Harvard students and the college network. 66 in highschool and I got rejected from USC, Northwestern, and Rice when I applied in 2016. (I'm first-gen in the sense I was born in the US. You can’t get enough loans to pay Harvard kind of bills yourself. 0 students with a 1600 on their SAT get denied from Harvard all the time, you need a hook to get in. I had a friend who boasted a 4. Lol everyone on this sub is gonna tell you "yes of course anything is possible anyone can get into Harvard all you have to do is try etc etc" reality is normal people aren't getting into those schools. You are in Harvard. People with perfect stats are getting rejected no room for normal people mate r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. We had a kid last year get into Harvard and he didn’t do any of the crazy stuff some do. 1430 SAT score. Work on unique extracurriculars. This is one of the most GPA-centric programs in an any top University - none of the students in the batch have below 8. Jul 23, 2024 · i have a 94% average grade 11 and 12 combined is it good enuf for harvard. Now that is gone, so less to help you stand out. 21/4. Keep your GPA about a 3. I feel like we need a bot to just reply this every time. Whether you get in or not is not an indication of your value, effort, or any other reasonably understood metric. played piano 4 years. 0 in engineering at grad level. I saw your post history and honestly the way you’re doing this rn won’t help you achieve your goals. This is why Harvard admitted Rahul Gandhi. 8/10 and most have 9. there are many other great universities you could attend, including your state university that could give you a great education for a great price (most of the time). The standard (safest, not easiest) route to get there post UG: job at a FANG, MBB, GS/JPM/Citi/etc, nail GMAT (talking 750+) get promoted once or twice; Network with alumni like The Reddit LSAT Forum. The subreddit for a university in Boston. Harvard is like the Olympics. A more valid comparison would be between Harvard and an MBB firm. That being said, there are a LOT of people at Harvard or similar schools with abnormal backgrounds, so your best bet is to get in touch with the school admissions directly and discussion your interest and options. It’s not necessary to take AP classes and you also don’t need a perfect SAT score. hi I am a high school sophomore from new jersey very interested in Harvard's 2+2 MBA programme. Make sure you’re a pretty decent writer once you go into senior year too. I love how like the narrative in rejections is so different depending on how a school views itself - at Harvard, they just assume you'll get into another medical school somewhere and rightfully wish you luck in your medical career that just is not with them personally; whereas lower tier schools will literally tell you GL picking another career that isn't medicine while also pitching their SMP If you download the Markit app you can use it to get into some parties/find some on campus frat parties (ex. Thousands of 4. i went through high school with the simple goal of graduating and making my grandparents proud (as compared to aiming for a specific school and creating my resume based off of that like emily) i am very grateful to have been afforded the opportunity to attend this university and i'm sorry if i sounded like a It's not just Harvard (and holy shit, fuck Harvard, they are waaay too impressed with themselves--it's hard to get in, but stupidly easy to get out, they have massive grade inflation, and STILL run into widespread cheating scandals) it's pretty much all top schools, and I definitely think there's a "bamboo ceiling". 00 GPA unweighted. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with LSAT knowledge waiting to help. Not need to get salty and read into people’s personalities for no reason. Harvard doesn’t actually release official statistics on how many deferred applicants get admitted in during the RD round, but I assume the number is really low considering that you’re being evaluated with a larger group of applicants. This attests for how 1) your school probably plays a big part in considering your application as a whole 2) you don't need a 1500+ or 34+ on standardized testing to get into Harvard, let alone a perfect score. I just got the call from KJ (I may have told her I love her on the phone), and I've just been accepted into Harvard Law. Your parents will have to borrow money and be liable to repay. Ideally you'll want a 3. Treat your essays like they're your children and reach out to people for help! and, even if you don't get into your top choice, life goes on and you're going to be an amazing lawyer/advocate/etc regardless, so be kind to yourself!! False. com/article/2022/9/19/barton-column-increasing-financial-aid/ Sep 2, 2024 · Check the university's website and look at what their research labs are focusing on, what new departments/courses of study they're investing in, where they're looking to grow and build. You’re obviously smart enough if you can get a 4. 5% of applicants get a 1, 42. I wrote about my experiences in the army and how I grew and everything, and im going to Harvard now. It’s the cost of entry. The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. 2+ /10. A vast majority of students who are accepted and have those accolades everyone is gunning for on this sub also have some good presentation throughout their application of who they are. Just make sure it is an established urban planning program that helps students get internships. Then I randomly decided to join the army. M at Harvard but the application process wasn't straightforward GPA didn't matter much. From what I have read, academics at H seem to be not only stressful and intense but also competitive (i. But it's close to 47,000 dollars. He had the stats (straight As except a B an Seminar Sophomore Year and a 1540 SAT with perf reading). Med school admissions is a complete gamble, and you can do (almost) anything from any MD school. Ed. I know this isn't "low" but its low for the school I got into. McKinsey takes Harvard just because Harvard. Harvard doesn’t give ANY merit scholarships anymore so unless you can get substantial outside scholarships, you’ll have to pick a more affordable college where they offer merit scholarships. They'll have to notice this and take it into consideration. That doesn't mean you can't still get in, but it makes it far more competitive. I'm also the last author (though that's due to alphabetical reasons). I majored in Economics and graduated with a 3. this is so naïve 100% guarantee that rowing is "harder" than football; football is more "skill" based, whereas rowing is almost purely muscle-based--meaning the only way to get better is working out over and over again. Oxford’s acceptance rate is 17. they just worked very hard to get high stats (4. Plain vanilla jobs are plain vanilla. Anyone who has been accepted into an Ivy League (or something like Stanford or MIT), please let me know your stats (Marks from 9th to 12th grade, ECs, Test Scores and anything else that you included in your application). I think funding is rare-ish and merit based rather than need based. I would instead really encourage you to not just shoot for Harvard. Harvard will likely want to see evidence of leadership and excellence. . If you’re applying early, absolutely get your writing done hecka early. We have a lot of sport houses and club sports houses that also throw but I know less about how to get into those. You need something unique about you. Firstly, congratulations! Your hard work paid off. I was convinced I wouldn’t get in. Initially, it was really rough. I have 4 very good friends who got into harvard med. I personally think that most high stat MCAT and GPA students 515 + and 3. The fact that only 5 people a year get into Harvard every year from India and with the current info OP provided us, it seems unlikely that profile would get accepted. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say It’s still hard to get into Harvard, because it’s Harvard though. wosfowv ngcz ycdses elbene zbjewv fno joawy rbplbqad bxrtn obrzvcy lhle chibn wznzz nkckgph ghs