Image herbicide label. IMAGE Southern Lawn Weed Killer for St.

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Image herbicide label. Here are the labels for all of the Image brand products.

Image herbicide label CONTROL OF ANNUAL, BIENNIAL & PERENNIAL BROADLEAF WEEDS Download the PDF file of the label for Image Southern Lawn Weed Killer, a herbicide for St. Recommended use and restrictions on use Recommended use : Herbicide. The active ingredients, Sulfentrazone and Quinclorac, combine to make a powerful weed killer that is designed to kill at the root. See product label for disposal instructions. 46 liters) EPA 20200422 PANORAMIC 2SL HERBICIDE Carcinogenicity / Chronic Health Effects: Prolonged overexposure to phenoxy herbicides can cause liver, kidney and muscle damage. Augustinegrass and Centipedegrass Ready-to-Spray contains multiple active ingredients to provide excellent broadleaf weed control in established warm-season and cool-season grasses. Numerous IMAGE 70 DG HERBICIDE Revision date : 2012/03/14 Page: 1/9 Version: 1. You can spend your time picking weeds out by hand, or you can use Gallery specialty herbicide and prevent them from ever coming up. This lawn weed killer is for use on St. Apr 19, 2018 · IMAGE Consumer Concentrate selectively kills (controls) toughƗ [hard-to-kill] weeds. GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements Warning Hazard statements Causes serious eye irritation May cause an allergic skin reaction Precautionary Statements - Prevention Crew™ specialty herbicide is a preemergent herbicide and will not control emerged weeds except for early stage crabgrass. Weeds controlled include dandelion, chickweed, clover, dollarweed, spurge. 4 out of 5 stars 9,024 May 3, 2010 · The amount of Ranger Pro Herbicide you will use per gallon of water will vary from 2/3 fl oz - 13 fl oz per gallon of water depending on what type of plant you are trying to eliminate. The active ingredients, Sulfentrazone and Quinclorac, combine to make a powerful this label. p. Product Name Accepted Date; 66222-141: IMPOSE HERBICIDE: May 01, 2020 (PDF) 66222-141: IMPOSE HERBICIDE: December 14, 2018 (PDF) 66222-141: IMPOSE HERBICIDE Image Kills Nutsedge is a selective, post-emergent herbicide that can be used on southern turf grass and selected ornamentals. Trade name : Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer Ready-To-Spray Synonyms : EPA Reg. IMAGE Southern Lawn Weed Killer for St. Some lawn grasses are sensitive to herbicides, so make sure the label lists your grass type. Bicep II Magnum Herbicide. atrazine group 5 herbicide atrazine 4l herbicide for season-long weed control in corn, sorghum, and certain other crops Provided below is the information for the product you selected. The pesticide label also includes other important information, including directions for use. : 279-3463-90098; Selective Herbicide; UPC #: 8-13576-00690-7 1. Image Herbicide from Lilly Miller Brush & Vine Killer Concentrate Preparation Date: 07/October/2015 Revision Date: 07/October/2015 Format: GHS Language: English (US) OSHA HCS 2012 Page 6 of 8 Jun 11, 2013 · Subject: Label Amendment Product Name: Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate EPA Registration Number: 73342-4 Application Dated: May 17, 2013 Dear Ms. When using IMAGE, you should expect to see weed discoloration in 1 to 2 weeks and dead weeds in 3 to 5 weeks. 20150320 OFFICE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION March 2, 2021 Pat McFadden Agent for Sipcam Oxon S. The label provides information on first aid, precautionary statements, directions for use, and conditions of sale and warranty. Augustinegrass and Centipedegrass to control Dollarweed, Sandspur, Florida Betony, Annual bluegrass and other problem weeds (see label for list). The latest label is at the top of the list. Image herbicide comes in concentrate form and can be mixed in Dec 16, 2024 · Pesticide labels translate results of our extensive evaluations of pesticide products into conditions, directions and precautions that define parameters for use of a pesticide with the goal of ensuring protection of human health and the environment. CAUTION Precautionary Statements• KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. DIETZ SHAK requester: approval sign-off: date: designer: XX/XX/20 date submitted: file name: version #: XX/XX/20 requested finish: 03/15/21 version date: 18 dacthal flowable herbicide: august 02, 2024 (pdf) 5481-487: dacthal flowable herbicide: october 12, 2012 (pdf) 5481-487: dacthal flowable herbicide: june 18, 2010 (pdf) 5481-487: dacthal flowable herbicide: april 14, 2006 (pdf) 5481-487: dacthal flowable herbicide: september 03, 2004 (pdf) 5481-487: dacthal flowable herbicide: march 18, 2004 Specimen Label For control of many broadleaf weeds and brush control in corn (field, pop and sweet), sorghum (Milo), soybeans (preplant), small grains (barley, millet, oats, rye, wheat), rice, sugarcane, fallow land, grasses, stone fruits and nut orchards, brush control, pastures, rangelands, forest management and in non- 5 Top Lawn Weeds You Can Do Without. When IMAGE is used in tank-mixture with another herbicide, refer to each label for rates, methods of application, proper timing, weeds controlled, limitations and precautions. Manufactured for: Alligare, LLC 1565 5th Avenue Opelika, AL 36801 preplant and preemergence herbicide on non-Enlist corn, and use as a preplant herbicide on non-Enlist soybeans. Jan 26, 2018 · A herbicide label is a legal document providing important information about a herbicide, its appropriate use, and the precautions needed to avoid off-target movement and to protect environmental quality. Herbicide kills nutsedge in warm season grasses. Intruvix™ II herbicide + glyphosate . (field peas only) Image 70 DG herbicide is a selective postemergent herbicide that overpowers stubborn weeds in warm-season turfgrasses that other herbicides just can't control. : 2217-954-90098, 100526911, 100530802 1. Grass and sedge weed species controlled or suppressed by Image® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate All-In-One Lawn Weed Killer* Concentrate For optimal control of Goosegrass, Junglerice, or Purple Nutsedge, repeat treatment every 3-4 weeks. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) lists exposure to chlorophenoxy herbicides as a class 2B carcinogen, the category for limited evidence for carcinogenicity in humans. Negate 37WG is a unique dual powered post-emergent Sulfonylurea herbicide for weed control in Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass. Use this weed killer product all summer long to treat crabgrass and other grassy weeds as they emerge from the ground. Treats 6,000 sq. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases IMAGE 70 DG HERBICIDE Revision date : 2014/09/03 Page: 1/13 Version: 2. Product Name Accepted Date; 7969-273: FREEHAND 1. 0 03/11/2019 EN (English US) Page 1 SECTION 1: Identification 1. Avoid inhalation of vapors or fumes. Note: Applications for Spurweed or Florida Betony generally will give control or suppression of the other herbicides are used year after year. No. Augustine Grass & Centipede Grass, Herbicide, 32 oz 2. Nu-Image® herbicide, Authority Strike™ herbicide will provide burnoff control of certain weeds that are emerged at the time of treatment and will provide extended control of certain weeds that have not yet emerged. Kills purple and yellow nutsedge, wild onion and garlic, dollarweedƗ, annual bluegrassƗ, and others as listed. IMAGE ® All-in-One Lawn Weed Killer RTS is a selective weed killer for lawn weeds that starts working on contact to kill tough lawn weeds. It can be applied year-round. See full list on www3. Distributor Product Number: 2217-954-90098 Company Name: CENTRAL GARDEN & PET, GARDEN DIVISION Address: 1000 PARKWOOD CIRCLE, SUITE 700 City, State Zip: ATLANTA, GA 30339 Sep 21, 2017 · Image is a post-emergent herbicide prescribed for use on a broad range of summer weeds. For residual control of broadleaf weeds, Explorer ® can be applied as either a systemic pre-emergence or post-emergence herbicide. OSHA 29 CFR 1910. ft. Image Kills Nutsedge is a selective, post-emergent herbicide that can be used on southern turf grass and selected ornamentals. Image Herbicide offers several highly effective liquid products to kill or control oxalis: SPECTICLE FLO HERBICIDE is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many labeled AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. How Facet ® L Herbicide Works Facet L herbicide is the liquid formulation of Facet herbicide. site(s) acerola (soil treatment) acorn squash (soil treatment) adzuki beans (soil treatment) aerial application (fixed wing) aerial application (rotary aircraft) IMAGE Herbicide Consumer Concentrate RTS EPA Reg. See label booklet for additional Precautionary Statements and Directions for Use. 1 Hi-Yield (33691) Super Concentrate Killzall Weed & Grass Killer (16 oz)-Image 32 OZ St. Augustinegrass and Centipedegrass Ready-To-Spray Synonyms : EPA Reg. Apply IMAGE Brush & Vine Killer anytime brush is actively growing. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. Prior to planting, it can also be used in combination with a burndown herbicide to provide added burndown and residual weed control. View Concentrate SDS. Product and Company Identification Company 24 Hour Emergency Response Information BASF CORPORATION 100 Park Avenue Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 BASF HOTLINE: 1-800-832-HELP (4357) Substance number: 000000063537 Milestone Herbicide can be tank mixed with 2,4-D Amine herbicide to broaden the spectrum of weeds controlled. FT. 75G HERBICIDE: November 10, 2015 (PDF) 7969-273: FREEHAND 1. This herbicide kills crabgrass, dandelion, nutsedge, clover, kyllinga and other weeds. Here are the labels for all of the Image brand products. Horton, The labeling referred to above, submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, is acceptable. pesticide chemicals. Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer Concentrate Ecological Fate This pesticide is toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates and aquatic plants. SEDGE VER ANDELION C R A B G R A S S KILLS S CONTROLS IMAGE IM125 - Image 100523494 All in One Lawn Weed Killer RTS 24oz client: NEW J. The labels include the active ingredient, chemical name, brand name, EPA registration number, and application instructions. Apply Image Herbicide in mid to late October followed by a second application in mid to late February. Label elements OSHA HCS 2012 Hazard statements• No label element(s) required Other hazards OSHA HCS 2012 • This product is not considered hazardous under the U. Augustinegrass and Centipedegrass is a post-emergent, selective herbicide that kills the toughest weeds including dollarweed, spurge, dandelions, chickweed, and clover. Please refer to the Ranger Pro product label for exact usage instructions. 46, and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the confidential statement of formula of this product. Having several herbicides with different modes of action (MOA) reduces the Oct 12, 2024 · An emulsifiable concentrate herbicide for the selective post-emergence control of annual grasses in crops as indicated. Image Herbicide targets the toughest southern weeds, including Yellow and Purple Nutsedge, Dollar Weed, Wild Onion and Annual Blue Grass. Dos and Don'ts for Image St. Augustinegrass and Centipedegrass Ready-to-Spray contains multiple active ingredients to provide excellent broadleaf weed control in established warm-season and cool-season turfgrasses. The product is a water dispersible granule to be diluted in water. Contains a Patented Ingredient that starves weeds to death. Image Image is a post-emergent, selective weed killer for use in Southern Turfgrass and selected ornamentals. There are many types of herbicides with different active ingredients and modes of action. Product Name Accepted Date; 352-585: BASIS GOLD HERBICIDE: August 30, 2007 (PDF) 352-585: BASIS GOLD HERBICIDE: December 01, 2004 (PDF) 352-585 Mar 2, 2021 · Fast Track Label Acceptable v. Identification Product form : Mixture Trade name : Image Herbicide from Lilly Miller Brush & Vine Killer Concentrate Label elements OSHA HCS 2012 WARNING Hazard statements• Harmful if inhaled Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate All-In-One Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate Preparation Date: 21/August/2015 Revision Date: 21/August/2015 Format: GHS Language: English (US) OSHA HCS 2012 Page 1 of 12 Name : Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate All-In-One Lawn Weed Killer Ready To Spray Synonyms : 100523494; EPA Reg. Safe to use on most Southern grasses, see label for specifics. SECTION 13: Disposal considerations You can use IMAGE ® Kills Nutsedge for spot treatments with a trigger or pump up sprayer or treat large areas with a hose end sprayer. continued… The IMAGE All-In-One lawn Weed Killer is a post-emergent, selective herbicide that kills over 100 of the toughest weeds including dandelions, nutsedge, clover, crabgrass, and bittercress. Augustinegrass and Centipedegrass. 319 of 578 people found this answer helpful Name : Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate All-In-One Lawn Weed Killer Ready To Spray Synonyms : 100523494; EPA Reg. Augustinegrass and Centipedegrass Concentrate Synonyms : EPA Reg. Gallery Specialty Herbicide. It can also help you achieve the most efficient and sustainable application. Active ingredient: 120g/L Bromoxynil, 120g/L Ioxynil and 360g/L Mecoprop-p Available in 20L or 5L Onehunga weed, Chick weed, Toad rush, Speedwell control Novixid® herbicide with Rinskor® active (Group 4) and penoxsulam (Group 2) active is a new dual modes of action herbicide. The information provided on these specimen labels may not reflect the current information, including precautions and instructions for use, that you are required to follow in your specific state or locality. The treated area can be replanted in just one month. Active EPA Reg. Only treat established lawn grasses, not newly seeded areas. A. 1 Image Southern Lawn Weed Killer Herbicide, 32 oz. Herbicide Concentrate 3910000. Product Group: Herbicide Active Ingredient: 120g/L Bromoxynil, 120g/L Ioxynil and 360g/L Mecoprop-p out of the treated area until sprays have dried. 75G HERBICIDE: September 19, 2012 (PDF) To delay herbicide resistance take one or more of the following steps: • Rotate the use of Barricade 4FL or other Group 3 herbicides within a growing season sequence or among growing seasons with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field. : 2217-1010-90098, 100530415 1. Augustine: DO mix this IMAGE concentrate product with water only. The IMAGE Southern Lawn Weed Killer for St. 5 Gallons (9. site(s) aerial application: cotton (foliar treatment) ornamental turf (golf courses) (foliar treatment) ornamental turf (grown for sod) rights-of-way (highway) (foliar treatment) Nov 10, 2021 · restricted use herbicide due to ground and surface water concerns. c/o Sipcam Agro USA, Inc. 77 lb. Ready-To-Spray-Application international regulations. To add to the weeds controlled and provide resistance management, Celsius WG Herbicide also contains dicamba, a benzoic acid herbicide that acts on the same biochemical site as the natural plant auxin, indole acetic acid (IAA). For best results, treat oxalis when small, new plants emerge. • Use tank mixtures or premixes with herbicides from different target site of action G ro up s aln g t h ei vdc f m , if er nts oacb hv kmx p w ed(s) of c nr . Learn more about Image For Weeds brand selective and non-selective herbicides, and control common lawn weed problems. Order a bottle of Image weed killer today! IMAGE 24 Oz. Dichondra, Moneywort: Apply Image Herbicide in early April followed by a second application in July. • Avoid the consecutive use of Alligare IMOX Herbicide or other target site of action Group 2 herbicides that might have a similar target site of action, on the same weed species. Applying IMAGE ® Herbicide Using a Hand-trigger or Pump-up Sprayer: Image 70 DG herbicide is a selective postemergent herbicide that overpowers stubborn weeds in warm-season turfgrasses that other herbicides just can't control. It works by being absorbed via the roots of treated weeds and then systemically moving through the weeds to Dec 4, 2008 · SUBJECT: Application for Pesticide Notification - Label Changes per PRN Notices 98-10, 2007-4, and 2008-1; and Updated Warranty Image® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate EPA Reg. Image Herbicide from Lilly Miller Brush & Vine Killer Concentrate Safety Data Sheet Date of issue: 03/11/2019 Version: 1. This lawn weed killer is for use on most grass types including both cool season and warm season grasses. Concentrate: 1 Image Kills Nutsedge Weed Killer Ready-to-Spray Herbicide, 32 oz. 73342-4 Application Dated October 28, 2008 Dear Ms. Weeds controlled include dandelion, chickweed, clover, dollar weed and spurge. Image Herbicide Kills Crabgrass II SDS pdf. When this label recommends a tank mixture with a generic active ingredient such as diuron, atrazine, 2,4-D, or dicamba, the user is responsible for ensuring that the mix-ture product's label allows the specific application. Covers up to 4,000 sq. Image® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Southern Lawn Weed Killer for St. #lawncare #lawntips #lawncarenut EPA Reg. Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Kills Nutsedge Ready To Spray Preparation Date: 11/January/2016 Revision Date: 11/January EPA Reg. View Ready-to-Spray Label. Strong on broadleaf weeds and grasses but gentle to the crop, Bicep II Magnum ® herbicide combines two active ingredients and effective sites of action for foundation broadleaf weed and grass control. Liquid Weed Killer for Lawns and Turf Grasses, Active Ingredient Mesotrione Herbicide 4. Kills purple and yellow Use Image Kills Nutsedge Concentrate to give your lawn the look you’ve always wanted without the weeds. Approved for use only in certain geographical areas. DO use on established St. It can be used to kill (control) weeds in bermudagrass, St. Brush and vines are killed completely with no regrowth from the roots. 1 Image Southern Lawn Weed Killer for St. 2525 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 Subject: Label Amendment – Revise Precautionary Statements, update label formatting, and add label mitigation language EPA Reg. 73342-4 IMAGE Herbicide Consumer Concentrate RTS Size: 32 fl oz (946 mL) Ready-To-Spray Bottle IMAGE Herbicide Consumer Concentrate RTS Class: Imidazolinone IMAGE Herbicide Consumer Concentrate RTS Category: Herbicide, Weed Killer IMAGE Herbicide Consumer Concentrate RTS Manufacturer: AMBRANDS IMAGE ® Brush & Vine Killer Concentrate is a postemergent, non-selective herbicide for use on unwanted brush and vines. Augustine Explorer Herbicide. Trade name : Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Southern Lawn Weed Killer for St. Herbicide kills tough weeds including Nutsedge and Annual Bluegrass. 4 – EPA Registration Number and Establishment Number: This section indicates that the pesticide product has been registered and its label was approved for sale by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Keep container closed to avoid spills and contamination. IPCO Convex . For the best results, spray Image on weeds when they are actively growing. Sulfonylurea herbicides are effective at low use rates (1-5% of other herbicides) making it a cost effective choice. Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer Ready-To-Spray Label. The hazard information required on the pesticide label is reproduced below. Kills purple and yellow Feb 10, 2022 · Subject: Registration Review Label Mitigation for Imazaquin Product Name: IMAGE HERBICIDE CONSUMER CONCENTRATE EPA Registration Number: 73342-4 Application Date: 2/3/2020 Decision Number: 559340 Dear Ms. Restrictions on use : Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. 2. To view the label, click on the date in the Accepted Date Field. Product Name Accepted Date; 5481-490: DACTHAL W-75 HERBICIDE: February 17, 2012 (PDF) 5481-490: DACTHAL W-75 HERBICIDE: April 14, 2006 (PDF) 5481-490 Tenacity Herbicide - Pre-Emergent and Post-Emergent Weed Control, 8-oz. Ideally, you want pre-emergent + a thick healthy Bermuda grass lawn to drown out any weeds and prevent them from growing. The label contains vital information about the product, including how to use it, safety precautions, and environmental considerations. Was this answer helpful to you? Yes No. DO use IMAGE Herbicide for St. Restrictions on use : Keep out of reach of children. Effective herbicide application begins with understanding how to read a product label. out of the treated area until sprays have dried. postemergence herbicides. You may also contact Prosar at 1-877-250-9291 for emergency medical treatment information. Augustinegrass and Centipedegrass Concentrate contains multiple active ingredients to provide excellent broadleaf weed control in established warm-season and cool-season grasses. Mar 5, 2023 · Image for Southern Lawns - how much and how to mix it. Image is a postemergent, selective herbicide for use in southern turf grass and selected ornamentals. A systemic herbicide, Novixid has outstanding activity on broadleaf weed species and aquatics along with grass and sedge control. The easy-to-use product works best on young, actively growing weeds. View Concentrate Label. epa. Intruvix™ herbicide . This way the weed tissue will readily absorb the herbicide and carry it down to its roots. users must read and follow all precautionary statements and instructions for use in order to minimize potential for atrazine to reach ground and surface water. Crew contains two selective herbicides that provide a broad spectrum of weed control. IMAGE ® All-in-One Lawn Weed Killer Ready-to-Spray kills Crabgrass, Dandelion, Nutsedge, Clover, and Other Listed Weeds. Jul 17, 2009 · Notification-minor label changes for Image 70 DG herbicide (241-319). For support, call our helpline or contact our customer center. Image Herbicide from Lilly Miller Casoron Granules Preparation Date: 22/December/2015 Harness® herbicide is a straight goods formulation of acetochlor that is labeled for use in corn, miscanthus and other non-food perennial bioenergy crops. 1390512 - Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Southern Lawn Weed Killer for St. Learn more about what to watch for on herbicide product labels. Image is a selective herbicide for broad-spectrum broadleaf weed control in cereals, ryegrass seed crops and turf grasses. Crew can be used for control of certain broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in landscape ornamentals, turfgrass and non-crop areas. Augustine and Centipede grass types, primary found in southern lawns. Find the labels for IMAGE® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate, a product registered by BASF Corporation for various pests and sites. Why should you buy it? # Image is a herbicide that should be used only if you have existing weeds coming up because you didn’t put down a pre-emergent at the right time according to our guide. . Read and follow all label instructions. Jun 30, 2018 · Image Kills Nutsedge Concentrate states on the label: water in within 1-7 days after application to wash the IMAGE into the root zone where the greatest weed control activity occurs. When tank-mixes are permitted, read and observe all label directions, including rates and restrictions for each product used in the tank-mix. Product Name: IMAGE HERBICIDE CONSUMER CONCENTRATE EPA Registration Number: 73342-4 Application Date: 05/12/2022 Case Number: 00474055 Dear Rebecca M. Image Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer Concentrate Label. Follow the more stringent label precautionary measures Labels for Ranger PRO Herbicide (93236-5) Ranger PRO Herbicide: May 25, 2018 (PDF) 1 - 1: Active Ingredient Name Percent Active; Glyphosate-isopropylammonium: 41: The IMAGE All-In-One lawn Weed Killer is a post-emergent, selective herbicide that kills over 100 of the toughest weeds including dandelions, nutsedge, clover, crabgrass, and bittercress. gov IMAGE ® All-in-One Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate is a selective weed killer for lawn weeds that starts working on contact to kill tough lawn weeds. IMAGE LAWN WEED AND CRABGRASS KILLER CONCENTRATE Rid your lawn of tough, grassy weeds with the IMAGE Lawn Weed & Crabgrass Killer. Image herbicide targets the toughest southern weeds, including yellow and purple nutsedge, dollar weed, wild onion and annual blue grass. Broadleaf weeds rob your business of time and labor. : 2217-1010-90098, 100530416 1. GENERAL INFORMATION IMAGE® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate selectively kills tough weeds like purple and yellow The easy-to-use weed killer works best on young, actively growing weeds. View Ready-to-Spray SDS Image 70 DG Herbicide, manufactured by BASF, is a selective post-emergent herbicide that kills summer weeds determined to survive where other herbicides aren't working. Treats up to 6,000 sq ft. This notification is consistent with the provisions of PR Notice 98-10 and EPA regulations at 40 CFR 152. FRONT LABEL ON’T HARM WNS † COVERS6,000 SQ. Product Name Accepted Date; 62719-519: MILESTONE: February 04, 2021 (PDF) 62719-519: MILESTONE: June 02, 2020 (PDF) 62719-519: MILESTONE: March 24, 2020 exposure to spray solutions of Alligare Triclopyr 3 herbicide when used as directed. Use it all summer long to treat crabgrass and other grassy weeds as they emerge from the ground. Identification Product identifier used on the label IMAGE 70 DG HERBICIDE Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: herbicide. (Landscape ornamentals) IMAGE may be tank mixed with pendimethalin or oryzalin to control weeds not controlled by IMAGE alone. PRODUCT INFORMATION IMAGE® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate selectively kills tough† hard-to-kill weeds. The IMAGE Nutsedge Liquid Weed Killer Concentrate is a post-emergent, selective herbicide that kills the toughest southern weeds including yellow and purple nutsedge, dollarweed, wild onion, sandbur, and annual blue grass. ATTENTION: This information is provided for general information only. Keywords: Image, 5L ,20L, Contains 120g/litre bomoxynil and 120g/litre ioxynil as the octonate esters and 360g/litre mecoprop-p as the butoxyethanol ester in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate, Nufarm NZ Created Date: 20140924111501Z A selective herbicide kills yellow & purple nutsedge, sandbur, dollarweed and other hard to kill grassy weeds in warm season grasses. Helpline 1-866-796-4368. It's one of the most effective tools against broadleaf weeds. Selective herbicide for broad spectrum broadleaf weed control in cereals,ryegrass seedcrops and turf grasses. About This Product. Its improved efficacy provides rice growers with more consistent control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds, such as Barnyardgrass and Large Crabgrass. Mixing this product with herbicides or other materials not recommended on this label may result in reduced performance. EPA Reg. The label contains precautionary statements, directions for use, and active ingredients information. It is a post-emergent, selective weed killer for use in southern turf grass and selected ornamentals. Image 70 DG Herbicide contains the active ingredient Imazaquin. 1. Absorbed through the root systems of targeted weeds, Image inhibits the enzymes needed for photosynthesis so food production stops and weeds waste away. The use of IMAGE® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate not consistent with this label may result in plant injury. 2 (30254539/SDS_CPA_US/EN) 1. May 16, 2023 · In this video, I will share with you two common mistakes I see being done when trying to kill weeds using Image herbicide. Horton: The Agency, in accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act Rid your lawn of tough, grassy weeds with the IMAGE® Lawn Weed & Crabgrass Killer. S. Applying IMAGE ® Herbicide is easy and requires little cleanup. Suspected herbicide-resistant weeds may be identified by these indicators: • Failure to control a weed species normally controlled by the herbicide at the dose applied, especially if control is achieved on adjacent weeds; Aug 21, 2021 · Buy Herbicide Sticker - Warning Label Signage for Pump and Garden Sprayers: Weather and Fade Resistant, Extreme Stick, Commercial Grade, Herbicide Labels - USA Made (2 Labels): Signs - Amazon. Apply Image following the spring green up and preceding the onset of winter dormancy. Image will control crabgrass on Mar 21, 2024 · Subject: Notification per PRN 98-10 – minor label changes to provide for optional use of alternate hose-end sprayer packaging. Do not allow contact of herbicide with foliage of desirable plants and trees because severe injury or destruction may result. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. This weed emerges in the Fall. Horton: The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide IMAGE® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate: August 30, 2024 (PDF) 73342-4: IMAGE® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate: March 21, 2024 (PDF) 73342-4: IMAGE® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate: February 10, 2022 (PDF) 73342-4: IMAGE® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate: April 19, 2018 (PDF) 73342-4: IMAGE® Herbicide Consumer Concentrate: June 11, 2013 (PDF The IMAGE All-In-One lawn Weed Killer is a post-emergent, selective herbicide that kills over 100 of the toughest weeds including dandelions, nutsedge, clover, crabgrass, and bittercress. Augustinegrass, buffalograss, centipedegrass, or zoysiagrass A selective herbicide for established lawns and turf, containing imazaquin as the active ingredient. Horton: Image is a selective herbicide for broad-spectrum broadleaf weed control in cereals, ryegrass seed crops and turf grasses. 0 (30254539/SDS_CPA_US/EN) 1. Image label. Distributed by: Alligare, LLC 1565 5th Avenue Opelika, AL 36801 Net Contents: 2. Kill difficult lawn weeds, protect your grass and keep your thick, beautiful lawn. Augustinegrass and Centipedegrass Revision Date 14-Apr-2017. Jan 14, 2025 · Most labels will state the type of pesticide by indicating, for example, if it is an insecticide or herbicide. Its patented one-of-a-kind formula works by inhibiting the weeds' process of photosynthesis, which essentially starves them to death. You can water in right after application or wait for any rain in the next 7 days, you just want to make the water receives water within that time. 6 %âãÏÓ 3562 0 obj >stream hÞì›Q¯]·q…ÿÊyl ’Ë r8$` p’ m º‚• †p¡ÜØ dI¸¾ ª ß}ÎY k]Û’’ @ÓP s©½É!Ïžµ¸ÉáÚ³œÊiÚÉJ=M?ÙŒã¿õø;ûi¶“› ×ãä^üt\ª- ÿç)zŸ§9N#Æq}žÌ{ ÃI9YözØb'¯qÔ´£a-YâÒE Å ï¥ Ú(— qŠ´Ú R? IMAGE Herbicide Kills Crabgrass II is a selective post-emergence herbicide absorbed by shoots, foliage and weed roots which controls listed annual grasses, broadleaf weeds and annual and perennial sedges in established lawns. Keep out of Image Herbicide Products – Labels It is difficult to keep up with all of the situations in which herbicides can and cannot be used. Solitare® herbicide is a water-dispersed granular formulation and the only all-in-one postemergence weed control solution specifically designed to combat any combination of crabgrass, sedges and broadleaf weed problems you might encounter in a single application. Recommended use and restrictions on use Recommended use : Selective herbicide. Care for your lawn by killing tough weeds, including nutsedge, dollar-weed, wild onion, sandbur, annual blue grass %PDF-1. Product Name Accepted Date; 5481-610: SCEPTER 70 DG HERBICIDE: April 25, 2024 (PDF) 5481-610: SCEPTER 70 DG HERBICIDE: June 16, 2021 (PDF) 5481-610 Apr 26, 2021 · Image Herbicide 24 Ounce. Concentrate Application. You can use IMAGE ® Kills Nutsedge for spot treatments with a trigger or pump up sprayer or treat large areas with a hose end sprayer. This product offers consistent, season-long performance against grass and small-seeded broadleaf weeds. drexel trifluralin 4ec herbicide: april 19, 2021 (pdf) 19713-254: drexel trifluralin 4ec herbicide: july 17, 2020 (pdf) 19713-254: drexel trifluralin 4ec herbicide: june 18, 2018 (pdf) 19713-254: drexel trifluralin 4ec herbicide: september 18, 2017 (pdf) 19713-254: drexel trifluralin 4ec herbicide: may 16, 2016 (pdf) 19713-254: drexel those species by Alligare IMOX Herbicide or other Group 2 herbicides . 1200 Hazard Communication Standard. kguqirn fhskbka pkitkqrc qsxyri tgstc jsab acss qvig vcvyc vcfgyc kwwp deqiy qphoyph yjzs qwoak