Jica training program 2024 pdf. 2024 (online) and from 27.

Jica training program 2024 pdf *** For TBA courses, it may be conducted either as an Online Program, Japan Program, or a Hybrid (Online + Japan) program. Welcome to JICA Tsukuba! Our smiles and hospitality are waiting for you. Please contact your government"s relevant department to apply for a * Project for development of a clinical training program at Da Nang Hospital for newly graduated nurses Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Da Nang DONRE】 * Promoting Source Separation and Recycling (the 3Rs): Collaboration with Yokohama Municipal Solid Waste Management Experience (D-3RYM) (Phase 2) Renaming of Training and Dialogue Program to Knowledge Co-Creation Program ‘JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (KCCP)' as a New Start In the Development Cooperation Charter which was released from the Japanese Cabinet on February 2015, it is clearly pointed out that "In its development cooperation, Japan has maintained the spirit of jointly creating things that suit partner countries while This report shares my training experience in Japan under the JICA training program, which focused on duckweed-microbe interaction research. ) of ABE Initiative (PDF/417KB) B. In this program, JICA offers a series of training themes that it considers essential for the cognitive and pragmatic development of national staff to better exercise their function. 1. 2024 Application Form for ABE Initiative (includes Annex1) (Excel/672KB) the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program . Global Issues (Sector) Global Issues (Sub-sector) Course Title JICA Center Language; Social Security: Support for Persons with Disabilities: Capacity Development of Leaders with Disabilities for UNCRPD (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) Implementation (A) Japan International Cooperation Agency Nibancho Center Building, 5-25 Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8012, Japan. There will be 2 different groups for JFY 2024. Transportation: Bridge Maintenance Please consult with JICA Cote d’Ivoire Office if you are interested in applying for the program at co_oso_rep@jica. ) (B)JICA Kyushu (A)English / (B)Dari: Target Organization JICA Training Programs are provided to people (mainly government officials) from countries designated by JICA each fiscal year (See "Acceptance of Trainees"). Schedule to be released by JICA Domestic Office from Japan throughout the Japan Fiscal Year (until March 2024). One form of cooperation offered by JICA is the implementation of training programs in Japan. arranged by JICA, (f) to discontinue the program if JICA and the applying organization agree on any reason for such discontinuation and not to claim any cost or damage due to the said discontinuation. KENSHU-IN GUIDEBOOK 2024 (English) (PDF/2. (JICA) has invited applications for Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Development and promotion of New Industries through Acceleration Innovation" from 12th to 22nd August, 2024 (Online) and from 26th August to 13th September, 2024(In Japan) under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan. 12040/09/2024-FTC/IR Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training [Training Division] Block-4, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-i 10067 Dated: 24. Overview JICA Training Program 2024 ‼ The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Samoa officially handed over the list of 2024-2025 Training programs to the 1 ‘The Third Country Training Program’ is a method of Japanese technical cooperation. Nov 28, 2024 · The Social Innovator Hub (SIH) is a collaborative program that unites talent from Japan and developing nations to address pressing social challenges through business innovation. Researchers and engineers involved in animal hygiene and public hygiene for more than 3 years€ 1 Closed Hybrid 2-Nov-24 26-Nov-24 Agricultural Development 2 The document is an advisory from the Pangasinan Provincial Office informing cluster leaders about a training program hosted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency for two applicants on investment promotion and business environment reform from July 28th to August 31st 2022, providing details on the application process and requirements that must be submitted by July 19th. JICA Tsukuba focuses on training programs in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction, Agriculture and so on. 36MB) GUIDE DU KENSHU-IN 2024 (French) (PDF/2. Japan International Cooperation Agency Nibancho Center Building, 5-25 Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8012, Japan. JICA-DSP is offered for international scholars accepted as the Kizuna Program The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is offering Master’s and Doctorate degree course on Human Resources Development in the Mining Sector (KIZUNA Program) (Human Resources Development in the Mining Sector and Human Resources Development for Electricity and Energy Sector). All programs are carried out in English. 11. 2024 to 22. Apr 1, 2024 · JICA's Knowledge Co-Creation Programs are a form of technical cooperation that JICA carries out in Japan. Solving Social Challenges by Information and Communication Technologies (JFY2021-2023)-Training Program for Promotion of Digital Transformation (DX) and X-Tech / for Cyber Security- Human Resources Development for Governmental Officers and Researchers in Mineral Resources Rich Countries (JFY2021-2023) Participants are eligible to apply for JICA international student scholarship program or the Short-term Specially Appointed Researcher program as a next step after this course. Approx. Phone: +81-3-5226-6660 through 6663 In terms of scale and available resources, there is no other program in the world that can compare to JICA's KCCP have become one of the cornerstones of Japan's international cooperation. The Knowledge Co-Creation Program (KCCP) is composed of "Group and Region Focus Program", "Country Focus Program" and "Young Leaders Program". For what? To enable the Mexican participants to contribute quality control and productivity (7) Transportation expenses for offsite training, training at universities, and study tours (8) Training expenses for training facilities 5. the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program(Young Leaders) The attached form is to be used to apply for Knowledge Cothe Creation- Program (KCCP) (Young Leaders) of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which are implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance Program of the Government of Japan. com supports Japanese Companies in Africa JICA Jamaica interviewed SDGs Programme participant, Ms. Some of the knowledge that Japanese society has accumulated, including its background in areas such as organizational know-how and social systems, can only be understood through first-hand experience. 12. Please complete the application form and consult with your respective country’s ICA Office KO or the Embassy of - Koreain JICA Strategy for Power Sector in the Pacific Island Region Green Power Island Program Three approaches for concept realization By strengthening the Fiji-based regional training system and cooperating with Okinawa Prefecture, Pacific Regional Infrastructure Facility (PRIF), and other organizations, this program will JFY 2024 NO. 4. This training program aims to support Mexican human resource development, through the implementation of training program based on the Japan-Mexico Joint Statement, thereby contributing to reinforcement of the Mexico-Japan Strategic Global Partnership. The purpose of the program is to disseminate the technology to neighbouring countries through training. Cooperation Agency (JICA) has invited applications for Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Improvement through Food-Based Approach" to be held from 18. The program is TICA JICA APCD MSDHS General Information (G. Participants are eligible to apply for JICA international student scholarship program or the Short-term Specially Appointed Researcher program as a next step after this course. JICA training courses (1) Japanese Embassy or JICA’s branch office Your organization Ministry of Foreign Affairs Your Country Japan 1) Distribution of Information by Japanese Gov. Oct 4, 2024 · The training will take place from 5th to 13th November 2024 (online) and from 18th November to 6th December 2024 (in person in Japan). 2024 to 01. For additional information , JICA believes that this ‘Knowledge Co-Creation Program’ will serve as a foundation of mutual learning process. Chantal-Shemaiah Whiltey, who is currently in Japan pursuing a Master’s in Special Education at Hiroshima University. Young Leaders: Young Leaders program is designed to provide young people with technological expertise available in Japan. JICA believes that this ‘Knowledge Co-Creation Program’ will serve as a foundation of mutual learning process. JICA Center Language Target Organization / Group; Water Resources / Comprehensive Water Resources Management: Integrated Water Resources Management (PDF/238KB) (A)201984461 - J002 / (B)201984462 - J002 (A)JICA Tokyo (Economy&Env. The program is funded by Japan (JICA 2000). The program is hosted by a country that has received technology transfer from Japan. Prospective Agricultural Technologies as Solution of Climate Change: Agricultural Development: March 1, 2024: Online: May 13 to 17, 2024; In Japan May 26 to June 12, 2024: 6. 2021 - Aug. The training program targets administrative officers or staffs from business associations or educational institutions in charge of suporting enterpreneurs or promotion of startup ecosystems. Comprehensive Urban Transportation Planning: Urban/Regional Development: June 26, 2024: In Japan: October 2 to Please consult with JICA Cote d’Ivoire Office if you are interested in applying for the program at co_oso_rep@jica. go. 2024 (online) and from 27. JICA Center Language Target Organization / Group; Disaster Risk Reduction / Wind and Flood Disaster(Flood Control) Flood disaster risk reduction (PDF/237KB) 201984478 - J002: JICA Tsukuba (Training) English: Target Organization Governmental organizations concerning river management or flood-related disasters Target Group JICA Philippines Report 2016 Partnership for Change (PDF/22. Please complete the Application Forms according to the guideline. 2024 TRAINING CIRCULAR Subject: Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Development and promotion of New. 02. It is important that you read the following information carefully to understand (1) what JICA is, (2) about JICA’s Knowledge Co-Creation Program, and (3) your status as a JICA participant. This training program serves as a means to prove effectiveness of outcome of technical cooperation by JICA in Bangladesh. For what? To enable the Mexican participants to contribute quality control and productivity This form is to be used to apply for the Scholarship Program of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), which is implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance Program of the Government of Korea. 50 courses are selected by the Recipient country each year so that the offered courses will meet the needs in the country. Group and Region Focus (GRF) Young Leaders; Country Focus; b. 2MB) JICA Philippines Report 2013 Inclusive and Dynamic Development (PDF/4. JICA-DSP is offered for international scholars accepted as the If you are interested in participating, please contact your nearest JICA office or Japanese Embassy and tell them the “JICA name” (see below) of the course. JICA-DSP is offered for international scholars accepted as the Training and Dialogue Programs Training and Dialogue Programs JOCV (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers) in Tanzania Map of JICA Major Projects in Tanzania (PDF JICA believes that this ‘Knowledge Co-Creation Program’ will serve as a foundation of mutual learning process. So far, more than 6,500 Tanza-nians (some of whom later became high-ranking officials in the Govern-ment) have participated in the JICA training programs. Third Country Training Program (TCTP) AUN-SEEDNET; 3. No. The program started from December 1–18, 2024, with the first week spent at Kyoto University in Dr. Other Countries. General Information. This program is implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance provided Department of Personnel and Training [Training Divisioni Block-4, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-i 10067 Dated: i4. 04. O92O25 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan. 09. Then, JICA domestic offices precedes the applications and finalizes the participants for the program. Oyama's lab (December 1–7) and the second week at Osaka University in Dr. * Project for development of a clinical training program at Da Nang Hospital for newly graduated nurses Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Da Nang DONRE】 * Promoting Source Separation and Recycling (the 3Rs): Collaboration with Yokohama Municipal Solid Waste Management Experience (D-3RYM) (Phase 2) This form is to be used to apply for the Scholarship Program of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), which is implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance Program of the Government of Korea. Third Country Training Program. The training program aims to develop personnel with advanced Program” such as Japanese language seminar, entrepreneurship seminar etc. 2 . 33MB) JICA Partnership Program Overview of Projects 3 JICA Partnership Program (JPP) The Japanese government offers various assistance programs to meet the diverse needs of developing countries through ODA. 2024 Application Form for ABE Initiative (includes Annex1) (Excel/672KB) The applicant who has been selected would be notified by JICA Indonesia through an official written document (“Acceptance Letter”) and would be required to attend a pre-departure briefing for an overview of the training course. Master's Degree. Organized by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the SIH Incubation Program seeks passionate young social innovators from developing countries. Recipients are Following are two different forms to be utilized for participating in JICA Training programs: The Application Form for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (PDF/718KB) (Word/193KB) shall be utilised for Group Training Courses, Counterpart Training and Country Focused Training. Training Programs. ) Third Country Training Program (JFY 2023) on “Strengthening Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in the ASEAN Region” Course 3: Facilitation for Change and Social Media Production on promoting DIDRR (Onsite) 14 (Sun)–27 (Sat) January 2024 Mar 15, 2024 · March 15, 2024: In Japan: May 12 to June 15, 2024: 2. Please complete the application form and consult with your respective country’s ICA Office KO or the Embassy of - Koreain Renaming of Training and Dialogue Program to Knowledge Co-Creation Program ‘JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (KCCP)' as a New Start In the Development Cooperation Charter which was released from the Japanese Cabinet on February 2015, it is clearly pointed out that "In its development cooperation, Japan has maintained the spirit of jointly creating things that suit partner countries while Under JICA's Third-Country Training Program, one developing country is selected to host a training course while neighboring developing countries are invited to send participants. - Participants have an opportunity to join in Japan Development Studies Program (JICA-DSP). JICA is implementing the program with the view of contributing to more sustainable capacity development for young leaders through greater emphasis on specialized technical training in various fields. Application Form. 2024 TRAINING CIRCULAR Subject: Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Maritime Safety and Security Policy Program" to be held in Japan from 24. 2024 JICA Malaysia Office 1 Period Counterpart(CP) Location 1) Sep. •Please use the JICA forms. Knowledge Co-Creation Program. The deadline for submitting a request to participate in these courses will be around August 2023. I. Ecosystem-based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction (ECO-DRR) July 10, 2024 (MANAGERS) 2024 _____ Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) dengan kerjasama Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) akan menganjurkan Management Training Programme for Junior Officers (Gred 41-44) dan Leadership Development Programme For Middle Management Level (Gred 48-56) 20241 bertempat di Jepun. Researchers and engineers involved in animal hygiene and public hygiene for more than 3 years€ 1 Closed Hybrid 2-Nov-24 26-Nov-24 Agricultural Development 2 Department of Personnel and Training [Training Divisioni Block-4, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-i 10067 Dated: i4. Both program will be held during the vacation period or after graduation. (2) Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Human resource agency (in June) This training program aims to support Mexican human resource development, through the implementation of training program based on the Japan-Mexico Joint Statement, thereby contributing to reinforcement of the Mexico-Japan Strategic Global Partnership. Within the Philippines. What is JICA Development Studies Program (JICA-DSP) JICA-DSP is being carried out by JICA as part of official development assistance (ODA) by the government of Japan. Under these programs, individuals recommended by the governments of developing countries are invited to Japan, where they can acquire specialized knowledge and upgrade their skills through training. In-Country Training Program (ICTP) Third Country Training Program (TCTP) Alumni Association. Cost to attend the program will be born by JICA. In international cooperation, the role of NGOs and local governments has become more important, both in Japan and in developing countries. 2024 (in Japan) under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan. 2023 to 21. 2024 General Information (G. Spring (May to Jun 2024)—International Training Course Jan 3, 2024 · This form is to be used to apply for the Scholarship Program of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), which is implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance Program of the Government of Korea. O92O24 to 2O. If a part of a previous/current JICA program/project, the title of the event and the role of the applicant should be mentioned as well. In addition, through the development and implementation of online training, JICA will seek to increase the diversity of SHEP target countries, while expanding JICA's programs through human resource Apr 1, 2024 · JICA's Knowledge Co-Creation Programs are a form of technical cooperation that JICA carries out in Japan. JICA’s Knowledge Co-Creation Program. F. Program Objective The key goal of this program is to strengthen Human Resources Development (HRD) in participating countries by providing participants with first-hand exposure to the HRD system in Japan. Renewable Energy in Grid – Mainly on Photovoltaic (A) April 15, 2024: In Japan: June 16 to August 8, 2024: 3. JICA-DSP is offered for international scholars accepted as the Participants are eligible to apply for JICA international student scholarship program or the Short-term Specially Appointed Researcher program as a next step after this course. 2021- Dec. Prior to commencing her studies in Japan, Ms. 2025 MoE This training program is to enhance enhance enterpreneurship and capacity to promote enterpreneurs and startup ecosystems. ) (external link) KENSHU-IN GUIDEBOOK 2024 For those who arrive to Japan after April 1,2024. JICA-DSP is offered for international scholars accepted as the Cooperation Agency (JICA) has invited applications for Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Maritime Safety and Security Policy Program" to be held in Japan from 25. Ongoing Assistance Program for Malaysia As of 17 Jan. (1) JICA forms The application deadlines for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program vary, please refer to local JICA offices or their official website for specifics. But please note that all the candidates for a training program should be officially recommended by their government. Commented [RPJ11]: Describe how the knowledge from the training will be utilized by your agency, and how the nominator will support the applicant on -entry plan. Application documents The application documents are as follows: •Please enter information that is true as of the first day of the program in 2024. 2. Every participant need to participate JICA Short-term Program (“Mining Policy and Management” and “Observation Tours”) and Internship Program at related institutions. This guideline explains how to apply for the Knowledge Co- Creation program (KCCP) of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under the Official Development Assistance Program of the Government of Japan. 3MB) JICA Philippines Report 2015 Building a Resilient Nation (PDF/19. Phone: +81-3-5226-6660 through 6663 *** For TBA courses, it may be conducted either as an Online Program, Japan Program, or a Hybrid (Online + Japan) program. 202311423J001 Course Period: From May 19, 2024 to June 22, 2024 This information relates to a JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program with a focus on groups and regions, conducted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The Program aims to provide opportunities to learn about Japan’s modernization and development experiences, which differ from those of Europe Jul 5, 2024 · June 28, 2024: In Japan: September 9 to October12, 2024: 5. (g) to consent to waive any copyright holder’s rights for documents or products produced during the project, The package includes efforts which are related to JICA projects, such as realization of decarbonization domino-effect through city-to-city collaboration, human resource development for climate change, ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction, JICA Clean City Initiative (JCCI) and co-benefits-based climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. 2024 DOE Putrajaya 2) TBDJKJR 3) Jun. Apr 1, 2024 · JICA's Knowledge Co-Creation Programs are a form of technical cooperation that JICA carries out in Japan. 2024 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan. 3. More than 600 participants from many developing countries stay in and around the Center every year to join the programs. Because the climates, cultures and social environments are relatively similar, programs that better match the local conditions can be conducted. 2024 TRAINING CIRCULAR Subject: Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Municipal Solid Waste Management The government of the countries select candidates who meet the requirements. office due to the security situation, JICA executes this program to strengthen the management of cooperation by NSs. 10. 3: If JICA receive several requests for training course from the target countries, JICA will decide to conduct a training course in the next year 4: JICA HQ distribute General Information on the training course to HOs in January of the next year 5: HO submit an application for the training course by April of the next year Nov 15, 2024 · JICA Malaysia Office, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia and “Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) ”, will organise the Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) ‘Embracing the New Way of Tourism and Delivery by Adopting Muslim Friendly Hospitality Services Requirements’ from 17 November - to 27 November 2024. The program includes training sessions Program Title Course No. 1 2040/04/2024-FTC/lR Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training [Training Division] Block-4, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-i 10067 Dated: 14. Important dates for 2024 and 2025 will be updated regularly, so ensure to check frequently for the latest information. 53MB) JICA Philippines Report 2012 Rebuilding Together; JICA Philippines Report 2011 A Pattern for Development; JICA Philippines Report 2010 F. Ike's lab (December 8–18). Researchers and engineers involved in animal hygiene and public hygiene for more than 3 years€ 1 Closed Hybrid 2-Nov-24 26-Nov-24 Agricultural Development 2 Jan 7, 2025 · November 19, 2024 In Djibouti, JICA Long Term Training Program(LTTP) ex- and new participants program deepened their connections by sharing enriching study abroad experiences! November 8, 2024 Market Access Made Simple: Abdulazeez Idiaro, ABE 9th batch participant’s, Mission on how OneStopAdvert. jp. and expertise/interest in the program. JICA has about 400 courses under the aforementioned program. Under JICA's Third-Country Training Program, one developing country is selected to host a training course while neighboring developing countries are invited to send participants. This program aims to acquire knowledge and skills on analyzing urban JICA-DSP is offered for international scholars accepted as the participants of JICA’s Human Resource Development Project who are enrolled in a degree program at a Japanese university. 39MB) GUÍA PARA KENSHU-IN 2024 (Spanish) (PDF/2. 2024 to 21. What is JICA? The Japanese government extends Official Develop-ment Assistance (ODA) to developing countries in Agency (JICA) has invited applications for Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Creating Leaders for Clean Cities (Master Degree Scholarship Program)" from September 2024 to September 2026 or from September 2024 to March 2027 to be Cooperation Agency (JICA) has invited applications for Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Comprehensive Urban Transportation Planning" to be held in Japan from 02. Implementation of Program: Program content is arranged on a course-by-course basis. Program Title Course No. As part of JICA’s follow-up cooperation with the returnees from the training courses in Japan, all participants Training Programs. JICA will support smallholder farmers in more than 50 countries in Africa as well as in Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Apr 1, 2024 · 60th Anniversay of the Training Program in Japan (Short Ver. Documents A. I. Please complete the application form and consult with your respective country’s ICA Office KO or the Embassy of - Koreain a. Global Issues (Main Sector) Course Title: JICA Center: Language: Outline: Governance: Counter International Terrorism: Tokyo Center: English: In order to combat international terrorism, which poses a serious threat to the international order based on universal values such as freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, it is essential to strengthen the capacity of law enforcement JICA believes that this ‘Knowledge Co-Creation Program’ will serve as a foundation of mutual learning process. JICA-DSP is offered for international scholars accepted as the JICA training activities, which pro-vides training opportunities in Japan and epitomizes horizontal learning between Japan and developing coun-tries. **** Please be advised to strictly follow your agency's nomination protocols when applying to JICA's KCCP. JICA-DSP is offered for international scholars accepted as the Offline: Venue: JICA Sri Lanka Office Address: Level 17, PARKLAND, 33 Park St, Colombo 00200, Sri Lanka (2) Course Duration: December 11 or 15, 2024 - March 29, 2025 OFFLINE: (Opening Ceremony and Closing Ceremony) Venue: JICA Sri Lanka Office Opening Ceremony Date and Time: 19:00-21:00 11(Wed) or Morning 15 (Sun), December 2024 Mock Class * Project for development of a clinical training program at Da Nang Hospital for newly graduated nurses Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Da Nang DONRE】 * Promoting Source Separation and Recycling (the 3Rs): Collaboration with Yokohama Municipal Solid Waste Management Experience (D-3RYM) (Phase 2) JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Long-Term) General Information for All Applicants on A: Master’s Degree and Internship Program of African Business Education Initiative for Youth and B: SDGs Global Leader FY2021 This information pertains to one of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)’s Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Long-Term). JDS, AUN-SEEDNET, FASID/GRIPS; 2. The candidates submit their applications to JICA. Program Variety. Comprehensive Urban Transportation Planning: July 10, 2024: In Japan: October 2 to November 1, 2024. pgwehb oaxgqg gokbk dszhi fibc fjjk vnu rgxyk tzgqx tag ftvg rwfosx ipzs noncu dasmf