Kylo ren saves rey fanfiction Rey tried to focus and break free but she was being tickled way too much. Kylo Ren stared out the viewport. Rey was meditating in the forest on Ajan Kloss. He expected him to ask about Rey, but never his father. Drooped, almost. He couldn't help it, Finn blurted out, "Kylo raped you? But—but how? He's dead! Wait!" A million thoughts passed through Finn's head at lightspeed. "Stop!" She yelled. For at least the first trimester, she managed to cover up her gradually expanding baby bump, and her ballooning breasts now laden with a mother's milk, with a loose-fitting blouse and a sweater over top. It just might earn him another kiss on the cheek. "But you're right Rey, we need to keep an eye on him," Finn glanced at the black shadow where Kylo Ren had slunk off to. Despite Ben being the jealous type with quite a temper he passionately fights for her and does everything he can to keep Rey in the light by his side and she struggles As the end of the war approaches Rey and Kylo Ren both seek answers to questions about the past, and are not prepared for what the past has waiting for them. He and Rey hadn't talked in over a month and judging by what was happening, she was in labor. Ren said. Will she succeed, or will Kylo Ren instead find the darkness within her own heart? Slow build Reylo. You and I, together. Leia Organa was relieved to see BB-8, who had the map to Luke Skywalker, but was also worried about Rey and Kael, who were in grave danger. Kylo's eyebrows furrowed at her desperate attempt to flee his Luke's rage. The momentary distraction was enough and Poe took out his blaster and shot him, as he fell he thought only of Rey. The black metal covering Kylo Ren's face stared back at her indifferently, illegibly. It really was not that hard. Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Romance - Rey, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - Words: 6,153 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 70 - Published: 6/23/2019 - id: 13319174 In an instant, Kylo drew Rey up from the floor and turned his blade on Kilan, wounding his shoulder with a scorching blow, Kalin growled in pain and fell back. He had left IE-6 with Rey, now that he knew she was strong with the force, he had to keep a closer look on her. Despite Ben being the jealous type with quite a temper he passionately fights for her and does everything he can to keep Rey in the light by his side and she struggles When Rey decides to save an injured Kylo Ren before Starkiller Base is obliterated she never anticipated the journey they would begin. Bound by an unbreakable Force connection, they find themselves facing the tension of betrayal, lingering hope, and unspoken feelings. Kylo was not prepared for this turn of events. "I want you to know that I would look back. As the droids moved him off the floating gurney and into the bed, Rey examined the room. Sith power flows through your veins. The sickening scent of melted plastic flooded Kylo's sences and caused his eyes to water. Stopping Rey, Kylo began to kiss her again as he ran his hands over her body, cupping her breasts and playing with her nipples. They continued to dodge the deadly beams as Rey let her instincts guide her as they ran. That's why he refused Rey's request to give the order for the First Order to stop marching on the Resistance. He could sense that quite clearly. " Rey and Kylo Ren: Wounded. Finn grabbed his blaster as Kylo rushed at him. She could not see where her path would lead her now. Kylo had hoped to be there to see his daughter, but Rey had cut the bond when the contraction hit. All Kylo had to do was use the force and light it. Everything about that day almost three years ago haunts her. "Not now Finn!" Rey spotted her old red vehicle and made a beeline for it. Jun 23, 2019 · Rey submits to being Kylo Ren's sex slave and mother to his child in order to save the last gasps of the Resistance from being slaughtered. When she'd clasped his hand, she'd sensed a power like electric running through her fingers. His hands slid to my face, and they cupped both cheeks. Jan 20, 2024 · Rey and Kael were taken away by Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma, while BB-8 was left behind with Finn. Rey whirled around to see a tough looking middle-aged woman in some kind of military uniform struggle on the floor with Kylo Ren. She saw the black droid standing over Kylo Ren's unconscious body. "I didn't touch you. Read Part 3 - Kylo Ren from the story Reylo - Save me (fanfic) by darksideoftheme (aka: Naomi) with 8,153 reads. She had felt it rise up several times on Jakku, when she had been stressed or frightened but Jakku was an unforgiving place – difference was a sign of weakness. They felt the biting air of the Starkiller base whipping around them. Rey saw the pale skin underneath and pushed the shirt off his shoulders. Please, Rey, said Kylo in her mind. In the corner of her vision, Rey could see Hux's lips moving and his hands pointing at her accusingly but that was secondary. Injured, but determined to face his past, Ben convinces Rey to return with him to the Resistance camp where they immediately place him in captivity to await trial. there’s still some people floating around this sub who’ve posted links to downloaded Rey and Ben’s kids travel back to the sequel trilogy time period to save their parents. Stormtroopers and officers passed by him, steam and beeping filled the air. Rey turned her head to I felt the story very clearly presented that Kylo/Ben wasn't interested / going to go through with it if Rey didn't reciprocate, and then she does, with a lot of enthusiasm I might add. But with a twist! This is my way of adding some deeper measure of characterization to the incredibly boring character of Rey, while simultaneously showing how awful Luke's portrayal in TLJ really was. "How are we doing back here, kids?" Kylo Ren has the biggest decision of his life to make. Rey finds an unlikely rescuer. Kylo awoke in restraints. The transfer of Ben from the hospital to Padme's residence went off without a hitch. Two weeks after TLJ, Rey finds herself on an old Rebel base, trying to protect herself with the Force-but Kylo Ren finds a way to break through. I hold m Kylo Ren has been tracking down Rey for months, chasing her away from the resistance and furthering into the outerrim. He spares his Father, in hopes that he can persuade another potential student, the scavenger Rey, to follow him and perhaps together they can create their own destiny. The one person who still stands between him and that goal is Rey, so he is hellbent to find and kill her. The younger man looked at his father. Kylo Ren x Rey Fanfiction -- After Kylo Ren successfully slaughters Supreme Leader Snoke a reyxbensolo Aug 7, 2017 · Can Rey fight against the darkness flourishing within her and can Kylo suppress the growing attraction he feels for Rey? Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi/Romance - Rey, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - Chapters: 12 - Words: 14,003 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 39 - Follows: 32 - Updated: 9/29/2017 - Published: 8/7/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12604618 Kylo Ren has the biggest decision of his life to make. Furthermore, he could sense who had created her. He uses the opportunity to comfort her despite being on opposite sides of a war. . The next minute, he Rey paused. yes, really. Rey brought their entwined fingers to her mouth and kissed Kylo's hand. "How reassuring," she has the guts to sound sarcastic. The one which had never come off, until now. That is what you are afraid of, isn't it?" Kylo knows Rey. It was the same droid that had guarded her when she had been kept in Kylo Ren's private chambers. Rey felt like she was being tickled by a thousand feathers. A lot more chapters for all my fanfics should be coming within the next 1-2 weeks so keep a look out but lets begin with this chapter. I wasn't good enough for her," Kylo added gruffly. Finn tried to reach out for her hand but Rey shook it off. she has a really great fic called landscape with a blur of conquerors that adds on (something like 350k words) to TFA, but i believe she took it down because it’s being turned into an original novel. Rated: Fiction T - English - Horror/Drama - Rey, Finn, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - Chapters: 4 - Words: 120 - Reviews: 2 - Updated: Jan 18 - Published: Jan 15 - id: 14431612 While the dwindling Rebellion starves, awaiting their chance to attack a First Order supply vessel, Rey is trying to keep busy repairing the lightsaber. Ben Solo survives after giving Rey his life force because Leia gives up her own life to save her only son, becoming a Force Ghost. What was worse was that her adversary knew it, too. She had been created through the Force, just as his grandfather had been. So, this fanfic is set roughly 2 days after Kylo Ren and Rey's battle in the forest and after the destruction of the planet. She wanted to die staring down her opponent. because she had the missing piece of the map to Luke Skywalker's location. Mar 15, 2020 · Kylo Ren walked through the Star Destroyer with a quickness that made other officers and Stormtroopers have to practically jump to get out of his way. "And keep our distance too," he added. Do not hurt him. Kylo could not do it. Kylo Ren stalked determinedly to her cell. " "Oh dear, we are all going to die!" If the situation weren't so dire, 3PO's antics might have made me smile. Rey stood back to back with Kylo and pulled her blaster, three stormtroopers came at her, she shot one and Kylo deflected the blaster fire of the other two back at them. "Yes. Poe moved next to Rey and avoided lifting his wounded shoulder, reaching out with his good arm to shake Rey's hand. But, then she noticed the telltale signs of the Bond starting to open: the noises of the forest became muffled and she felt another Force signature near her. Snoke has ordered him to turn her to the Dark Side. "Palatine lives and he must be destroyed. Jan 15, 2025 · Kylo Ren holds Rey captive. < Prev 1. But he could tell it was working because now Luke's glare was directed towards him, malicious intents burned within his eyes. Unfortunately, I cannot disregard Kylo's claims. Despite Ben being the jealous type with quite a temper he passionately fights for her and does everything he can to keep Rey in the light by his side and she struggles Rey turned around and reached for her blaster. "You are a Palpatine, Rey. Rey half-expected him to melt like a chalk mural washed away by rainwater. He finally has her cornered. This time, she takes the hand of Kylo Ren, grasping at the chance to transform the First Order from the inside. We could bring peace to the galaxy. "Rey? But howOh!" She remembered Finn telling her how Rey was captured by Ren. Rey uses the force to launch Kylo against the TIE's main viewpoint and turns to run. Kylo Ren and Rey: Compassion. It pulled at the Darkness within them. The blaster disappeared from Rey's neck as the stranger was flung to the side by Kylo's attack. Ben was still conflicted. They locked eyes, almost with a tenderness in them, a fondness at seeing each other in the flesh once again. Rey moved away from him quickly before he sensed her and tried to get in contact with her. "I am Kylo. Picking her up as gently as he was able, Kylo Ren carried Rey from the Galactic Senate Chamber back to his Silencer before putting out a secure message to his Knights of Ren. But she couldn't stand here all day. Kylo Ren was standing there, his lightsaber crackling. Ben's face went completely slack. The Finalizer. While the world around him shifted back into focus, the pain in his shoulder started flaring up and so did a blinding ache behind his temples. Constant surveillance, an opponent who seemed to be able to get inside her head and who had plans for her she did not want to picture. Through the Force, Rey could sense his anger shrink away, as though sucked through a vacuum. Ben seized her and embraced her. "Rey. She sat up, clutching the blanket to her chest. 'She said that the voices that spoke to you, they are not your family and you aren't to trust them. Despite Ben being the jealous type with quite a temper he passionately fights for her and does everything he can to keep Rey in the light by his side and she struggles He thought if it was one of Rey's keepsakes, it would be good for him to present it to her without the ever present Kylo Ren around. Biting down on Kylo Ren's arm, Rey managed to stun him just long enough to break free of his grasp before knocking him to the floor with the force. He cursed himself for allowing this situation to come about. "I do too," Rey replied, feeling Kylo's penis twitch in her hand. "Don't worry," Kylo said, not turning to face her. Despite Ben being the jealous type with quite a temper he passionately fights for her and does everything he can to keep Rey in the light by his side and she struggles This fic plays off of the yin-yang kind of relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey (a little bit of light in Kylo and a light bit of dark that is in Rey and the balance that is the force). She's right where he wants her: alone and weak. However, when his opportunity comes, Kylo finds himself hesitant. Dec 27, 2017 · Rey asked, her voice low, unsure of how to proceed. It portrays an extension of what what shown in The Last Jedi in the scene between Rey and Kylo. Padme hadn't let her see the room until Ben arrived. "Yes, I do, do you?" he replied, gulping as Rey ran her hand over him once more, tightening her grip. Dec 24, 2019 · This must have been the Ben Leia knew, who she had placed her enduring hope in. Believing he can be worshiped like his grandfather Darth Vader, Kylo Ren kidnaps Rey, along with Chewbacca, Finn, and Poe to accompany him to Disneyland. That was until someone touched her shoulder, jolting her awake. "Hi, Rey. Based off of Misery. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Rey, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,505 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 8/2/2016 - Published: 7/31/2016 - id: 12079472 Mar 4, 2020 · Rey was sleeping peacefully, curled into the silk sheets. "I'm grateful you stood by us last night. Snoke stared at Rey with eyes of pure hate as the image flickered and died, and she was left on the rocky island, the sea her only companion. His father Han stands before him and he is torn between honoring his grandfather's legacy or forging his own path. Jan 3, 2020 · And no matter how far away she was, physically, from him, she could always sense Kylo Ren in the back of her mind. The notorious Kylo Ren, sitting beside her in the bed. Please. But you said Kylo Ren's body disappeared just like any jedi when they die. The girl hadn't been easy to subdue, but if she had, then she wouldn't have peaked his interest, and he wouldn't have realized what she was. Kylo Ren is frustrated and desperate to get closer to Rey and can't resist but pursue her across space and time. Kylo Ren appeared above Rey, seeing her in the pod that had arrived at Snoke's ship. Rey and her indomitable spirit. And honestly it didn't sound aweful. " Finn still had his blaster pointed at Kylo from under Rey's arm. I'm not her son anymore," he says finally, stubbornly. "It is not him. Now here was Kylo Ren, offering to teach her anything she wanted to know. I will always look back to you. Kylo Ren has the biggest decision of his life to make. Rey is a young lawyer that lives in São Paulo and is always working hard to afford the cost of living there. No Archive Warnings Apply; Kylo Ren/Rey; Ben Solo | Kylo Ren; Rey (Star Wars) Finn (Star Wars) Poe Dameron; Rose Tico; Armitage Hux; Summary. " Kylo said Rey, having never touched a lightsaber in her life until this adventure, was at a strong disadvantage, and she knew it. So this is to you my fellow Reylo fans ! I wanted to create this because I did not see many fanfic stories on this pair. Rey fighting to resist, while Kylo Ren was giving in, letting it make him stronger. While Rey searches the galaxy for Force Sensitives and Kylo ponders his loyalty to the First Order, the Force works to cross their paths once again. When Rey came to, she wept over Finn's body. Kylo Ren is a beast in a metal mask and Rey is a beautiful scavenger in a Star Wars themed retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Will the Force tear them apart, or can they finally uncover the truth that will bind them together? After the events of The Last Jedi, Rey and Kylo Ren are drawn together once more under a starlit sky. He thought about how he had found her on that Outer Rim The stormtrooper responded „Ren wants this prisoner to be delivered to his private chambers. This is completely made for fun ! I really enjoyed the story between Kylo Ren and Rey and felt like they deserved a little more intimacy and romance. "For a fraction of a second, I see myself, completely dressed in black, a red lightsaber in the right hand and the left in that of Kylo Ren. At least, he wanted Rey especially to stay away from Ren. " "Who is Kylo Ren Kylo Ren comes face to face with his love for Rey and is ready to claim her as his. Rey forced her eyes to stay opened. Despite Ben being the jealous type with quite a temper he passionately fights for her and does everything he can to keep Rey in the light by his side and she struggles Finn shouted. "I would never take you against your will. A reylo Rosemary's Baby AU written for Halloween. Amazing, he Dec 28, 2019 · Rey was currently fighting with Kylo Ren on the wreckage left by the Death Star. However I added a slight change to the story! Just after their battle, instead of the ground separating them, Kylo Ren managed to knock Rey out and take her captive again. Dec 25, 2019 · The kid looks like a miniature Kylo Ren. Anyways, enjoy ! Feedback is welcome) Rey lay dying in the arms of her once Kylo Ren comes face to face with his love for Rey and is ready to claim her as his. "The First Order, they discovered our hiding place, we must leave. Jan 3, 2020 · Kylo realizes she is working hard to repress sobs. awakens, rey, story. He smiled and went outside, gathering new hope that he could still be someone special to Rey. What happens when Rey finally admits that she too feels the same electic feelings for him? What happens when Kylo finally captures her in a moment of vulnerability? Read to find out. Feb 6, 2022 · Kylo Ren comes face to face with his love for Rey and is ready to claim her as his. Despite Ben being the jealous type with quite a temper he passionately fights for her and does everything he can to keep Rey in the light by his side and she struggles Kylo Ren comes face to face with his love for Rey and is ready to claim her as his. Both of them were angry and confused, and Rey didn't seem to know what she was doing or how she was doing it. He remembered when he was young and he would take him to the Falcon and teach him to fly. His voice echoed in her mind, bringing back memories of their last connection. It is not him, impossible. No never! It is a trick, a trap, a mental manipulation. , Rey, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - Chapters: 25 - Words: 67,287 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 7/23/2023 - Published: 4 And Rey spun around to give him a full view of her swollen belly. You were born to serve the Dark Side. She saw him. Chapter 3 of Kylo Tickles Rey has arrived. Kylo would find his daughter. He was nothing more than a ghost of a past that he had left behind. Rey is offered a choice at the end of Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. " I try to reach up to touch his face, but my hands are Rey is offered a choice at the end of Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. After a long fight, Kylo Ren managed to knock Rey down. " He seemed to like the idea of us together. " Han said. Kylo looked at Rey so small in his arms, she was dreaming now and her thoughts tangled up with his. Kylo Ren has one goal: destroy the entire Resistance so he can rule the galaxy as Supreme Leader of the First Order. Notes: Events take place after TFA. Pulling his ignited saber to her hand once more, she launched at him only to have her body move unexpectedly as Kylo Ren used his own power to pull her body down on top of his own. In the summer of 1965, Rey and Ben Solo, AKA Kylo Ren, are newlyweds who move into The Supremacy, an apartment building with a grisly past. If she refuses, she's to become a breeding slave, to produce force sensitive children. Rey knew she was looking beyond the mask - not the Kylo Ren helmet, but the mask Ben Solo wore to conceal his conflicted nature when he had been Kylo Ren. Or so it seems. The heat radiating from his skin surrounded Rey and made her feel dizzy. The Corusant air was warm, but both Rey and Kylo Ren were cold. Before anyone could react, he ripped his lightsaber out of the stormtrooper's chest and slashed it through another soldier's throat. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Rey, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - Chapters: 123 - Words: 283,488 - Reviews: 1,582 - Favs: 1,144 - Follows: 1,494 - Updated: 3/6/2020 - Published: 12/16/2017 - id "The scavenger," Kylo confessed. 'I felt her love for you Kylo. You and I. Rated: Fiction T - English - Horror/Drama - Rey, Finn, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - Chapters: 4 - Words: 120 - Reviews: 2 - Updated: Jan 18 - Published: Jan 15 - id: 14431612 Kylo Ren comes face to face with his love for Rey and is ready to claim her as his. Finn didn't like the way Ren looked at her. Aug 15, 2005 · 5 times Kylo Ren realized he had feelings for Rey and 1 time Rey realized she had feelings for Kylo Ren Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,180 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 148 - Follows: 77 - Published: 12/19/2015 - Rey, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - Complete Anyone who had seen the true face of Kylo Ren would know if the two stood side by side, but Rey had hoped that Ren's desire to capture her would keep him too occupied to notice. "This Jan 18, 2025 · With a wave of his hand, Kylo Ren sent Rey flying into a tree and Kylo Ren used a lightsaber to kill Finn. They always knew they had something, an attraction, a bond. Kylo Ren taped some of the elctric toothbrushes to Rey's most ticklish spots and turned them all on using the force. I plan on further developing this storyline. Alone. Kylo Ren's acting career starts to rise soon after but at what cost? A dirty oneshot between Kylo Ren and Rey. He lay on the cold metal floor and could feel that his feet were tied but he had full control over his arms. This didn't make Rey feel very good. He started to wonder if perhaps there was some famous blood in her after all, but he was far too busy to think much about it. "Rey I can't just-" The door hissed open. Kylo Ren is brought in to serve Leader Snoke, to finish the training for which he has sacrificed everything. But it didn't really matter. He had his lightsaber drawn on her. He could feel her power, and despite her lack of training she was overpowering him. Rey wondered why they were doing that. "Do you hear yourself Rey? Of course it was him, who else could be crazy enough to do such a thing? "I don't know how to explain to them where my belief comes from, but I'm sure Kylo is not the culprit. Jan 12, 2018 · Feeling Luke has gone to be with the force, Rey leaves for Ach-to to confirm his death. As luck would have it, her Force-bonded rival Kylo Ren is knowledgeable on the subject and keen to help, but he is also very distracting. There is no escape from Kylo Ren. Rey tried to push these thoughts away, tried to build up the wall that Kylo Ren had pushed up against but it was not possible. Despite Ben being the jealous type with quite a temper he passionately fights for her and does everything he can to keep Rey in the light by his side and she struggles Rey's pod arrived light as a feather, and she looked up, searching for him. "You need a teacher! I can show you the ways of the Force!" Kylo Ren declared as he pushed against Rey, the locked blue and red sabers casting an eerie glow around the two. Rey feels the pull to the dark side. They aresomeone or something else. Behind her, she heard the lumbering, military shuffle of Stormtroopers making their way through the foliage. The color reminded him of Kylo Ren, and he didn't want to be reminded of that freak when he looked at Rey. A more tangible threat comes our way. It fell down and revealed his upper body. Rey averts her head, unwilling to even look at this man. Tags. Kylo would never have done this!" "It isn't?" laughs Finn. He had put the helmet back on his head and was walking through the ever-busy heart of Star Killer Base. She knew that there had always been something in her that was different. Kylo Ren's modulated voice barely made it to the island, his hand shooting up as Rey felt a grip at her throat. He could not do it. The generosity of her friend took Rey's breath away as she followed behind the medical droids. Beneath his helmet, Kylo Ren Smirked. Chapter 6 - Rey. Rey felt Finn lying unconscious Kylo kept his eye on the orphan Rey as the months went on. May 8, 2020 · When Kylo Ren steals General Hux's tablet, Kylo Ren discovers that Earth idolizes Star Wars. Despite Ben being the jealous type with quite a temper he passionately fights for her and does everything he can to keep Rey in the light by his side and she struggles Reylo - Save me (fanfic) by aka: Naomi. He has to prove he can do it. Rey brings Luke Skywalker back to the Resistance, and finds a new family to replace the one that abandoned her. But little did they know that they never planned to fall in love. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren reigns. Han Solo and Chewbacca were devastated by the loss of their new friends, and vowed to get them back. I hope you guys fell in love with it the way that we did. "He means nothing to me. Instead, she leaves me to die. Maybe once the Resistance is gone, he'll finally be able to be what he's always wanted. Rey and the baby would come to him. He would never - It hits him, and Kylo lifts a gloved finger to her cheek, wiping away her tears. "Don't. Kylo remembered when Ben Solo was still alive. Not exactly the kind of fics you were describing but it was what came to mind. While Leia was strong and consistent, Kylo's dark energy was always flickering, and occasionally tiny bursts of light would break through. Unfortunately, Rey knew the answer to that. No Archive Warnings Apply; Strings McCrane/Rey (Star Wars) Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren; Strings McCrane; Rey (Star Wars) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting The auctioneer stumbled backwards, having gone deathly pale. He couldn't speak. Whatever Kylo Ren has revealed to me, true or false, it can wait. „Get away from him!" she bellowed. It’s pretty good Kylo Ren has the biggest decision of his life to make. " Luke taught her next to nothing. "I have to kill you. The first encounter is rushed and fumbled, which almost led me stop reading, but then you quickly realize that's the point as each subsequent builds on their The battle they began weeks ago, and long in the future, begun once again. "The likes of you, Kylo Ren, has never been faced with such a task. She hopes to create a Resistance from within, starting with the heart of Ben Solo. We have to go now. Rey threw herself between them, her back against Finn's chest. They never wanted to be in his way when he was as furious as he appeared to be now. Sobbing? She has endured worse than this. She needed some time to think and meditate. A year has passed since the battle on Crait. Immediately Kylo Ren races after her to capture her as his prisoner, but things don't always go the way he had planned. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Finn, Poe D. As Kylo Ren recovered consciousness, he quickly lifted Rey to him once more and was relieved at the sound of her breathing. In the end, Rey must face the one thing she fears most: the power of the Sith and the shadow of Kylo Ren. Stuck alone with him, Rey is tested as she tries to bring forth the diminishing light within him. " Kylo stated calmly through his mask. They ran hard to get away from the massacre, with Rey pushing Finn as a bolt whizzed by his head. Rey's focus was on the masked man in front of her. As Kylo Ren left to speak with Supreme Leader Snoke, the three droids surronded Rey and kept circling around her. Aug 4, 2019 · Kylo can't bring himself to hurt her. How dare he use my desperation to have a family "Kylo Ren stole it from a vault on Takadona," Rey lied. In its hand was Kylo's helmet whose removal had caused the hissing sound. All the time that had passed since they last met disappeared, and it was as if the base never crumbled. Kylo Ren would come for her, and she didn't know what he would do if he was forced to retrieve her. Rey took in his broad chest and strong arms and another wave of warmth and security rolled over her. As she could feel him, he felt some of her emotions through their link. Kylo Ren's eyelids started flickering as he woke up slowly. But without the flaws it had before. At once. "Over here!" Kylo Ren influences her into her eventual downfall to the dark side, or will she be able to bring Kylo to the light? Rated M for language and violence. Kylo Ren and Rey: Broken Free. COMPLETE. He never will. From the interrogation room, to Han Solo, to the duel in the woods. "See you in twenty minutes. She showed surprising amounts of talent and power for one so small, and it was far too pronounced for her to really be a nobody. Reylo sweetness! Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Rey, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo - Chapters: 23 - Words: 18,092 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 50 - Follows: 48 - Updated: 12/19/2019 - Published: 1/6/2018 - Status: Complete FLUFFY REYLO ONE-SHOT! Set during TLJ sometime after Rey and Kylo discover their Force connection, but before she goes off to find him. Leia has recently passed away and Rey has found herself connected through a force bond with Kylo Ren again. In this fic, she takes the hand of Kylo Ren, grasping at the chance to transform the First Order from the inside. Does he want revenge? Kylo Ren has the biggest decision of his life to make. I will take care of her until Master Kylo Ren returns. The Resistance is reborn from the ashes. Kylo Ren has captured Rey. " She didn't respond. Kylo moves rapidly and she hits the ground with a hard slam as his body covers hers. Sweat poured down his face as he gaped at her, not understanding why Kylo Ren was so interested in her. ' Kylo gritted his teeth and his jaw hardened. " „Very well," responded the droid „leave her with me. Despite Ben being the jealous type with quite a temper he passionately fights for her and does everything he can to keep Rey in the light by his side and she struggles For the first several months, Rey managed to keep her pregnancy a secret from the rest of the Resistance. The stormtroopers that had guarded Rey were both lying at his feet. "Ben. Finn frowned for a half-second at Rey's new dark red robes. So when Kylo Ren reached out his hand, Rey could feel something shift inside her. "Did Kylo Ren have the emperor's powers—that he still lives. And then he fell to his knees at her feet. "I would have given her everything, if she had decided to rule by my side. After their passionate kiss he dies but is only saved by the huge sacrifice Rey makes for him. " Kylo Ren has the biggest decision of his life to make. A one-off write-up of The Last Jedi scene aboard the First Order ship, the Supremacy, between Kylo Ren and Rey. Kylo Ren is the stuff of nightmares, and seeing him again brings all the awful trauma rushing back. Kylo Ren grunted as he fought with Rey. Give it. " And with that Rey was pushed through the grand door, into the private chambers of Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren would like to say that he was the more proficient of the two, but he had seen Rey in all her glory when they were shoulder to shoulder in combat, looking more like a graceful goddess slaying down her enemies in otherworldly rage rather than a prodigal knight when he was a Jedi apprentice or a bloodthirsty, barbaric warrior that he had With a movement that was almost too fast for Rey to see, Kylo lunged towards the person standing behind her. Please, we could save each other. One minute Kylo Ren is sitting in on a meeting with his generals, discussing possible locations of the Resistance's new base – not that Kylo cares, especially, about finding them at this point, considering the entire operation could fit inside of that flying pile of scrap metal, the Millennium Falcon, when they fled Crait. #Reylo obligatory recommending of diasterisms on ao3- specifically her fic sword of the jedi. Kylo Ren comes face to face with his love for Rey and is ready to claim her as his. It pulled at her even now. At the same time, Kylo Ren cannot suppress the attraction and protectiveness he feels towards Rey. " Kylo said to Rey. A sight few in the galaxy ever had the privilege to see. Rey is a prisoner on Star Killer Base and even though she knows she should be afraid of Kylo Ren, she feels safe in his presence. She is strong, he thought. When Rey has a nightmare from her past, Kylo Ren, her sworn enemy, is the one who is there for her, offering comfort and security. He knows her mind better than anyone. Kylo visibly bristled but he did not interrupt her. Dark energy was very strong in the air here. jco cbznt humy grvptws vqcgw mchjp ktfj bgki bysc ljkw znyvov ruroef vdavrq rqaogt uidyy