My ex needs time to think about getting back together reddit. He shared his feelings of wanting to get back together.

My ex needs time to think about getting back together reddit Honestly I’ve always told people when they are getting married is to think of how they’d be as an ex and if you think they’d still be great go for it. It doesn’t mean 100 percent that she has a side piece. Today it happened - what all of us dumpees are dreaming of. She begins to cry and decides she needs to leave, we hug and kiss before she I did get back with my ex (together ~2 years, apart 9 mos, back together for ~3 years) and despite talking about it over and over, despite all sorts of promises, he broke up with me again (over a year ago now) and it was even more devastating because I THOUGHT he was really committed to the relationship the second time! My ex has a chronic illness, and back in 2017 moved across the country to get treatment. I told her I’ll like to be there for her because that’s what lovers do . It’s been two months, she probably doesn’t know what she wants right now. You need time to work on the things that separated you so that one day, a new and healthier relationship can be born. 5 months of NC, he didn’t want to get back together, just wanted to be friends so I blocked the mofo. It was nothing bad but there were definitely things I could have done better. But “coming back” isn’t always what you think it or want it to be. He shared his feelings of wanting to get back together. 5 months later, she broke no contact. The two people need that time apart to focus on themselves and mature. Many of you realize that with enough time, that wouldn't be something you want anyway, but as I try to give back to this community by talking with others about their experiences I see so many people dealing out "harsh truths" with their replies. She then asked to get back together with me a week later but I declined thought she should fight for me a little. When I could have looked for counselling, I didn't, and used movies, shows, and youtube videos to get by. Get the neutral party that can regulate the conversation and make sure that you are heard and not just able to talk. I don’t think anyone should ever get back w an ex no matter the circumstances. When you've broken up, I think that is the best time to reclaim yourself. I knew that the relationship just wasn't going to work out and I was getting better and didn't want to fall back into square 1 again. so if u take this route and they end up coming back u need to be healed and stronger than u were before. After finishing my second group of online exams in January of 2021 I went back to Mexico from February to April to spend time with my family. I’ve had so much time to think of so many different reasons why someone that left you would break NC, and while it could be good to hear from them after not having any contact for whatever amount of time, it will reopen the wounds and unless it’s to get back together or try to fix the wrongs that were done before, I think anything else is She said she needs time to think things over, that we’re not getting back together now, but it’s not necessarily out of the question. edit: wow there's a lot of really upsetting stories in this thread. So for me 1 week left and then we see what happens in coming months. You need to work on you. It's most important that you be honest with yourself and each other as to what went wrong and what you're expecting to go differently. Although we loved each other/still do - we faced a lot of incompatibility in how we communicated and also my ex was very lost on his end in terms of what he wanted to do with his life/job/hobbies. Ive realized my mistakes I made AFTER she broke up with me and I sent her a heartfelt apology about what i did wrong. If you got dumped, the only healthy thing to do is get out of denial, process it and move on. Most self-proclaimed get-your-ex-back experts, or as I call them, fake gurus, tackle this issue by making the whole feat seem easy peasy, turd-in-a-toilet-bowl easy. He would constantly go back to exes after a certain amount of time and hated being alone. He's very happy with me, to the point of being worried the rug is gonna be pulled out from Absolutely this. That being said, in my experience the trust never quite fully heals. Ex who cheated wants to get back together and I still love him submitted by cokdkskekrke555439 I was with my ex boyfriend for over five years. I begged so hard. Two years in we broke up he was dealing with some mental health issues and needed to focus on himself. " But I, like you, do have friends that have broken up for a period of time, then gotten back together. 3 months post breakup and after over a month of complete no contact, my ex asked to meet in person. The most important thing to remember about a past relationship is why it failed. Back to talking kids, marriage, etc. I don’t think you need her right now. You need to spend time figuring out you. If you still love and miss them, reach out at some point. OP needs to woman up and move on with her life with someone who will know what they want. After the final time my ex broke up with me, we remained in contact for a bit. My ex says he needs more time to decide if he wants to get back together with me (Advice Needed) I broke up with my boyfriend of 1y 3m about a month ago due to the reason of him repeatedly doing something that would hurt me, something that I’ve brought up many times. And wants to cut me off. Whether I get back with my ex or not doesn't matter because by then, I've already loved myself that if we get together, she'll be the one adding to my happiness, not the one to take it away. I'm trying to move on, and I've found myself again and know I won't go back to him unless he can prove to me he'll put in the effort and he's serious about everything, but he's still my first and last thought of the day, and whilst I've been trying to busy myself and barely think of him sometimes, sometimes I can't stop thinking about him. It destroyed our kids and my two older children I had from a previous relationship. And my growth makes it so that I don’t see myself with him again but that’s life. I know it was mostly my fault, but breakups are never one sided or 100-0. In my case, getting back w/ my ex did not work because they absolutely had not changed and had even solidified some of the things that made them difficult to be with. If you have a good relationship with her now in dealing with the kids I would stick with that and just politely tell her before you will entertain anything she needs to get into counceling and you might consider dating again. I am too young (23) to know if those relationships will result in marriage. She doesn’t want him back . This time I actually went NC. We dated 3 more years and it was the worst break up of my life. It does not change my advice. He treated me like he hated me. He broke my heart completely. I dropped out of graduate school, moved 700 miles (away from a city I loved), went to counseling with and without her, gave up the career path I was on to take a "sensible" job that she liked (which only paid a few more dollars an hour than the career path I would have loved), and spent years taking the blame for It’s possible. I’m so confused. No contact after the third chance should go on forever. Then he returns to the if’s. Anyways, we broke up and got back together once before. Thanks. When they got back together, she told me that he had been to therapy and was showing her that he had gained better relationship skills. I’m at that exact step myself. My boyfriend of 2. Then she broke up with me a year later because of stress in her life. I recently made a post here about struggling to get over my ex w BPD, and I have finally caved in and tried to get back together with her. A viral Reddit thread is breaking down different stories of how getting back with an ex went, and the answers are all over the place. Even after years I feel I always put in effort and we saw each other often. In my case I wanted things to work and I tried everything I could think of. 6 weeks later, after I begged and pleaded, we got back together. with my recent ex, i see where i’ve gone wrong and would do anything for him to give me a second chance. I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on it and I’ve come to realise my part in this and i believe that our time apart has made realise what I truly want and that’s her and so in terms of resolution I know what I need to do if we were to get back together. He was not there for her when she was grieving for her mom, she got through that and his infidelity alone. couple of years ago we broke up on a serious note It’s hell each time we get together and break up. And he makes joke of it now. Don't do it. She only tried in the beginning and then everything went back to all the reasons why she broke up the first time (doesn't communicate). It means life has become overwhelming and they just need some time alone. My parents actually broke up for a year before getting back together, getting married and having children, and have now been married 30 years or so, so it really is possible! Just because you broke up once doesn't mean it's broken forever. And I almost fell into it. My ex and I got broke up and got back together 8 times. I don't think his requests are unreasonable, but I find them really hard to follow through on. My (25M) ex girlfriend (23F) wants to get back together after she broke off our 3 years relationship 4 months ago. It could simply be that she has to work on her mental health. Men need to reside in their man cave, some women literally need time so they can process their emotions. The relationship had trust issues after getting back together. I got back with an ex one day after breaking up (I said "some shit needs to change or we need to break up" she called my bluff and said "ok let's break up" and then she came back the next day and I took her back. u need to be okay with being alone, and have happiness within urself for that relationship to work a second time around. If I had just moved on the first time I wouldn’t be where I am right now, still hung up on him and hurting more than ever. My first ex came back after a year. You need to let go of all hope and move on. She needs to get help because she wants it for herself or she won't ever really get better. Yeah looking back my ex isn’t worth ever dealing with again she pretty much initially asked for a break with no time line of definite agreement set and the following week I show up at her house to drop something off ( she knew I was coming ) and my things were all in a corner and I had to call her to find out we weren’t together anymore It's really good advices. You don’t just need to decide if you want your ex back, but even if you don’t, I think you need to take a hard look at your current relationship. He called me teary eyed and said he needs me in his life, he wants to get back together. I want to believe it is possible but I think both people need to really work on the problems before they get back together instead of trying to fix the problems while they’re together. Ive been catching up on a girl that seems to be an expert on them on youtube. I was devastated and it dragged out where we got back together a few times again then broke up again. But you both need time apart. Tbh right after my ex break up with me I kept the "maybe we can reconnect in the future" thought, but a previous ex started to talk to me again trying to get another chance, I remember back in 2016 when this guy broke up with me and all I was thinking was "ok in Me and my ex knew each other for about 5 months, we met on tinder around the last weeks of Sept. Yes I have. If it will be, it will be. It is very rare for a couple to break up and get back together and actually stay together. Ask myself if I want to get back together with them!. Missing him is not necessarily the best reason to get back together. Spend more time with yourself, focus on healing. During my breakup, me ex made a bad decision to grab coffee with a coworker. It’s been a few months now since that whole fiasco happened and I’ve moved on and never felt happier about my decision :) OP before you even consider getting back together you two need to get into couples counseling right away and iron out ALL of your issues not just the ones she wants to talk about. People are strange. You could see someone for a fun weekend, and the next week they may Ex wants to get back together. They ignore the problem and get back together just because they're lonely, or miss the other person, or think they won't find anyone better, or forget how bad the problem was, or think they solved the problem when in fact they did not, and so on. I don't think a lot of people last after getting back together because the problems that made them break up are still there. true. My bf expressed to me that he still cares for his ex deeply and wishes them wl but does not have any interest in a relationship with them again. I don't know if he believes me, but I have put in the work and it's been emotionally exhausting to try all this time. Think about get back together is completely normal, but after some time, at least for me, it make no sense. Attraction grows in time, space, and distance. He still hasn't gotten married and still lives at home to save money. Fantasizing about reuniting isn’t helpful. I asked him if he wanted me to wait for him and he said no, that I should move on. That doesn’t mean you should or shouldn’t get back with ex, but that maybe this new guy is more filler than real happiness and that isn’t fair to either of you. i wouldnt take him back simply bc he is feeling bad and realizing what an amazing person he lost. Getting back with an ex is usually more ill advised than not. Feb 20, 2024 · These seven stages of getting back together with an ex will likely sound familiar if you've ever reconciled after a breakup. Preventing that and seemingly abusing their attachment style is an unfair and manipulative way of getting back together. Most people that get back together with their ex do not solve the problem. My ex’s main reason for the break up was because she wanted to grow as an individual, but would “love to get back together down the road. Meanwhile I am still getting this feeling out of me 4 years together. Sounds toxic. The issue for me stems from the fact that his ex is still trying to get my boyfriend back together again. I wouldn’t have focused on myself and the root causes of my issues and healing myself. This was a good post. I can be super expressive for a week, but then I'll go back to my usual state. Nearly 2 years later she asked me to get back together with her again. What FAs go through first month after breaking up is 100% on point what my ex did. And I think the fact that she has been meeting up with me demonstrates that she could I think your girlfriend is right, growing individually is important. Saying she saw me with another man out in a restaurant together. I’ve told her everything about missing her and wanting us back together. It's certainly not the norm and it took a lot of work on both sides for us to do it. Any stories of ex's getting back together and made things work? Ex bf wants to get back together but I don't know what to do. She broke up with me once 3 years in. My ex and I just broke up and it was a mutual decision that we need to grow apart separately, but I am open to get back with her together again, and so is she because we both acknowledge that the love is still there, it is just that, things are not working at the moment right now which is why we decided to separate in the first place If you do manage to get back with him, prepare yourself for the insecurities that will follow. Just because you think they’re perfect together, he broke her trust at the worst possible time. People get back together. See full list on liveboldandbloom. I don’t think stories of getting back together are helpful. Your ex is coming back to you because she found out you can’t be replaced easily. You can read my post history - he broke up with me TWICE in a month. Be the ex that he/she tells people he/she can never get back. 310 votes, 435 comments. He didn’t regret his decision bc we were a LDR but he missed me a lot and still loved me and cared. But I think if you hang on to that hope, you'll miss out on life and other possibilities. I always think to myself, "Clearly, this ended for good reason. I know my ex before my recent relationship we kept on getting back together at the wrong time. I ask her if she wants to get back together with him but she says no she doesn't think she will ever get back together with him but she feels like she never got closure on her feelings. My ex and I still skyped every week but we did not celebrate my birthday or valentines day. 3rd one… we’ll see hahaha my ex said something similar to yours Sep 13, 2015 · He wants to be there for me but he keeps mentioning if we get back together. if the love you have for him is there, i would communicate those feelings to him but also let him know that if he wants another shot at love w you that he needs to take accountability for his actions and prove to you that he is worthy of your time I just think you need to have enough time to not just use rebounds to get over the pain you might feel of losing a relationship. What I did really hurt him and he doesn’t seem to get over it while being with me. My being hung up on the ex was a symptom of my personality disorder/childhood trauma. Good question. Build the life you want. However, the part of me that misses him still clings to a vain wish to keep him in my life somehow, so it conjures up dreams. Only once with my current ex when she got kicked out for ruining my birthday. Don't allow your ex to perceive you as weak or easy or a last resort when it doesn't work out for them with others. I would be insane to try it again. I tried to explain I didn't, but his mother supposedly had proof. my bf and i had a pretty short break from each other but we both healed a lot during that time so when we got back together it was with a proactive mindset. It all really depends on the situation and the people involved. 5 years. It hurts so deeply. Just make a clean cut OP. But since that’s not possible, and there is a likelihood that I will end up heartbroken again by a man who did not love me enough to try harder the first time around, I’m good just moving on. At one point she said “I don’t want to send you the wrong message” . I broke up with my ex almost a year ago. On a visit to see her, she was really sick and basically booted me from her life in no uncertain terms. For context, the reason she broke up with me because she said she wasn't happy anymore and that I put a lot of pressure on her. Going back to ex multiple times isn’t healthy at all regardless how that relationship ended. They usually come back when you’ve began to move on, they usually have a hard time flat out admitting they’re wrong and want you back, it’ll never be the same. I don‘t think many will get the chances we did, so it won‘t cause people to walk all over us if we do split in the future. If we get together, is annoying and frustrated. I should start out by saying that my ex-girlfriend/fiancé, Rachel, is one of the most caring and thoughtful people I have ever met. I loved him, I deeply and truly loved him. We talked about what's going to be fixed and changed if we get back together, which is a huge change from our long term relationship in the past. Im aware OP is a woman. My recent ex told me she wanted to break up because she was depressed. Lets get some positivity in here :) but after 9 months of nc, he messaged me and asked me to get back together, he apologized as he was so fvked up that time. Though my then EX / now GF and I have been back together for over 5 months and things are going well. 5 months later we got back together after him telling me literally 3 days before we did he didn't want to. I keep being told people don't change and people are your ex for a reason If you were dying to get back with her, then MAYBE yes, but that doesn’t seem like the case. But matters how they feel about you too. Chris Seiter promises a 70% success rate at getting an ex back if you buy and follow his program. We were apart for a year and my heart broke. He told me we are never ever getting back together ever. The last second last time there was a good 3 months breaks. I could've been out. If you just fall into a cycle of breaking-up and getting back together instead of communicating and fixing issues, you'll never heal yourself or your relationship. Plus exes who constantly always going back to their ex don’t learn to move on have something wrong with them. Don't waste your time. 5 year relationship. And every time we went back together, it got worse. he recognizes his faults too but unfortunately he can’t trust me to be true I dated my ex for four years total. It was wrong of me to think that they should be back together not considering Mer's pain and things she needed to do to heal. I'm back together with my ex and it's incredible. I didn‘t think I‘d get back with him but I did. Learn to let go. I can't tell you whether it's a bad idea. I have never once gone back to an ex. Hey, just from my recent experience. One thing I notice with other 'get ex back' guides is that they offer effectively the exact same advice that is offered on how to find a relationship in the first place, but repackaged to exploit your existing emotio In my experience they almost always come back. Nowadays, I think and want my ex back, but I also am able to analyze why the relationship started to end with therapy and eating a rigorous diet/working out/boxing. I even had back surgery during this time and I'm 20. That made me flip out so I decided to go NC for 6 months. My ex wanted to get back together, but non of the issues that broke us up where solved, so it would have been a tremendously bad idea. Yes. What do YOU want in life? All you are thinking about is what she wants. And he has been avoidant and weird about giving it back. Wanting to stay in touch means she wants you in her life, but not necessarily get back together right now. From my experience, I got back with my ex twice. I think leading her on or entertaining getting back together would only hamper her actually dealing with her depression. 2 people have to consciously build a new relationship and start from scratch. My ex (24) cheated on me with a co-worker and I have no plans on talking with her, being friends, or attempting to get back together. It happens all the time. 2. According to her, my ex should start turning into Dr Jekyll 6 weeks after no contact. If you really do want to get back together with him, give it some time off first. i’ve never wanted change so badly. Let it go. Yes people can sometimes alter their behaviour to appease you, they can change temporarily and hide things, but at the end of the day they don’t really change as a person. She says she feels like she still has feelings for her ex that were never resolved. But we ended up getting back together and we are happier than ever. I was not okay. The relationship was turbulent from the get go. She was a completely different person on that visit, very cruel and not like the sweet girl I had fallen in love with. Sep 30, 2024 · Getting back with someone you've already split from. For background, my (F25) ex (M26) and I were together for 1. I could've been out, man. Considering what happened, even if my ex came into my apartment right now, telling me how much of a mistake he made and asking me to take him back, I wouldn't, because I know it wouldn't work out. My ex needed space but phrased it in a way that she wanted our 'relationship to be better' - which led me to flying back 14,000km to my home country because I genuinely believed her that we were taking some time off to improve. Communications issues mainly. ” The other day, he said he had a dream we got back together. She wanted to remain in contact and try to be friends and I told her absolutely not. I don’t have to explain the pain to you guys. Bookmarked! Thank you! I relate so much to many parts. Getting back together deserves tough conversations and communication. I'd consider that successful. To put in his exact words, “our relationship was great and happy, but not healthy and I think a break is what we needed”. the original reason why we broke up wasn't even related to that, so there wasn't I only made it a few months and then I was back on a dating app and sleeping with a woman who is very nice. And, even then, she said not to get my hopes up and that she wouldn’t wait for me. It’ll also give them an in if they change their mind. It’s important you grow because you will need it to save yourself one day. It is possible to have a new relationship with an old partner, but you need time apart to grow and change. and now we’re 7 months together now and it is much better! so just give your partner space and work on yourself too! it will be worth it and if your partner really do love you, he/she will get back to u once he’s done My ex and I were together more than 4 years. ” I was in my own personal hell for a month after that clinging onto this idea of getting back together. There's a lot of lies out there about the chances of getting an ex back. 5 years broke up with me back in the summer. I declined meeting up, explained to him that I have no interest in us getting back together and that I can’t be friends with him. I'm even speaking to myself too When it was the final straw for me and I made sure this time me and my ex broke up for good, I stood my ground and didn't pop up to my ex - which then lead to my ex popping up to me. You got this! I believe in you! so let me tell you how messy it gets to get back to your ex so when I was at school my ex proposed me and I rejected by that time then we got together few years later at my 11th we are in relation for more than 4 years but this wasn't constant we breakup and then get together and all stuff . and in the begging if of October I had sex with someone else, we still hadn’t gone on our fist date nor have I yet told her my intentions, so I didn’t think much of it, we pass October and November together realizing that we have such a raw and He texted me two months later to ask if there was a possibility of us getting back together. what makes you think you’re in the way of them getting back together. He texted me because he wants us to meet up to talk things through and because he wants us to get back together. Nothing changes and you’ll be fighting over the exact same reason why you guys broke up in the first place. He was a sweetie. I told her i respect her decision and we have no hard feelings. Actually a better cook, better in bed, and wants to be with me. I apologized to her for making her relive this painful memory of her but she told me that it's a small price to pay if it means someone else's peace of mind. I believe a couple months is not enough time to reconcile. See where it goes naturally. Not a dude, but im sitting next to my former ex and we have been back together now for over 12 years First time we just had our own personal issues that made any relationship harder , combined with some immaturity, we were 25/26 the first time He reached out to me just before my 30th birthday on messenger, hung out and just went from there Three years is a long time and I relate. Then divorced. We started dating when we were 20/21 and had a lot of great time together. com: Don’t do it. I hear you 100% that was my mindset through the entire relationship and I dident get the same energy obviously you don't know me and you can't take anything I say 100% but I was honestly a saint in the entire relationship u never had a thought about another woman never tried anything funny I dident even speak to other woman just out of respect Long story short, my ex and I "together" but not "together". It doesn't mean they don't like or care about you. Getting back together after a break-up can work if you know what went wrong, and those issues are fixed before getting back together. We have both helped each other get through difficult periods in our lives and I will always appreciate everything she has done for me. Then decide if you want her in it. The thing is, what she considered pressure was actually me trying to fix our relationship. Check out some of the top answers below, and let me know your thoughts at David. We talked somewhat recently. I caught my ex cheating on me and I tried my hardest to build back but it always niggled away at me even 2 years on. Hookstead@outkick. You both need time to heal from this, regardless of who broke up with who. She tried to ask to get back together a couple times shortly after the breakup but I kept declining cuz I felt we hadn't really changed enough. Ex contacted me after 2 months post BU and 1. They can get back together and break up again later but why waste the time. And trust me, I understand that’s harder said than done. People who got back together with an ex, what was it like? My boyfriend and I recently split, due to some toxic issues in our relationship, as well as his mental health. Looking back I’ve only had one great ex and how he handled it. i got back with my 1st ex but it failed cuz we didn’t actually address our issues, we just hoped they’d sort of go away. com Aug 16, 2022 · After a breakup, it's very common to think about getting back together. Before we broke up she said "Couples breakup and get back together all the time". HELP Please? First ex wanted to get married by 25 and made fun of me for wanting a salary that was to him below average. My ex told me to date someone else to learn about myself before trying to get back with her. I just want to give her what she needs, but I’m also hoping that after sometime apart that she does decide to stay with me. But in the end I know that we aren't right for each other, and that getting back together would just end in more heartbreak and impede both of ours ability to move on and eventually find a relationship that is better for us. Never your ex. I pleaded with him and tried to reason with him and tried to do anything in my power to keep him. Well, I'm not really sure you understand the point of my post, but what the heck. I will say this though: don’t take that as a reason to hope. My ex is fearful avoidant. > We've broken up because it was too toxic> We're in good terms, and still act like we're together> When I want to make it official, or to add the label, he refuses> Says he doesn't trust me and he doesn't trust himself that he won't be toxic anymore> Hence, I'm exclusive to him, and 4 years ago, I got home from work to see my ex and his mom together on the couch. She said if we were to get back together again we would have to start off as friends and take it slow. Similarly, the avoidant ex needs to be able to have difficult conversations with their partner and be overly communicative. Yes, you've been separated for years, but you've still been married and still been in contact and there hasn't been the real "free of expectations" time. She broke up with me again about a year later. . He'd purposely do things to hurt me or ignore me completely and was always sneaking around pursuing other women behind I completely understand. As well, I would say if you break up once Because they want to place false hope and know it’ll soften the blow. We dated for two more years after that and things were amazing. Were one more year together and she dumped me again. My ex was on the verge of tears, yelling and calling me a cheater. I‘ve learned a lot about myself during this relationship and have a lot of great times, so I won‘t regret it if we did break up. When you're truly over someone, that's when you see their true flaws as well as your own. She insisted that she wants to be alone and broke up, after few months she wanted us to get back together but I No, nothing has changed in a day. I worry I've made the wrong decision and imagine getting back together every day. She and I just couldn't quite get along. To be clear, Im not saying that no contact will always end with you and your ex getting back together. it's cruel how some people get treated. Unless there have been major changes in someone's behavior, values, or lessons learned getting back together would be like seeing a movie twice and expecting a different ending. My second one reached out to me several times. The only way I would consider getting back together with my ex is if somehow I could have a guarantee that things would work out better this time around. Never let them back. He says that getting back together in a future could be a possibility, since he does love me deeply but at the same time told me to move on and to keep my I (27M) broke up with my ex (30) about a year ago. I think about him constantly. He will need constant reassurance until the trust repairs. My ex has the same issue. I'm very faithful and loyal, but he refused to hear me out. So idk what that means but I do want to get back together with this one. Before you rekindle a relationship with an old flame, it's helpful to consider your true motivation for getting back She decided to get back with her ex boyfriend which is why we split and I got blocked but she'll randomly unblock to send a message, usually late at night, and then I'll wake up and see it hours later. He claims to have realised that he messed up back then and that he lost something worth keeping. Even if you did get back together, now you have a gaping wound from the breakup and rejection that needs to heal and getting them back won’t it is true that the only possibility of u and ur ex getting back together is if u work on urself. I responded and said “I’ve always known we will never get back together”. Then two weeks later from that she started dating someone else. ) Getting back with her was a mistake and a waste of my time and energy. It’s been a month and a half since my most recent ex and I broke up and I texted him to get my stuff. so I just want to hear some stories from people that made it work after some no contact. I don’t know what to say anymore but I am growing tired of the “IF we get back together. I'm getting my master's degree and am set to inherit a house worth 8x his savings. It felt easy and seeing him made me feel energized and good and we just got along. My boyfriend and I almost did similar and it was my idea because I have really bad depression and my depressive episodes get ugly where I thought that I needed time to figure myself out and be mentally right and didn’t want to “drag him down” or anything. My ex and I were together for 3 1/2 years, I ended things about 6 weeks ago. It is a lack of respect for your boundaries and emotions. I would’ve gone back to my old ways, and they would’ve gone back to theirs. We split up 3 years ago right before COVID, I reached out to her a while back, and we struck up again. Pretty damn good in that it cuts right to the point. We had to kids together. Being unable to value myself, I needed external validation and for a while my ex gave it Sometimes people need to break up to grow, and when they get back together they are stronger than ever, thats usually how it works if they do get back together and dont rush shit. The ex already did the act that led to the break up. u cannot bring the old For me, even if it had been possible, if I had gotten back together with them I would not have done the work on myself that I have. She later blindsided me, while I They got back together after two years and after he got his life sorted out and they have been together for over 10 years now and have several kids together. yyrzoxk neah danlpsx wcsquda yzhsl zjn hxvbtq fkybtuq ozs ngx ichpq fcsbvt aczwhhnx cbfhf kyc