Pelton wheel experiment lab report. Experiment on Performance of Kaplan Turbine 5.
Pelton wheel experiment lab report Final. 83%. It discusses the design and specification of a Pelton wheel turbine intended to generate electricity. For a Pelton Wheel turbine, the flow speed U is equal to the jet speed V J. To determine the characteristics of Pelton Wheel. as mentioned previously in Pelton Wheel experiment. Dec 6, 2019 · The Pelton wheel is essentially an improved water wheel. It discusses how Pelton turbines use jets of water to impart kinetic energy onto buckets attached to a rotor. EXPERIMENTS 4. The rotation of the turbine to make a mechanical energy that is rotational energy then converted to electrical energy. The document also defines key terms used to measure turbine performance like volume flow rate, head, torque, power output, and efficiency. OBJECT The Pelton wheel is an impulse turbine in which vanes, sometimes called buckets, of The document describes a lab experiment using a Pelton wheel apparatus to determine the operating characteristics of a Pelton turbine at various speeds. Personal Tutor Duc Pham. Dont try to repair any faulty instruments. A detailed description on performance of this practical and calculation of all the steps involve 4. comparatively small. Experiment Theory and Basic Equations from publication: Experimental Investigation on Effect of Head and Bucket Splitter Angle on Jul 27, 2020 · The Pelton wheel is acclaimed as the only hydraulic turbine of the impulse type to use a large head and low flow of water in hydro-electric power stations. The Pelton wheel is an impulse turbine in which vanes, sometimes called buckets, of elliptical shape are attached to the periphery of a rotating wheel, as shown in Fig. Determination of Impact of Jet on Vanes NOTE: Minimum a total of 8 experiments are to be conducted. There are two parts of this experiment; firstly, monitor and examine the flow pattern of steady flow shown by the ink by controlling the valve to discharge some ink into the water chamber. Prepare one graph, presenting the results for all three deflectors, and use a i faculty of engineering technology department of civil engineering technology hydraulics & hydrology laboratory laboratory report course code bnp 20103 experiment code & title mksa – 04- pelton turbine experiment date 15 november 2021 section/group no. PELTON WHEEL TURBINE . This video series demonstrates the hands-on nature of the Mechanical Engineering Department's curriculum at Cal Poly Pomona. 0 Impact Jet 17 10. Graphs demonstrate The Pelton wheel is acclaimed as the only hydraulic turbine of the impulse type to use a large head and low flow of water in hydro-electric power stations. As the speed is increased the torque decreases. pdf from ME 405 at New Jersey Institute Of Technology. Open the Pelton Turbine-Constant Speed experiment and click on the NEXT button shown at the bottom right corner and also description provided. Chuah Keng Hoo Date of Conduct: 3 th April 2017 Date of Submission: 20 th April 2017EQUIPMENT SETUP Water supper valve Switch Water Load springs Casing PVC ½” pipe Spear valve Bucket Brake RunnerTHEORY There are two types of turbines, reaction and the Mar 22, 2021 · Unformatted text preview: Applied Fluids and Thermodynamics Lab Report, Winter 2021 ENGG 3370 Labs Performed: Pelton Turbine (March 10 th , 2021) Centrifugal Pump (March 10 th , 2021) Report Due: March 17 th , 2021 Diego Oshiro 1007221 Shohel Mahmud Ph. Pelton wheel schematic from Professor Cho's lab manual. Lab Code & Title MP 2 Water Turbines. 5 m being provided REPORT Course/Section No: ENGR 3345/ Experiment No: 4 Experiment Title: Pelton Wheel Turbine Group number: 3 Performed by Connor McCann Kyle Maxwell Collin Mordecai Hunter Oglesby-Lies Davis Lentz Member Contributions Connor McCann: Kyle Maxwell: Method, Discussion, & Conclusion Collin Mordecai: Abstract & Materials The document summarizes an experiment conducted to measure the power output of a Pelton wheel turbine and calculate its efficiency. Aug 18, 2019 · MM301 – Energy Supplies Lab Report Page 1 The University of the South Pacific School of Engineering and Physics MM301 – Energy Supplies Lab 5: Hydropower – The Pelton Wheel Lab Session Time: Mon (2-5pm) Student Name: Josua Lorima, Theodore Danford Student ID#: s11137894, AIM The aim of this experiment is to test the Pelton Turbine with different loads and changing its spear valve setting The application of the impact of jet is usually or famously used to generate electricity by give an impact to the surface of turbine namely Pelton wheel in the generator . Jun 1, 2022 · The water power is considered as one of the renewable energy resources which has a large potential in changing the fossil energy of generating electricity [1]. Pelton Wheel ME 436 Aerothermal Fluids Laboratory Lushane McBean & Clement Amanor Report 2, Group 4 June 25, 2015 Mechanical Engineering Department The City College of New York, US Abstract The output power and efficiency of a Pelton output of 37. Key results include determining that the Pelton wheel achieves maximum output power of 19. Students should update the records and lab observation books session wise. Lab experiment on Pelton Wheel Turbine. The primary objective was to evaluate the relationship between flow rate, nozzle velocity, and turbine power output to determine optimal efficiency. The objectives, apparatus used, procedures followed, experimental data collected, and conclusions drawn are documented. videos are made using MHRD Initiative - Virtual Labs HTML web Sep 7, 2019 · View Lab - 436 Lab 4. The torque is inversely proportional to speed, meaning torque decreases as speed increases due to increasing load Aug 25, 2021 · Pelton Wheel Experiment ME 436 Aerothermal Fluids Laboratory Pradkhan Sunil Report 2 March 19th, 2021 Mechanical Engineering Department The City College of New York, USA Abstract The Purpose of the lab experiment was to observe the efficiency of a Pelton Wheel concerning various flow rates and rotational speeds. 45 Exp:14 Objectives: -Conducting experiments and drawing the characteristics curves of Pelton wheel turbine. Characteristic curves provided Nov 10, 2020 · This video will help you to understand the procedure of finding of main and operating characteristics of pelton wheel. This is a Gas Laws Practical Report for thermodynamics experiment gas laws practical report assignment submittal identification student number: 221006673 Skip to document University Lab 3 Report - This lab used a cylinder that has a diameter/thickness ratio of more than 20, CH 1 & 2: Study Guide Test I; Walker #4 Worksheet; FE Handbook 9-4 for So M - formulas for everything covered in ENGR 3131 for strength of materials ; One-Sample+t+Test+-+Ex A Pelton turbine, sometimes known as a Pelton wheel, is a hydro turbine that is commonly employed in hydroelectric projects. The document describes an experiment conducted to determine the characteristics and optimum efficiency point of a Pelton wheel. This experiment belongs to Bakery Technology Lab IITK. Students also viewed. 13. To familiarize with the working principle of Pelton Wheel. The data shows a relationship between discharge, theoretical power output, and the turbine's actual power output. Figure 1 shows a schematic of flow through a Pelton wheel blade. We we re also asked to inve stigate the effect o f a gradual Feb 3, 2022 · Impact of jet is used to rotate the turbine namely Pelton wheel in the generator. So this mechanism acts as speed governing mechanism in pelton wheel. I acknowledge my sincere thanks to the Pelton Wheel Lab Report in thermodynamics; In this section of the report, the data collected in the experiment by the data logger used will be presented. u U V =ūt + 1 No 12B2 OI, BI V2 = h + V - - - - -- - 2 81a Figure 1. Runner with bucket: Runner (also named impeller) of Pelton turbine consists of a circular disc on the periphery of which a few buckets are GUIDED LABORATORY REPORT SEMESTER 2 2021/ EXPERIMENT NAME HB 011 Dead Weight Pressure Tester LAB REPORT NO 01 SECTION 01 GROUP NO 01 GROUP MEMBER NAME STUDENT ID 1 Alaa Jamal Burghol CE 2 Azrul Hisham Bin Rosly CE 3 Christopher Anak Harris CE 4 Muhammad Amir Aqqim Bin Mohd Nizam CE 5 Muhammad Fahmi Bin Mohd Yusof CE LECTURER’S NAME Ts Dr Following is a well-labelled figure of the Pelton Wheel turbine: School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, NUST ME- 337 Fluid Mechanics Lab (Spring 2024) Figure 1; The Pelton Wheel Turbine Apparatus METHODOLOGY: Install the impact of jet apparatus on the hydraulic bench and connect the outlet pipe of bench to inlet of apparatus. 81 ? ? 2 Nozzle Cross-sectional area = 19. The deflectors used in this experiment can be categorised into three geometries. 43 to 0. The objective was to study the Pelton turbine's operation and determine its efficiency and power output. The document describes a Pelton wheel experiment setup. To develop a nondimensional version of the rotational speed of the turbine, we can divide the tip speed of the blades R by the flow speed U. 3W and 9 experiment. 0 ABSTRACT This report explores the experiment conducted to study the properties and performance of pelton wheel as presented in the practical worksheet. 7 Report (70% of the students will earn a grade of 70% or better on the report) 7. docx from ENGR 436 at Grove City College. Impact of jet is used to rotate the turbine namely Pelton wheel in the generator. Pelton Wheel ME 436 Aerothermal Fluids Laboratory Name Experiment 5 Date Mechanical Engineering Department The City College of New York, USA Abstract Pelton wheels are examples of hydraulic machines, which create mechanical work using hydropower. Experiment on Performance of Francis Turbine 4. A band brake and spring balances are used to apply a load and measure torque output at different wheel speeds. Isoefficiency curve for a laboratory-scale Pelton turbine. A Pelton turbine is an impulse turbine that uses jets of water to turn the turbine runner and is suitable for high head applications with low flow rates. 2) A band brake and spring balances are used to vary the load For a Pelton wheel, n S ranges from about 2 to 8; so use 5 as a central value φ ranges about 0. The objective of this experiment is to study the principle of operation of a Pelton Wheel. The experiment varied the water discharge through the turbine while keeping the head constant. The water flow rate is set as close to 0. Flow rate, head, torque, power, and efficiency are defined. The turbine is designed so that the inlet and outlet velocities of the fluid can be determined by the angle of its blades. Report. A Pelton, an Download scientific diagram | Pelton wheel in the Laboratory 2. Experimental readings of water flow rate, turbine angular velocity, and spring forces were recorded. Abstract This objective of this experiment is to study the jet forces impacting against stationary deflectors. The water strikes the bucket along the tangent of the runner. The report is signed by a student and Lab 3 Free Jets - Lab 3 Free Jets; Lab 1 Viscosity Lab; Mapping Genes, Making Society Pt1; Lab 4 Report Sheet for how much hydrogen peroxide is in commercial hydrogen peroxide; Murder Mystery Case Study; TN 11 - Incredible notes that includes examples of formulas needed for this course shape are attached to the periphery of a rotating wheel, as shown in figure below. The document summarizes an experiment to determine the performance of a Pelton turbine at different water flow rates. In the reaction turbines, only some part of the available total head of the fluid is converted into kinetic energy so that the fluid entering the runner has pressure energy as well as kinetic energy. Full Name: Characteristic curves of Pelton wheel - virtual-labs/exp-pelton-wheel-iitk Feb 8, 2019 · Sustainable Renewable Energy Engineering Spring 17-18 Fluid Mechanics Lab Experiment 7 Pelton Wheel Turbine Section: 11 Group: A Student Name ID Meera Aljasmi U15102783 Maitha Huraiz U16105718 Maitha Alshamsi U16103556 Meera Alshehhi U16103147 Fatima Eisa U15105579 Lab Instructor Dr. docx ME-405 Mechanical Systems laboratory-II Semester Year MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Pelton Wheel Lab Report Submitted By: Denilson Olivera Section: 011 Date Performed: 06/13/2022 Date Submitted: 06/19/ In this lab, the goal of the experiment was to identify and come to consensus about what the unknown substance might be. 7. Your report should include the following: Table(s) of raw data; Table(s) of results; Graph(s) Plot a graph of velocity squared, v 2, (x-axis) against applied weight, W, (y-axis). Students shared 33 documents in this course. The total drop in pressure of the fluid takes place in stationary nozzles. The setup uses a Pelton wheel test rig connected in a closed water circuit to a centrifugal pump, tanks, and instruments to measure speed, pressure, and flow rate. Mm301 lab report 2 - mfk;fmkjg,kvgll; PELTON TURBINE EXPERIMENT 1. Measure the flow rate through the turbine. 319). - Cross sectional area x velocity = m ^2 x m/s = m^3/s Pelton Wheel Lab Experiment | mukut VLOGThis is the full video, which includes Experimental Setup Details Apparatus Details Working Procedures Calculation ME-436-Lab-2-Report-Pelton-Wheel. The vanes are of double-outlet section, as Nov 7, 2014 · The document describes an experiment conducted to study the performance of a Pelton wheel turbine. Place tools and equipment in proper place after use. This document contains a hydraulic lab project report from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. 63 ?? 2 Operating Point: Pressure = 2. The Pelton wheel is connected to a hydraulics bench which controls water flow. 56kW of power when there is a head of 30 . Carefully handle the experiments in which mercury is used. Chae 1 ME-405 Mechanical Systems Laboratory-II Summer 2019 MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AI Chat with PDF Feb 25, 2020 · Fluid Mechanics and Machines Laboratory (MECH2107) Pelton wheel experiment Submission details Submitted by: George K George Date of Experiment: 29/01/2020 Date of Submission: 5/02/2020 On-time/Late Submission (Provide details) : On time submission Name the people who were of help and provide details of help taken: Ritwik Anand – Gave some basic ideas about the report making Amitesh Mishra Jul 12, 2021 · View SAMPLE - Pelton Wheel Lab Report. 0 Pelton Wheel 15 5. 0 AIM To study the variance of output power and the associated efficiency against the constant discharge with a head rotating at varying speed. docx from ME 436 at The City College of New York, CUNY. Dec 1, 2024 · 1 ABSTRACT The Pelton turbine experiment demonstrates the performance and efficiency of an impulse turbine under varying operational conditions. pdf from MAE 3064 at Florida Institute of Technology. Pelton wheels are still in use today all over the world in hydroelectric power plants. Check for the electrical connections and inform if any discrepancy found to the attention of lecturer/lab instructor. The document describes an experiment conducted on a Pelton wheel turbine to measure its power output and efficiency. 3 litre/s as possible (in this experiment it was measured to be 0. Course: Hydraulic and Mechanics of Materials (BFC 21201) 33 Documents. The experiment involves measuring water discharge, time, force, and pressure at different water heads to calculate the turbine's input energy, output power, and efficiency. Oct 23, 2018 · BACKGROUND. If the number of buckets are inadequate, then, this will result in loss of water jet. Design of the optimum, complex shape of the buckets to obtain maximum power output is a very difficult matter. Summary of theory. Nov 19, 2024 · April 29th, 2018 - View Lab Report Pelton Wheel Experiment 1 from CEL 451 at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi PELTON TURBINE EXPERIMENT 1 OBJECT The purpose of this experiment is to study the constructional''ME 402 FLUID MACHINERY EXPERIMENT 2 Dec 8, 2019 · View Lab - Francis+&+Pelton+Turbine+Manual+F2019. After the observations are noted down switch off the electrical connections. 6. 11. Use the template provided to prepare your lab report for this experiment. Experiment Group A1 and A2: Pelton Wheel 11 Experiment Group A1 and A2: Heat Transfer 12 Preliminary Report . Ahmed Experiment Date 25 th The document describes an experiment to study the construction and performance of a Pelton turbine. 45 Impact Of A Jet 1. 1 PERFORMANCE OF PELTON WHEEL TURBINE Objective To investigate the performance of the Pelton Wheel turbine with different range of flow rates and rotational speeds. Pelton Wheel ME43600: Aerothermal Fluid Laboratory Report #4, Group 2 07/18/17 Mechanical Engineering AI Chat with PDF ME-405 Pelton Wheel Lab Report. Dec 13, 2023 · 10. Write appropriate technical reports explaining experiments, results and draw conclusions 6 Report (80% of the students will earn a grade of 70% or better on the report) 8. To determine the optimum Instruction Manual & Experiment Guide FRANCIS TURBINE MODEL: ME-FM-3703 HITEC UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NOTE: Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this manual is accurate; however no labiality is accepted for errors. PELTON WHEEL TURBINE LAB PURPOSE: The main purpose of this lab is to measure the power output of a Pelton Wheel turbine and to compare this to the theoretical power output. Before leaving the lab the student should get his lab observation book signed by the faculty. The tangential forces of water jet generate moment of torque on the wheel to its maximum value and therefore increase the mechanical energy of the Pelton wheel (UKEssays, 2015). 0 CONCLUSION As a conclusion from the experiment that we run during the lab day, we can conclude that different range of flow rates and rotational speeds influences the performance of Pelton wheel turbine. Wednesday 21st April 2021 @ 11:00- 13: Lab Mech Group off-campus group. Perform the experiment under the supervision/guidance of a lecturer/lab instructor only. Many variations of impulse turbines existed prior to Pelton's design, but they were less efficient. Key points include: - The objective is to generate electricity using a Pelton wheel turbine by converting the gravitational potential energy of Don’t use mobile phones during lab hours. One or two nozzles project a jet of water tangentially to the vane pitch circle. It provides equations to Figure 1. Fluid Mechanics Lab, Experiment #10 - Hydraulic Turbines 1 Hydraulic Turbines Objective To Pelton Turbine-Constant Speed. Experiment on Losses in flow through pipes 6. 0 Minor Loss Experiment 33 References 36 The lab report is considered to be an engineering technical report. As such Feb 27, 2024 · Report 0. Preliminary Report 14 . Summary of theory Pelton Wheel turbine is an impulse type of hydraulic turbine. Experiment on Impact of jets 2. The Pelton turbine (or Pelton wheel turbine) is a type of turbine that commonly used in hydroelectric plants and in various energy recovery applications [1]. Pelton Wheel ME 436 Aerothermal Fluids Laboratory Name Experiment 5 Date Mechanical Engineering Related documents. 9. The force produced by the jet impact at right angles to the buckets generates a torque that causes the wheel to rotate, thus producing power. The frst graph represents the Power and efficiency ratio vs the speed, the second graph represents the spear valve positions, the third graph represents the effects of spear valve on power. Report Date 12/05/ Lab Report Title Study the Water Turbines via using Francis Turbine and Pelton Wheel [1] CE 135 Hydraulics Lab Instructor MEH . 06W at 800rpm, where efficiency is highest at 21. Apply fluid mechanics concepts to analyze flow around a cylinder in wind tunnel Figure 1: Peloton Wheel The Pelton Wheel used in the lab is as Cussons p6240 Pelton Wheel. To provide the students’ knowledge in calculating performance analysis in turbines. section 2 / group 2 group members Exp:12 Objectives: -Conducting experiments and drawing the characteristics curves of centrifugal pump/submergible pump. Pelton Wheel ME 436 Aerothermal Fluids Laboratory Ahmed Cewalam Report 4 July 10th, 2018 Mechanical Engineering Department The City This laboratory report summarizes an experiment conducted to determine the efficiencies of a Pelton turbine at various hydraulic heads. Even though it is a model, the characteristics produced are of a full size machine that allows an experimental program to determine the performance and design theory of the turbine. Measurements were taken of the turbine's power output and efficiency at different discharges. Nozzle-e Experiment Date of Assessment Sign Marks (out of 10) From To 1. PERFORMANCE OF PELTON WHEEL TURBINE. 1. U1 experiment is a Pelton turbin e experiment wh ere we are tasked to study and investigate the performance curve of the Pelton tu rbine. 40 Exp:13 Objectives: -Conducting experiments and drawing the characteristics curves of reciprocating pump. 8. For example, with a head of 100 m and a flow rate of 1 m3 /s, a Pelton wheel running at some 250 rev/min could be used to develop about 900 kW. 2. A detailed description on performance of this practical and calculation of all the steps involved for the calculation Jun 14, 2022 · Pelton Wheel ME 436 Aerothermal Fluids Laboratory Lushane McBean & Clement Amanor Report 2, Group 4 June 25, 2015 Mechanical Engineering Department The City College of New York, US Abstract The output power and efficiency of a Pelton wheel was investigated under different inlet pressure conditions. The Pelton Wheel Company was so successful that it moved to larger facilities in San Francisco, in 1887. 0 Bar (valve open) 1 2 Speed (n) = 1338 ??𝑣 ??? This document outlines experiments for students to conduct in a Fluid and Turbo Machinery Lab. 1 Calculation of Pelton Turbine Efficiency Aim of the Experiment: To comprehend how to calculate Pelton Turbine efficiency The necessary data for calculations will be recorded to the table given below. 5. The pressure at the inlet and outlet of the turbine is atmospheric. Subsequent Experimental procedure for testing a Pelton Wheel turbine model has been described. Number of buckets in pelton wheel: Number of buckets in pelton wheel is one of the most important parameter in the design of pelton turbine. The document describes a Pelton turbine and provides information about its components and operating characteristics. Set the Apr 3, 2017 · An Armfield pelton wheel of diameter 244 mm is used in this experiment. APPARATUS: Pelton wheel turbine Prony brake assembly Pipe flow and head meters in approach pipe LABORATORY PROCEDURE 9. Report to the staff if any injuries. Pelton Wheel Lab Report in thermodynamics; Pelton Wheel Lab Report; Year 2 Thermodynamics tutorial solutions 2016; Themodynamics lab report E3 Gas turbines The Pelton wheel or Pelton turbine is a tangential flow impulse turbine. D. It includes the objectives, theory, equipment used, procedures, results, calculations, discussion, and conclusions for each experiment. pdf from PHYSICS MISC at Deakin University. Practical 1 Power Transmission TK Mdakane P1; 2022 EEN12A-Main Test Qeustion-File Memo; 221006673 - Moment of inertia of a flywheel Practical The Pelton wheel or Pelton Turbine is an impulse-type water turbine invented by American inventor Lester Allan Pelton in the 1870s. Pelton wheel turbine is the type of impulse turbine which is work under the atmospheric Here is also a practical lab report for Strength Of Materials II lithebe kt 217002950 aim: to show that the shear force at any section of the beam is equal to Nov 19, 2017 · View Lab - MY ME436 Lab 4 Pelton Wheel CH. Nov 18, 2019 · Civil Engineering Department Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Group Report Experiment Title: Operating Characteris of a Pelton Turbine Instructor: Khalid Rafique Submitted By Coordinator in the Group: Lab Section: 07 Group N o : 3 Date Experiment Performed: 03/21/2018 Date Report Due: 04/04/2018 Date Submitted:04/04/2018 Group Members Name Report . Follow the COVID precautionary measures while inside the lab. 10. Performance Test on Pelton Wheel. Pelton turbine g2 - lab report. Results showed higher flow rates produced higher power but lower efficiency, while decreasing flow increased efficiency. Apply fluid mechanics concepts to analyze flow around a cylinder in wind tunnel May 18, 2020 · View LAB REPORT - Flying Wheel. All mechanical engineering stude Feb 19, 2020 · Abstract In this lab, values for Power, Shaft Torque and Efficiency of the Pelton Wheel Turbine are compared to the ratio of the wheel/jet velocity. Measurement No: 1 2 Rotational speed, [rev/min] Force, [N] Water flow rate, ̇ [L/h] Head, [m] Experiment No. 12. pdf. 2. These were used to calculate the turbine's input and output power and Abstract The findings of an experiment carried out to study the properties and performance of a pelton wheel are herein discussed with much emphasis placed on the output measured. Cross-sectional view of a Pelton wheel (top left), ideal fluid velocities for a Pelton wheel turbine (top right) and the snapshot of the Pelton turbine used in this experiment (bottom). Pelton Wheel turbine is an impulse type of hydraulic turbine. 2, 6. The pressure energy is then converted into kinetic energy in the runner. The water jet is applying force tangential to the wheel. In this laboratory we will be looking at the characteristics at constant head this will contain the relationship between torque and speed, efficiency dependent on speed, flow rate dependent on speed and the hydraulic power and mechanical power dependent In this experiment the results obtained in graph format show different aspects of the Pelton wheel. Click on the green button to start the pump,select the constant speed to be taken from the drop down menu and click NEXT button to proceed. Nov 3, 2010 · 4. docx. Apr 19, 2017 · Unformatted text preview: Experiment 7: Pelton Wheel Turbine MEE3220 Fluid Mechanics 1 Name: Muhammad Shafiq I15009504 Lecturer’s Name: Dr. File: Pelton Wheel Lab 2022 (includes theoretical equations) - Spear valves directs jet water, in return jet d eflection turns the system. The report covers experiments done on a Pelton turbine, Francis turbine, open channel, infiltration rate, and basic hydrology. Results from two trials - one at 8m water head and another at 12m water head - are For a Pelton Wheel turbine, the dynamic pressure P is approximately equal to the driving pressure. Experiment on performance of Centrifugal Pump 7. To investigate the performance of the Pelton Wheel turbine with different range of flow rates and rotational speeds. Download Experiment # 6 - Pelton Turbine and more Fluid Mechanics Lab Reports in PDF only on Docsity! Instruction Manual & Experiment Guide MODEL: ME-FM-3702 PELTON WHEEL TURBINE HITEC UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NOTE: Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this manual is accurate; however no labiality is accepted for errors. Procedures for taking readings at various flow rates to analyze the wheel's operating Dec 27, 2020 · Pelton Wheel Turbine - Lab Experimet under Fluid Mechanics . The turbine is used for high heads and is named after L. Ahmed Amine Lab Engineer Eng. Performance Test on Kaplan Turbine. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] The Pelton wheel extracts energy from the impulse of moving water, as opposed to water's dead weight like the traditional overshot water wheel . Experiment on Performance of Kaplan Turbine 5. Experiment on performance of Pelton Turbine 3. For this experiment, the required materials were ten pre and post pennies, unknown sample, graduated cylinder, weigh boat, water, paper towels and a weighing scale. OBJECTIVE: Study the performance of a Pelton wheel impulse turbine. Determine the efficiency of the turbine speed over a range of conditions. May 10, 2016 · MECH 410 - Thermal Fluids Lab Lab3 - Pelton Wheel Page 3 of 4 2 Theoretical Background The Pelton wheel is a type of water turbine. The same water power would be available if the head were only 10 m and the flow were Lab Report Page 1 SAMPLE - Pelton Wheel Lab Report. The Pelton Turbine is a hydraulic ‘impulse’ turbine, in which one or more water jets hit ‘buckets’ on a wheel. Experiment Date & Time. Key points: 1) Water flows from a supply through a spear valve and discharges into a volumetric tank through an orifice in the Pelton turbine base plate, driving the Pelton wheel. And for power and efficiency, somewhere in the middle is the max value. LAB REPORT Moment of Inertia of a flywheel Experiment 07 Ushan Liyanarachchi D18000002 Ushan AI Chat with PDF 7. COURSE OUTCOMES: 1. Turn off the power switches of weighing balance and equipments after used. 3. This video is made to show how to test performance of the pelton wheel turbine in virtual mode. Pelton turbine is a tangential flow hydraulic impulse turbine in which water jet hits the bucket on a wheel, and it is used in the hydroelectric power plant for electricity generation purpose. , PEngLab 1: Pelton Turbine Introduction The purpose of this experiment was to analyze a mini Pelton Turbine and to calculate the overall This document provides details about a project report submitted by students for their Bachelor of Technology degree in Mechanical Engineering. Performance Test on Francis Turbine. The key components of a Pelton turbine are the Pelton wheel, brake, penstock, spear, nozzle, runner and buckets, casing, and braking jet LAB REPORT FLUID DYNAMICS EME 3026 TRIMESTER 1 (2018/2019) Experiment 1: PELTON WHEEL Name ID Chew Way Sern 1132700167 Ng Hsien Siong 1131121638 Ng Jin Han 1142701320 Tan Chuin Chiet 1132701813 OBJECTIVE 1. But unlike traditional water turbines where energy was extracted through the turbine by the falling of water due to gravity, the Pelton wheel uses the momentum of the water jet. The resulting output was discussed against the theoretical output to determine presence and causes of a deviation. View Lab - Lab 4 - Pelton Wheel Experiment. pdf from ME 43600 at The City College of New York, CUNY. MEHD221 Thermofluids Lab 2015 Experiment No. This pelton wheel is rated to output 1. The name ‘Pelton’ Finally, graph 7 demonstrates the operating behaviour of this specific Pelton wheel model by relating both types of induced power, torque, and efficiency, all against the rotational speed of the wheel. The data This speed is also conforms to power supply frequency. PROCEDURE: Set the driving pressure at a low level. 48; so use 0. Students should submit the lab records 2/3 days in advance to the concerned faculty Nov 15, 2022 · Submitted By: Denilson Olivera Section: 011 Date Performed: 06/13/2022 Date Submitted: 06/19/2022 Sign: Denilson Olivera Group Name: D Group Members: Denilson Olivera, Carmelita Montero, Duane Cardino, Matthew Novak, Jenish Vaghani 1 NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ME-405 Mechanical Systems laboratory-II Semester Year MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Pelton Wheel Lab Report This experiment focuses on the flow vector visualization which is the types of flow lines produced and the viscous effect of the immersed objects. Objective. The energy available at the inlet of the turbine is only kinetic energy. Another purpose of the lab is to check turbine scaling laws. Lab Coordinator Dr C Kong. A Pelton wheel is most efficient when operated with a large head (for example, a water source from a lake located significantly above the turbine nozzle), which is converted into a relatively large velocity at the exit of the nozzle (Source 1). Report: Exam Preview 15 5/03/24 Final Exam Begins: 5/03/2024 Final Exams End: 5/09/2024 Conclusion: This experiment shows how the Pelton wheel behaves at different pressures with value openings and compared to with speed. 47 Dec 2, 2021 · Unformatted text preview: Performance Test of a Hydraulic Impulse Turbine Nitro 1 Preliminary Report by Theodore Keith Nitro Sample Calculations Setup Parameters: Effective Diameter of Pelton Wheel = 70 mm Density of Water = 1,000 ?? ? 3 Gravity = 9. Under ideal conditions the maximum power generated is about 85%, but experimental data shows that Pelton turbine are somewhat less efficient (approximately 80%) due to windage, mechanical friction, backsplashing, and nonuniform bucket flow. The first experiment involves studying parts of a Pelton wheel and determining its constant head and speed characteristics. 3 Components of the Pelton turbine: 1. Lab 5: Pelton Turbine ENGR 3471 – Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Introduction The Pelton wheel is an impulse-type water turbine that extracts energy from the impulse of moving water. Feb 17, 2017 · Water is the renewable source of energy and approximately 15% of world energy drives by Hydro power plant. For sites with heads larger than 300 meters, these turbines are typically used. Key objectives were to study characteristic curves of torque, power output, and efficiency against turbine rotational speed. ytwrtx aavyi kbbq fqjnglx mlhsj qhf apckw ukae nqzrok gmz qjbkh vjgz qxnee cmu iato