Supernatural fanfiction john pushes sam hurt He smiled at his brother and kissed him again. (My first fanfiction) 1-shot. Dean pushes the motel door open and drops his bag, a 20 dollar note and makes Sam a drink. Tunnel. It takes three more minutes to throw the car into park, sprint into the house, and For those of you who enjoy Limp!Sam, Hurt!Sam, Angsty!Samwell you get the picture. A Teenchester fic. "Dad," He whispers, "And Bobby. It's too late for antibiotics to help, but they do a get a diagnosis and some nice cough medicine. Walks over to Dean room knocking on the door there no answer. "The next time I was going to see you," Sam's voice cracked, "you were going to kill me," he cried. Hope ya'll like! Dean is getting more and more worried about Sam, who keeps insisting that he's fine (of course). Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Supernatural. Tonight's prompt comes from Miuda22 who requested, "I would love to see a story set early season 8 when the brothers are at odds, where Sam is hurt and delirious with fever and Dean finds Sam's journal and he reads some entries he wrote while he was in purgatory including a Xmas card he wrote to Dean. Stories full of Dean Angst and HurtComfort. John blinks hard, sobriety finding him and hitting him with a truckload of guilt. As Sam and Castiel rush to his side, they grapple with the emotional wreckage left behind, Dean’s despair, Sam’s guilt, and the fragile hope of healing. "Yeah, Sammy. They had been watching some TV in the motel room they had been left in by John, their Dad. Let It Break. This could be the last Christmas he will ever have. A collection of holiday hurt!Sam stories based on prompts. - THIS IS PRE-RELATIONSHIP! That means that nothing weird happens. " A moment later John picks up the phone. "She died for you, Sam!" he growled, beyond caring how this would hurt the boy. "Sammy… Sam. "Hush," John A hunt goes horribly wrong and Dean ends up bringing a nearly dead Sam to the hospital. It starts snowing really bad out and he gets lost. "Dad!" Belligerent and embarrassed. Sam's hurt. It takes Dean seven minutes to drive to the house. Especially when Dean would internalize everything "I miss him. " He pushes the pillow from his head and tilts it to face Bobby. Sam then gripped the edge of the table flipping it up sending it crashing down on its side. PLEASE REVIEW! FINAL CHAPTER! PLEASE REVIEW! Dean's hurt and John blames Sam. Set season 2, not long after John's death. Dean sat down in a chair he had dragged over and took in Sam's vitals. PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW! 8TH chapter ready! Dean angst in this chapter. " Set early season nine. Chapter 1: Sam has a migraine, Dean goes out to grab painkillers and food for his little brother, only for the motel to go up in flames while he's out…Set sometime in S2, cause the boys were extra adorable in the early days! Dean and John discussed the upcoming hunt while Sam read in the backseat. Sam decided to leave, and Dean stayed. His eyes had become droopy and he tried to be still as his younger brother, Sam had fallen asleep leaning on him. Heatstroke Bonus points till the end of time if: the punishment is for Sam's endangering Dean on a hunt, and Sam and Dean have a little spat, culminating in Dean storming out, after which John comes in and proceeds to punish Sam, and Sam submits because he feels he does deserve punishment for almost letting Dean get hurt. I look forward to writing all the goodies that you want! Stories that relate to Sam and his Psychic Abilities going haywire. Post 2x03: In the midst of Dean's distancing, John's death, and Sam's hurt over both, a spell goes awry and leaves Dean with Sam at five years old. The two of them spread Sam out on the couch and Bobby vanished into the other room to fetch a blanket. "Yeah. "Bobby, its Sam. John, Dean and Sam are hunting a spirit that possesses children to make them kill their families and it has Sam. "Dea…?" "Yeah buddy, it's me. Is Dad there? I really need to talk to him. Then john was down and dean was almost got killed. "I'm sorry, Sam. "Told you so. John stood up quickly grabbing Sam's arm spinning him to the side and landing two sharp spanks to the seat of his jeans. "Both of you. But somehow Sam's injury brings forth some everyday miracles that lead Sam back to health and Dean back to having a little faith in humanity. The force of the blow sent his son stumbling back to collide with the wall, Stunned, Sam slipped down to the floor. "Sam, I apologized," Dean corrected, coming closer, his hands out. Let's set this when Sam is 12. In normal circumstances it should've taken at least fifteen, but Dean pushed the Impala hard, riding on the coattails of 90 mph the whole time. Total bonus if Sam had his powers already. If the demon had plans for Sam, well it would have to go through him. Hurt!Sam Protective!Dean. " Nov 30, 2019 · That hurt more than anything John could have said to him and he hoped Dean would forgive him someday for this. " Chapter 8. Requests are CLOSED. He was going to be a lot sorrier in a minute. He starts to see himself through Sam's younger eyes, though, and doesn't like who he is. Bobby wanted him to be mad too, said something like "It's okay to be angry at the people we love. Feb 21, 2011 · Pizza Pie 'verse – 4-year old Hurt Sam, 8-year old Big Brother Dean, Awesome Uncle Bobby, Grumpy Daddy John, Puppy Rumsfeld – Before midnight, John was going to listen. This is a reccing community based over on Livejournal where we currently have 700+ stories recced for all those who enjoy Hurt!Sam and Hurt!Jared fiction. The prayer reaches our favorite trickster. "Mary and John are perfect," Sam agreed. Please do not submit multiple prompts. John pushes him out of the way and grabs Sam's hand. He opened his eyes as soon as Dean announced the name. And if people like it, I might be persuaded to continue. Summary: Written for cowboyguy's prompt on LJ "Pre-series. , Dean W. Dean goes solo after a Sandman makes him hurt Sam. It's a sunnyThursday afternoon and when John picked Dean up from his half day of Kindergarten, he couldn't deny his request that they go to the playground. Chapter 22: Nothing about this case is normal. "Oh, no. In the end, if it came down to his life or Sam's, the choice was obvious. Thank you for such an interesting prompt! Idea: This little fiction has a storyline, but it is unabashed hurt!Dean with extremely angsty!Sam and worried!John. " Sam replies, running a hand through his hair. " Dean waiting until Sam turn on him, he hurt him to see the hurt in Sam's eyes that he caused. Because Bobby wasn't going to stand by and let a new year begin with old habits. ^v^v^v^v^ Dean dragged his… Sam started shouting an exorcism, one that John had never heard before. 16 year old Sam is kidnapped by a demon under orders from an enemy of Azazel out for Winchester blood, Dean and John have to find him. On top of that Sam has asthma and that does't help his breathing. Sammy didn't show the same interest in hunting as his brother and on one hand John understood this but on the other he knew that there was little chance of Sam ever having the normal life he was always saying he wanted and the part of John that still recalled the night Mary had given birth to their second son grieved for what Sam could never have. "Sam!" Dean said firmly and he gently framed Sam's face with his hands, forcing his brother to look at him and not liking the glazed, pain filled look in Sam's eyes or the unnatural heat that was coming off him in waves. Sam's laughter carried easily to John despite the wind. Sep 26, 2012 · Sam hunched further in on himself, a moan of pain escaping at the movement. No one hurt Sam and got away This section is called Hurt!Sam, Sick!Sam. The myriads of Sam getting hurt on a hunt and Dean having to come to the rescue flashed before his eyes, sending a pang in his heart. If someone didn't stop Sam soon he was going to hurt himself. It was impressive and secretly, Dean was thrilled to actually give Sam what he had wanted for so many years. No crossovers, please, because I don't watch enough TV to do them. Author's Note: Next request comes from McGeeklover who requested, "Kid Sam 14 Dean 18. The enemy of Azazel wants the special children dead before they realise who they are, but to do so he has to go through the Winchesters first. The Winchesters were now a family. It changes Dean's mind about Sam. Can they stop it before it stops them? Post season7 The Mentalists. my favorits are: Semper Familia by lovely katzenSPN, or Sam I Am by lenelle, or Sammy In Captivity by mentol pixie. . Reluctantly, Sam extends his hands forward and grabs the sandwich. The other was meaningless to him, much like it is to others. "I'm sorry sir. Or Sam is, anyway – some coming-of-age power play, when the boy should be far too young for such antics. John and Dean have been engaged in a screaming match with the youngest member of their family for near an hour. " Dean arched an eyebrow; not in the mood to play games. " Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize. Over summer break, Sam goes home with Jess, and her parents' home ends up with a poltergeist. " Sam slurs, the syllables colliding together harshly. John stormed into the house, slamming the door behind him. John Winchester be damned. How will the family cope with the injuries sustained in the accident? Dean/John/Sam whump, Dean/John/Sam angst. Thank fuck, he thinks, it opens. Sam: 18 Dean: 22. John Winchester had never been into Christmas—it had always fallen to Dean to take care of the holiday. " He says throwing the remote at the younger kid. Sam pulled his jacket tighter around his body and zipped it against the cool breeze hitting him in the face. His youngest was never particularly enthusiastic about training. Full of limp/hurt Sam and angry/protective Dean. Sam was clawed first quite bad because he protected dean/john. The boys are 12 and 7. Swallowing down the worry and trying to put on his usual 'cool as a cucumber' front, Dean pushes on the scratched-up door. Light. Once Soulless Sam and Demon Dean are added into the mix? Oct 20, 2017 · On the way to Jim, John and the boys get in a car accident. While the family is based in Arizona during the summer before Sam's senior year, Sam gets kidnapped and drugged and John and dean have to save him before he gets lost to the world of human trafficking. "What are we doing?" Sam asked. Hurt/limp/guilty!Dean hurt/limp/distant!Sam Angry/guilty!John. ;) Set Season 2 a few months after John's death. With a faery, hand in hand, For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand. He brings flowers for one, but not the other. Sam keeps walking, so Dean grabs his shoulder and it's only then that he turns around. Genre/pairing: Hurt/Comfort, Family, Angst. I wanted to focus on Deans recovery and how one would come back from this type of situation. "Dad. Why don't you just go with Dad and leave me alone, I don't need you anymore so just go. Please leave your prompts! …CHAPTER 10: Location –Demons get the drop on the Winchesters; they've heard about the secret bunker and they want its location. As sam gets ready to talk another punchs hits his cheek. Cops be damned. Dean was right. While Dean damn near jumped at the opportunity for physical exercise, Sam would bitch and moan without fail. "What's wrong with you?" Dean shakes his head and heads to the shower. Stories in this community are centered around Sam being injured, sick, psychologically traumatized, abused and anything else an author might do to Sam. Sam's decision to quit school and hunt full time has unexpected and potentially tragic consequences. After approximately five hours of driving, they finally arrived at their destination in Billings. No such luck. John advanced on his son, Sam's angry words tearing through him. "We split up. May 24, 2024 · Sam's First Hunt. "Here. Expect the ones where he gets physically hurt by them you know, bleeding noses, dizziness, throwing up, all because of his powers. John shook hands with the physician, shooting Dean a warning look when the younger man opened his mouth impatiently. Will John and Dean realize it before it's too late for all of them? Sam 13, Dean 17. Updated daily! Chapter 19: Sam's alone in his apartment at Stanford, fighting a losing battle with the flu on Christmas Eve. Summary: Sam goes on his first hunt. He's dying. Young Sam gets hurt on a hunt and Young Dean prays to any angels that are on earth to heal Sam. "Who?" Dean presses, unsure of what his baby brother is even getting at. Lots of Hurt!Sam and Guilty!Dean. " He wasn't sure what Bobby meant by that. " He chuckles mirthlessly and John places a strong hand on his shoulder. All that crap, right?" Sam responded with a half hearted nod and a staggered step to the right. Sam is sick with a bad cold/cough, and they've been driving all day because there's a hunt in another town and John wants to get there by that night. They finally lock onto John's face. This is purely a selfish little piece that I decided to share. Sam is left with John's military and cruel torture that starts to turn him into an unemotional soldier. Worse, Sam dreams he has to kill Dean to save him. Dean's still not talking much, but when he pointed to the playground John got his memo. 1300 Warnings: Spoilers for 10x03 Summary: Oneshot. Put an end to a few of them. "Sam. "Bad timing, I guess. Now. Sam tries to convince Dean that he's wrong and in the course of his "plan" to change Dean's mind, Sam is hurt. "Dad, I've been trying for ages to call you. John swung the car onto the shoulder of the deserted road with a cloud of dirt. Everyday there was something that Sam wanted to share with his older brother. Sam must be hurt in this story. John drove through town and finally stopped at a run down looking house with boarded up windows and weeds instead of a front lawn. Frustrated, Sam pushes the book aside. Then he tries to thank Dean for it, much to Dean's dismay, while they finish the ghost hunt. What happens when Dean finds out what John is doing to Sam? PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW! UPDATED! Hey everyone, thank you so much for reading. stand alone hunt. COMPLETE! Sams hands leaning across the table as he pushed every book off as they scattered on the floor below. Sam had gotten hurt too many times. Oct 6, 2023 · Sam finds himself looking down at two gravestones. And it doesn't end until Sam storms out of the room, towards his and Dean's shared bedroom. " He stopped and sent a narrow-eyed look to his younger boy. Sam just nods pulling out some homework. But damn, they had done this too often in their lives. Dean doesn't agree with it, but Sam and John decide to go ahead. " Dean smiles again, and he stays awake until Sam's breathing evens out into sleep before knocking out himself. A collection of Holiday related Hurt!Sam stories based on prompts. "Come away, O human child! To the waters and the wild. Angst!Limp!Dying Sam much approved! Sam was slumped against the wall, pale and shaking, blood spreading across his shirt like an ominous flower unfurling its petals. Oct 3, 2024 · Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, or any of the related characters. "Just leave me alone!" Sam screams at his father and brother as he violently slams his bedroom door shut. Yeats, "The Stolen Child" Supernatural - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort so Dean and John leave Sam behind to fend for himself and recover on his own. John clenched his fists. Sam wakes up taking a shower and gets dressed. Brotherly moments ensue. Hurt Sam/Hurt Dean Scared/Fatherly John Supernatural - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 25 - Words: 97,510 - Reviews: 379 - Favs: 274 - Follows: 160 - Updated: 10/9/2009 - Published: 5/27/2009 - Sam W. However, when a ghost threatens to take Dean down, it's up to his father to keep him from fading. Dean would always save Sam. This work of fanfiction is for entertainment only. "Hey I'm going to Ashley's. "It's not Sam it's me you idiot. Do you hear me?" he asked in a soft tone nobody but Sam would ever hear. "We'll take care of them once Sam gets out. Weechester fic. Pre-series, teen!chesters, H/C The brothers paused in the hall for Sam to force down an echo of pain, holding a hand out, searching for stability. Focusing entirely on Dean wherein he's hurt, injured physically or mentally, dying, kidnapped, tortured, etc. Nothing too worrying—the eldest Winchester was sure that Sam's lack of appetite had contributed to his fall outside—but seeing Sam so still and sickly scared Dean. " "Okay okay old man. there are many stories about this topic, and they all have much in commen. Hurt/Limp!Sam Hurt/Caring!Dean Dean's swinging on the monkey bars while John pushes Sam in a baby swing. The name seemed to fit their little boy. Sam and Dean find an old spirit with new tricks. I want to fulfill as many stories for as many people as I can. Also, I'm gonna put some stories in that may not feature Sam being all hurt, but instead focus on Sam's feelings. In this section, I accept any ideas about hurt or sick Sammy Winchester :D whether he's a kid, a teen, or an adult. "Fool!" She stepped forward and grabbed him by the throat. Because Sam belonged to himand Dean intended to find the kid. He can hear Sam tattling in the background. You can specify what kind of hurt you would like him to endure (ex: drowning) or you can leave it up to me. " —W. But is that really the reason? This fanfic was inspired by the image of teenage Dean sitting protectively and calming Sam. Sam grunted and forced his eyes to open, staring blearily up at Dean. Hurt/Scared!Sammy Hurt!ProtectiveDean Worried!Bobby Worried!John Angry!John Sweet!Caleb. James, Tidia, and Williamson M. "Me too Sam squeezed his eyes shut, a single tear escaping to slip down his cheek. That is, until his reinforcements arrive in the form of a worried big brother. Rating for some semi gory scenes and language. He takes a small, tentative bite and then grins as the wonderful flavor washes over his tongue. I'm here. John had needed to go on a hunt, so he dragged Bobby along with him, leaving Dean behind with Sam in Bobby's house. You need to wake up. John checks his watch, sighs. That was all that she needed, she brought her knee up and the connection with his body made him groan, drop the gun and fall to his knees. - Complete A collection of Holiday related Hurt!Sam stories based on prompts. Hope you like it! Chapter 1 Short story where Sam gets a clear revelation about how special Dean is compared to other brothers. Sam POV, hurt!Sam, protective!Dean, minor hurt!Dean Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester (18) John Winchester & Sam Winchester (13) Exclude Additional Tags Sick Sam Winchester (798) Hurt/Comfort (292) Protective Dean Winchester (247) Sickfic (196) Hurt Sam Winchester (174) Angst (142) Emotional Hurt/Comfort (109) Fluff (102) Fever (95) Caring Dean Winchester (88) Other tags to exclude More Options A series of unconnected one-shots featuring whumped Sam and big brother Dean. " Bobby kicks the base of the bed "Dean get up. John caught Sam's eyes and Sam's grin widened as they shared a moment of amusement at Dean's expense. "How is he, his injuries?" He asked, one hand gripping at Dean's shoulder in silent support. Sam dropped the gun, sprinting into the house. nothing you haven't heard from the boys. " I do love bonus points. What's wrong?" "Dean's sick, we're at the hospital. Couple Rules: - No slash & Sam must be the one that gets the brunt end of the hurt. He shoves Dean against the wall, teeth bared, eyes turned a milky white. "Get out of the car," John growled. "What happened? Sam, look at me!" "Dean… the wendigo," Sam gasped, his voice barely above a whisper. I have been asked if this story is inspired by other stories about phsychic slavery. "Okay," John nodded. Scott. Sam is too scared to tell Dean. Oh fuck, he thinks, Sam's hurt. But by late afternoon, it was clear that enough was enough. Dean was there and was quiet until he knew Sam was able to move again. "Come on Tag for 7x03 – Teenchesters / Hurt Sam / Big Brother Dean / Fairly Awesome John – "If you find him, maybe she'll let you have him back. May 6, 2013 · Dean was tired. A series of unconnected one-shots featuring Limp Sam and big brother Dean. Sending Sam tumbling into the the unfrogiving concret, but he doesnt say anything as he stands back up wipping blood off his lip. Sam had let him down in a lot of ways before, but this time was the worst. Just a little fic experiment. "WHAT! Teenchester, Sam 17/Dean 22. Then another one to the eye, one to the nose, But Sam doesn't protect himself. When a hunt doesn't end well for Dean and John, Sam is blamed. Summary: Sam and John are always butting heads. Dean, however…well, he's been getting into plenty of antics of his own. Limp Sam and major guilty Dean. Contains some gore and language. Hope you like it! This is the first installment and every chapter after will be through prompts through reviews, so please leave a review with a prompt for hurt!sam protective!dean me to do :) Summary: One-Shot Series. Gen. It's almost bittersweet, really. "Ow!" John had no doubt Sam was sorry now. About a year ago John starting making some unusual requests to the motel staff. And thanks to a little time travel the list of those seeking her is growing longer by the minute. You've got to get home now!" "Whoa Sam, since when did you start giving the orders. Hurt Sam Winchester (4906) Hurt/Comfort (2309) Protective Dean Winchester (1870) Angst (1626) Hurt Dean Winchester (1144) Emotional Hurt/Comfort (905) Sick Sam Winchester (798) Emotionally Hurt Sam Winchester (602) Sam Winchester Whump (491) Fluff (460) Other tags to include Exclude ? Exclude Ratings Teen And Up Audiences (2392) As he pushes inside, John looks up from his papers at the table. Dean always worries about Sam when they have to leave him home for a hunt, and not because he's a clumsy and heavy handed 15 year old or because he never knows where the milk's kept - but because chances are, if they were ditching him for a hunt it was because he wasn't up for it, and, well that never really ends too well. Sam stopped the Impala in front of Oakview Memorial Pre-Series. for more great stories by othe people, you should cheack my favorits- all Dean had walked Sam home from school. John ignored most of the arguments. A short angsty little story written during a break from the werewolf fic. To the best of his ability, he had tried to make Christmas as magical as he could for Sam and he hoped he had succeeded. " Sam mumbled under his breath. hurt!sam hurt!dean and a little limpage. He was itching to hit the road and Sam was taking his sweet time. "Sam stop a minute, SAM! I said STOP!, would you please look at me. Since I always write hurt/comfort one-shots – heavy on the Limp!Sam, I’ve decided it’s about time I take prompts, so many amazing authors have done this and I figure it’s about time I Oct 22, 2014 · Title: One Battle at the Time Author: lauehime Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort Characters: Dean, Sam Word count: Approx. " John pushes Sam's bangs back. John looks around Dean and sees Sammy, still curled up in a ball, his skinny back shuddering with the force of his sobs. Sam hesitated; the gun wavered slightly in his hand. "Please let Dean be back. Summary: Things are getting back to normal for the Winchesters or so Dean thought before he gets a call that reminds him that breaking ties isn't always easy & will end up forcing him to make a choice that will place Sam in danger either way. " There's a promise in his voice that brings a grim smile to his lips. , Sam W. " John yelled. There was nothing he wouldn't give to protect Sam, nothing he wouldn't sacrifice if it meant keeping him safe. " Especially not Sam, he adds silently. He had made his decision and wasn't changing it. "Sam said heatstroke. "For you!" A collection of Holiday related Hurt!Sam stories based on prompts. "Sammy, come on!" Sam's eyes flutter open and roll around, struggling to focus on John's face. It makes sense, really. With Sam at school, John and Dean must find a way to connect and survive. He tried to keep his hold as steady as possible, not wishing to cause his son more pain with jostles and bumps even if he was unaware at the moment. Open the door to find Dean on his back with his legs over the edge of the bed. Limp/Angry Sam; Worried/Protective Dean; Protective John. Dean and Sam are kidnapped and Dean is forced to watch as someone tortures his brother. He pushes hard, sending Sam into the opposite wall, then he pulls back his fist and sends it flying right into Sam's face. He rushed over to Sam's side, placing his hands softly on Sam's arm, then pushing the hair out of his eyes. Deans human again and Sam is drunk. Protective Castiel (Supernatural) Hurt Dean Winchester; Hurt Sam Winchester; Protective Sam Winchester; Hurt Gabriel (Supernatural) Original Character(s) Micheal loves Adam; Angels; Betrayal; prisons; Summary. "Where are you hurt, Sam?" Sam choked back a sob. Never in November, the true anniversary, that was too risky. John grinned back and relished the moment. " Sam did not even look back at Dean at all, he never saw the hurt in Dean's eyes. If you couldn't guess, I want to write Supernatural stories, so please give me prompts from that. "You couldn't have woken Sam?" "That's why I waking ya They hunt a werewolf in the forest at night. You need someone to take you to the toilet. LimpDean! LimpSam! HurtDean! HurtSam! ProtectiveSam! Pain! Torture! John! Mary! Hug! Breakdown! Angry John/hurt and eventually limp Dean/ Angsty, despondent, angry Sam. It's a day away from Christmas John and Sam get into another fight (maybe about Christmas or school or being late) and Sam runs off. We're gonna get you patched up, okay?" "I'm sorry," Sam whimpers. But John's concerned and redefines immovable. Get in the house. " Dean says quietly and runs his fingers through Sam's hair. Dean doesn't find out until much later, when the injury has already worsened in some way. John Winchester was behind her Sam growled back, "Most kids my age worry 'bout zits, grades and school! I worry 'bout 'Am I gonna get shot tonight at the hunt?' or 'Are my brother gonna get hurt?' or 'Are we gonna have to rely on a fake insurance this week, are we gonna need the hospital this week?' Yeah, I've never know hardship!" "You don't know nothing!" John basically Author's Note: Hope everyone had a nice Halloween!Tonight's prompt comes from Sam angst lover who asked for, "Prompt: pre-series. Sam had made his choice and Dean had made his. Will Dean awaken to the family he knew or will the Winchesters be forever broken. *Hurt/limp/sick!Sam & Limp/furious/big brother!Dean* Evil!Benny (See author note for more) Set between 08x13 Everybody Hates Hitler and The Stanford-Era Sam Winchester that the grimoire meets is not the only Sam searching for it. " John repeated, something he did not like doing. After Sam had flipped over the table he made his way to the bathroom. Sound good? Once Sam was curled up against his chest, head on John's shoulder, John turned around and hurried towards the car. How will Dean react when he sees his little brother again? Hurt Sam! Abusive John! Guilty/protective Dean! My hurt!Sam heart couldn't take it so this is what came out of it lol. "Sam is in the bathroom," John repeated, a bit quieter this time, and he continued, "Your brother fucked up royally today and I told him to stay there. He endured the responding rain of pushes and shoves Sam tried to make Ok, so change that, Sam Winchester's life is mostly perfect. Every other time, he had been trying to do the right thing by Dean. "Y-yeah Sam is hurt worse by the Crowley's demons than the hit to the head we saw, but he hides it knowing Dean is worried enough by Lisa's injuries. Dean was sure that if Sam hadn't been sleeping it would have turned into a yelling match. Chapter 1: Tag to episode 13x12. Dean, Sam, and their gang must stop eight ancient celestials from breaking free of their otherworldly prisons and regaining their Dean is skeptical, tired of the "bad" side of humanity. Unfortunately, the hunt did not go as planned, and Bobby was taken to the hospital (although both he and John had insisted he was fine). Dean smirks. John pushes Sam a little too far. They'd been here a week and a half and they expected to be leaving soon. Sobbing. Sam is 17 Dean is 21 Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Dean W. He's stripped to his boxers when his dad barges in. Because there's Sam, curled up on the harsh coldness of the grotty tiles, knees bought up to his chest and his head buried in his knees. "I'm sorry he hurt you. I know this would never have passed through Dean's mind. Where for once Dean isn't playing protector, but is being protected instead, either by Sam, John or Bobby. Cue Dean gently teasing Sam for getting a "children's disease. As John and Dean rushed to help him, they heard a sickening snap and a scream coming from Sam, but Sam continued to fight bravely. When John walks into Sam's room he is taken aback by the sight of his baby boy, the plastic surgeon is just finishing off the last few stitches into his battered chest, most of the left side of Sam's face is swathed in gauze bandages, and his chest has an unbelievable number of stitches holding together five deep gashes. Word count: 3,664. The Brotherhood AU is a fanfiction series created by Ridley C. He paused and turned around to glance back at his boys. Lyrics by Beatle "John Andrew Winchester," Dean decided. John is sexually abusing Sam. " He pushes his head under the pillow. The werewolf jumped on Sam and scuffled with him. No, no, no. Torture & past guilt come to haunt beyond imagination. Working with Ruby and drinking demon blood had been to get vengeance for Dean's death. Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural. "You okay?" "Fine. Jun 7, 2019 · Welcome to the 1st annual 20 days of Hurt Sam! Where I write your prompts! Leave your prompt as a review and I will post them as first come first serve. When Sam messes up on a hunt, John sends Dean away to train Sam. " This sounds great! Thanks for the prompt. "We're getting towards the end of this thing, Sammy. " Sam shakes his head and looks up at him. Pre-Series. Tag to 10x03. "Don't you ever apologize to me about dad. I'll go left, and you go right. Dean, of course, would deny that—his older brother would only accept one outcome; that Sam would live, and the gates of Hell would be shut—but Sam can feel it, deep in his bones. Dean was currently ankle deep in muck and trying his hardest not to fall on his face. Sam!" Dean dropped to his knees beside him, panic flooding every corner of his mind. Disclaimer: The show belongs to Kripke. They are soulmates but Gabriel just heals him, nothing weird. Two gravestones he told himself he was never going to come and look at again but finds himself doing every year. Sam locked the motel behind him as he juggled his things from school. When John went home to grab some supplies, he found Dean home alone, no Sammy in sight. Yeah. Characters: Sam, Dean, John, Bobby. "Hey!" She turned; arm stretched maintaining her hold on Sam. Finally, Sam fractures a rib from coughing so hard and Dean drags him to a clinic. I'm here now. "No one messes with the Winchesters. When John is hurt in a hunt, Dean is forced to pick up the pieces. There were many times he had his phone in hand, ready to dial his number but he always ended up shoving the device away. Someone thinks Sam is a good model for a portrait and Sam really needs some money. Basically, it’s for anyone who likes seeing Sam all needy and hurt. Do you think you can get up?" he asked. " John pushes Sam a little too far. NB: Before anyone starts having a go, this is AU. - Chapters: 17 - Words: 36,022 - Reviews: 403 - Favs: 210 - Follows: 108 - Updated: 10/5/2008 - Published: 8/2/2008 - Status: Complete - id: 4443518 Let's Hurt Sam. Dean had returned, and nothing would ever be able to come between them again. "Sammy come on!" Dean yelled out the window of the impala. The boys are running late, likely taking their sweet time intentionally. " He answers the phone wearily. Jared's on my wish list though! Lol! AN: I know it's been done before but i fancied trying my hand at it. Sam wouldn't go evil because Dean wouldn't allow it—it was that simple. Sam lost quite much blood and had to recover for days in Bobby's or Jim's house. Dean believes Sam just wants to prove to John that he has grown up. " "Just a minute kiddo. Goodguy!John. It's me. Then a hard fist collids with Sams face. Sam calls John and Dean and thus Jess finds out about the supernatural and the Winchester family business. " Sam said softly. The motel was empty and bleak, which must made it more scary to Sam. Dean bares his teeth right back, the Mark on his arm twinges. " "Sam?" Brady is waving a hand in front of his face now and the memory is gone. Either way, Sam will be getting the brunt of the hurt and someone else will take care of him. "Pants down. Castiel (Supernatural) Sam Winchester Whump; Emotionally Hurt Sam Winchester; Depressed Sam Winchester; Sam Winchester Has Self-Worth Issues; Heavy Angst; Suicidal Thoughts; Depression; Sam Winchester Needs a Hug; Episode: s10e22 The Prisoner (Supernatural) Episode: s10e23 My Brother's Keeper (Supernatural) Sam Winchester Deserves Better John's hand flashed out and struck Sam across the face. Such a good kid. 4 minutes. The Supernatural series is created by Eric Kripke and owned by The CW Network. Requests are CLOSED! Updated daily. "Five more minutes Sam. " Dean grips Sam's hand. Jun 3, 2021 · Sam huffed out a breath, opened his mouth to say something that would undoubtedly piss John off, but snapped his mouth shut when Dean lightly put his heel on the toe of Sam's boot. " A wave of grief swells up within the eldest Winchester but he pushes it down and forces himself to live in this moment and right now, Sam needs him to be strong. The lights of the bus station loomed ahead of him after thirty minutes of Choose or Lose. "Sam suffered an open compound fracture to the left tibia, an extremely painful break – however it was a clean one. Aug 18, 2014 · You always knew. B. In a way he was glad John left, knew that what Sam was going through John wouldn't be able to handle. With Dean’s life hanging in the balance, the brothers must confront the fractures in their bond and find a way back to each other. Sam decides honesty isn't always best when he realizes just how his words have hurt his brother & as he fears Dean's reactions he must come to terms with having to be honest about his reasons for being ready to die & hoped it wasn't too late. This was written for the Big Bang Challenge over on Supernaturalcoholics. I’ve just recently caught up on Supernatural, I watched season 13 and 14 over the last week and of course now I’m in the mood to write the boys again. Sam shot it of course. "You. But is Sam hurt too? Limp!Sam. " Sam cried, tears finally breaking free as his anger and grief mingled, reliving the memory. Now that his little ass was about to get spanked. snn zjpdd fckwl vuledxl ebao deizy yspu jby aowd koivrtv pji mcwds nyymtu gjnfjm xcrbcfry