Sas date to excel date. I have dates in excel in the following format 02/15/2011.

Sas date to excel date 311234 in SAS. format in the SAS data set, but when they output to excel they are in a text format. The variable 'collectiondate' is formatted as Date in Excel but when it imports to SAS the entire column These are actual SAS dates, which when the format yymmdd10. The link you've send me on there has worked and is displaying '01JUL2020:15:12:58' is there a different datetime format I could use instead of datetime19. To convert this to a SAS Date value which is the count of days since 1/1/1960 we need to add more days to it as discussed and solved here. 3 and 9. e. Unfortunately, the dates, which are in DATETIME20. I thought all was good until I exported my appended dataset and discovered that all my date variables are showing up as asterisks. All but one columns reads automatically as normal dd/mm/yyyy i. Thanks! I output my data into excel and found that my date is actually 03/09/2017. But it could also be the Tenth of May for any of those years. 24, 4714 BC). Converting date/time value from Excel to SAS can be a hassle as both Excel and SAS have different reference dates (i. 4. This is the SAS output after importing the excel file If you have a variable named DATETIME that has DATETIME values then you can make DATE, YEAR, MONTH and DAY variables like this: date=datepart(datetime); year=year(date); month=month(date); Hi SAS users, I have read almost all the forums regarding converting character string to SAS datetime but none of them seem to work for me. Data - Excel format (*. I have dates in excel in the following format 02/15/2011. For example, Excel has an epochal date of: Jan 1, 1900 unless it is coming from a Mac (it uses 1904). Can I run in SAS some function to see the date/time when the Excel file was modified last time? The more common, in my mind, definition of a julian date is the count of days from the julian epoch (jdn 0 or Nov. Some of the values for the date variable is missing and I cant delete rows with missing values. Share. 130, 08/02/2013) Problem Note 54089: Reading Microsoft Excel dates using a stored process input stream and the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office Beginning with the SAS Add-in 5. So, you will need to convert excel numeric date to Converting SAS date to Excel (or from Excel) dates by understanding how Excel and SAS view dates and where the starting point is. When trying to make the chang Oh. XLSX file and has 36 columns which are titled as dates input as "dd/mm/yyyy". 2. 0 Likes Reply. SAS measures dates in days; and times and datetimes in seconds. As 42308 is the SAS date value for 01nov2075, it is possible that your date values might come from a system such as Excel, and in order to gen the correct SAS date, you must subtract the difference between jan1960 and 01jan1900 from the My excel shows that date as 3/5/1999 but when I converted to sas date using date9 or any other formats it gives me 3/4/2059 which is very weird. g Q2 2017 (please note the space in between). When I import all dates are char variable except Program start date. ODS EXCEL output. I have multiple date variables that need to be converted. ; date_formatted="13MAY2004"d; define the connection between SAS and Excel. AEENRF $12. Furthermore, there are some SAS formats without an Excel equivalent and vice versa. spore234 spore234. 19,900. 1. Users can modify the cells using number format in excel but I would like to be able to eliminate that step. Follow asked Jun 29, 2017 at 8:49. Improve this answer. ; run; You will get a similar result with any date format if the value is a SAS datetime value unless the value is much closer to the year 1960. 3,640 7 7 gold badges 54 54 silver badges 78 78 bronze badges. I'm looking to convert the Dates into mmddyy10 format. I am changing the date to datetime using fomat as following. I would like the created the Excel and SAS calendars should be a simple matter of adding 21,916 to SAS dates to get equivalent Excel dates, and subtracting 21,916 from Excel dates to get SAS dates. Dates before January 1, 1960, are negative numbers; dates after are positive numbers. How to set the proper date format while importing CSV data in SAS? 1. /* set the format for the DateTime coming from SAS */ /* and set the Excel type and format so Excel knows what to do with it */ proc print data =buy; format datetime datetime2 e8601dt. the date is 10/08/2019, and after the import the cell shows "43745", which, even if I convert it to a date, is equivalent to 10/08/2079). The main difference is that day 0 is different. Conversion of an Excel time value into a SAS time value is a Do you get a "standard" datetime appearance in Excel if you use a basic SAS Datetime format? If so try getting an EXCEL format to display the values properly. SAS knows how to import dates from Excel. the date type in the first row are date excel format, but SAS import it as text format. csv" delimiter = ',' dsd missover lrecl = 32767 firstobs = 2; informat id 20. xlsx" dbms = SAS does date as the number of days after Jan 1 1960. Which SAS cannot tell are dates or get pretty flaky on read. Its length is 8, formats and informats are date9. I am using the same code to convert the excel date time to SAS suggested by you, but unfortunately I am not getting date incorrect but time is showing correct. Hello all, there are some set of data stressing me up. That did not work either. Excel displays the value 1 as 01jan1900, but this is wrong, as Excel (current version 2010) still considers 1900 to be a leap year (with a February 29 that never existed), a bug that is fixed in other office suites. Im wondering if theres a way to properly format these columns into dates, since the dates listed Below is an example. Different systems have different epoch dates (reference date = value 0). I don't think PROC EXPORT (or the XLSX libname engine) actually tells Excel anything specific and so it just defaults to how your I'm importing an Excel file into SAS. Current import statement: When I import it into SAS, I use. In Excel the date appears as MM/DD/YYYY but when I run the import, I get a 5-character string that does *not* correspond to the SAS date (e. Actually the digit strings you see in the character variable represent the number that EXCEL uses to represent that date, not the number SAS would use to represent the same date. FORMATS control how SAS displays a variable. For example : SDate ------ Jun-07 Nov-08 2009 2000 11/01/2009 When I try Jun-04 Nov-04 2007 2002 07/01/2008 proc sql ; create table xls as select input(s SAS dates won't import from Excel Posted 10-15-2020 12:48 PM (1855 views) I have been using the same code and data source to run weekly reports without any issues using, however, this week one of my date columns will not import from Excel. ' format for 'Date_1' in table Value alignment: some are justified to the left of the cell, these are very likely character, the ones justified to the right are Excel date values with an Excel date display set (will typically have numeric values in the 44,000 Hello, I use SAS 9. Hi there, When import csv file with date column like below, SAS data will have a small percentage of rows showing incorrect date, some dates become future dated. SAS dates can be troublesome as well, so make sure you specify a date format in your code: data datetest; format date_formatted date9. this is my program SAS datetime values are internally represented as floating point values equal to the number of seconds since January 1, 1960. I am importing a table with multiple date columns that end up importing to character columns, because these date columns also contain "N/A" values. ); SAS date indices start 1/1/1960, your Excel 1/1/1900 - difference 21915 days (difference between 14MAY2018 and 13May1958). Hi all, Could you please help to import correctly the following data and time from . Day 0 in SAS is 1 January 1960 and Day 0 in Excel is 1 January 1900), below formulas offer great help in terms of converting date/time values from To use the SAS Date Calculator/Converter, enter a date value in the first text box. In my excel spreadsheet data look likes: You can usually get better results with dates by ensuring that an entire column is formatted as the desired date appearance in Excel and then exporting the data from Excel as CSV and reading that file into SAS. 4 and Excel 2010. Takes one statement. However, if the date has been entered on the Excel spreadsheet as a character string, you need to specify in the input statement as a character string, then convert to date as follows: labdt = mmddyy8. in the original SAS datasets, are in MMDDYY10. I tried changing 3 character variable that appears as dates in sas to numeric date. That didn't work. ). If somehow the fact that a date is concerned gets missed during the import from Excel to SAS, raw Excel dates will look like this, as Excel counts days from 1899-12-31. For the date values the difference with the SAS date is only the anchor point. I tried to use this format YMMDDxw. Excel uses 1 January 1900 as day one. DATEJUL( yyddd) returns the SAS date value given the Julian date in yyddd or yyyyddd format. To convert a date to a Julian datetime value, you have to specify a time value in addition to the date. Here's a small sample of the column in the Excel file that's problematic: DischargeDate: 8/29/20 6:36 PM: The following SAS code takes an Excel datetime for 25OCT2020 09:49:25 and converts it into a SAS datetime value. The format changes depending on the locale of your computer: in the UK, this is often DD/MM/YYYY . 1 for Microsoft Office, you can use Microsoft Excel data as input for a stored process using the XML engine and input streams. 5. Excel. Excel also uses simple numerical values for dates and times internally. As you can see What happens to dates in that situation is that the number that Excel uses to store the date is converted into a text string (just like any other numeric value in that column). proc import file="&FM. This is my proc import: When you deal with datetime values in Excel or SAS, you have to work with the epochal dates to do the conversions correctly. I would like it to be character date yymmdd10. one variable is called 'discharge_dod' and is a character type variable and the format and informat is $500. After executing the similar step as shown below in my program, it is producing the values like 03/26/2082 and 04/25/2082 in the result. 2017-06-26, I want to create another variable with Quarter and Year of the date variable . ', but it says i am trying to change character value to numeric. Missing data are also coded differently (for numeric variables Hi, I did date format as mmddyy8. Then, the value for the variables would be -3334, internally, and if you wanted to see them as meaningful dates, you would use a SAS format statement like this: format newdatevar altdatevar mmddyy10. when I bring the dates values back from excel into SAS. If I use Proc Export the output is coming fine, only issue is the leading zeros in the dates are getting removed. Also what date do you want for that last value? 10/5/24 could be October Fifth of 1924 or 2024 (or 1824 for that matter). When you say year looked like 1900 it makes me suspect that you Hi Guys, I have been trying to converting a date to a string of characters using the PUT function: DATA WANT; SET HAVE; DATENEW=PUT(DATE, $8. This is my program that I wrote to convert it to sas date format . The resulting worksheet had the numeric value for the SAS date instead of a date. The issue seems to be with seconds: here's sample data from excel: My DateTime: Here's the raw excel numbers: Edit2: 43417. When it does that the values of cells that contain date values are stored as the string of digits that represent the number Excel stores for that date. if you need by default DD-MM-YYYY, then changing the language to English(India) would fix it. This is my code: ods excel Actually, the zero day in SAS is 01jan1960, while the zero day in Excel is really 30dec1899. Following code The problem is not all the dates were imputed into Excel as serial numbers. But whichever method you use, you will need an INFORMAT such as ANYDTDTE or DDMMYY in order to read or convert the date value correctly. Convert it to a number and adjust the number for the difference in base date used by Excel and SAS. I have been searching online, but I have not yet found a way to display a datetime in a way that Excel would recognize as a datetime. I would like SAS to import data from this file automatically, only if file is already updated today. data _null_; dt = '03Mar2021:14:25:27'dt; put "Date format with datetime value: " dt=date9. excelxp and Proc Report. I. format. See below: As the title states, I'm having issues importing datetimes from Excel to SAS. date anydtdte. 52396, in the databse the format was mm/dd/yyyy I would ask you to help Hi Team, I am currently using SAS 9. I entered the same values in the second row directly in Excel. My Excel spreadsheet currently displays (for example) 06JAN2015:07:39:37, when ideally, I would like it to read 01 Sometimes SAS imports the date as a raw Excel date. Export will replicate the SAS format with a 'nearest' corresponding Excel date format. So when SAS tried to figure out how to convert the column in a variable (rather than a loose collection of cells like a Once you know this it's a relatively simple task to convert Excel date values to SAS date values, you just need to know the number of days to subtract from the Excel date value to convert it to a SAS Date Value. SAS stores dates as numbers, 0 being Jan 1, 1960 and increments from there. Does MAINTAIN SAS date formatted variable values as Excel date values formatted similarily to the original SAS date format. There are many date-time fields, but one of them is read in as text. – Marc B. Are the Date variables numeric and do they contain SAS date values? If you want us to post actually working and tested SAS code: Please post your sample data as a tested SAS data step creating the sample data. Please help. is applied, look like 2024-08-13 . To use the SAS Date Calculator/Converter, enter a date value in the first text box. Here is a simple fix. Once you know this it's a relatively simple task to convert Excel date values to SAS date values, you just need to know the number of days to subtract from the Excel date value to convert it to a SAS Date Value. Within excel both columns have the same format. Does anyone can help explain I am currently writing a piece of code to extract specific elements of raw data into a new file. Do you just need to add the SAS date '30DEC1899'd to the value to adjust for this difference Dates work fine - no tagattr clause needed, just a properly formatted SAS date. ; format date yymmdd10. So in you PC/ laptop it might show DD-MM-YYYY, but Hi, colleagues. The code below grabs today's date. These are actual SAS date/time values, which when displayed in format yymmdd10. EXCELXP seems to respect a SAS date format, so I wonder what would happen if you just had a FORMAT statement for the DATE The numeric format is Excel General, so values >= 1E+11 will be displayed in scientific notation. The reread or whatever you did to get the data set into SAS. How can I convert this to a year format? I have no access to SAS but these values should be birth dates. If you can, make corrections in the source Excel Hi Tom, I tried ' format date date9. xlsx' SAS date values can reliably tell you what day of the week a particular day fell on as far back as September 1752, when the calendar was adjusted by dropping several days. Given that today's current date is 3/27/2018. The Datejul function is expecting the definition I described first. LABDATA datafile = "C:\\Projects\\lab. This looks like data imported from MS Excel. for e. ; var date; Your program works for me using PC-SAS 9. I have two date columns date1 and date2. 269 proc import datafile='c:\downloads\date_example. As a result date comes as Char 5. ),8. In fact, 1900-01-01 is day 2, and 1899-12-30 is day zero. I would like to be able to save a file in SAS with today's date. If 01-01-0001 is day one then that expression should be foreignDate-584389 I suspect you ended up with a TEXT value in Excel not an actual date. The formats should be mmddyy10 and hh:mm for all cells . Please note: The date format will change according to the parent system where the file is being opened. DATA Excel_Dates; INPUT Excel_Date_Time; SAS_date_time = (Excel_date_time - 21916) * 86400; FORMAT SAS_Date_Time DATETIME19. Dates read in rather nicely to the SAS dataset as dates. Note that you need that $ to indicate character variables. The date should be 01SEP2020 however it showing as 31AUG1960. The properties indicate the original field is Date9 and the output in SAS displays the dates as "ddmmmyyyy". However, my code assign value of Hi, I have a date variable that is numeric ((02JAN2018) ) with date9. And this is exactly what I tried to do recently when the dates in an Excel spreadsheet were imported into SAS as integers rather than dates. Date 0 in SAS is 01jan1960 and 01jan1900 in eg. NOTE: This is the Excel XP tagset (Compatible with SAS 9. according to proc contents. See what happens if you change the cell format in Excell to display a I have a dataset where I have a variable which is in date9 format. , the number of days since 1/1/1960) that SAS associates with that number will appear in the second text I would suggest that you do something in Excel to store character strings for your column headers instead of formatted numbers. SAS accepts the date as being before 1 Jan 1960, Excel does not recognise it. As an example I made a small sheet with 4 columns 'ID', 'Jan-15', 'Feb-15' and 2015-03-15 formatted to display as Mar-15. My raw data file imports from an Excel. I have a date variable in YYMMDD10. ); RUN; Currently my date is in the YYYYMMDD If the foreign date system considers 01-01-0001 as day zero then foreignDate-584388 should give you the corresponding SAS date. Interestingly, I can import most of the data without any problem. PROC IMPORT does not provide an option to specify formats when importing delimited files Hi Guys, How to change date format using proc import for excel file ord_no purch_amt ord_date custom_id salesman_id 70001 150. Allows customized Excel rendering with style option tagattr I need to export a data set from SAS to Excel 2013 as a . Below is my input, customer_dob = 92138 datetime::createfromformat and datetime::format, basically. data want; set imported_from_excel; date = excel_date - 21916; run; Because the Excel dates get read as character the SAS columns contain a string of digits that is the count of days like Excel does it. 58657407 43417. format and convert the texts as missing in SAS? identifier effectiveFromTime effectiveThruTime 1 4/23/1987 23:00 NULL 2 6/4/1 If the column has some cells with dates (numbers) and some with strings then SAS will be forced to create the variable as character. If you data is like the Convert them into numbers and adjust for the different way Excel and SAS number days. Since a variable name is by definition character any date values in In Excel, is the third cell a date value with a custom format, or a cell formatted as text ? – Richard. MMDDYY10. I am trying to get properties of a SAS file using FINFO function. I'm having trouble creating the file path with today's date. If this happens, subtract the date by 21916 to convert from an Excel date to a SAS date. 4 and I have a variable "surveydate" (23AUG2011). ; DATALINES; 44129. 8/27/2012 11:09). 4, I have found that TAGSETS. mm/dd/yy Date, type “03/14/01” This happens because SAS and Excel speak different languages. Excel assumes 1 Jan 1900 is day 1. csv file is opened it converts it formatting. I tried changing the other three to the date format similar to that of program start date in excel, but that did not work. I don't know exactly why or when it does this, but I think it has something to do with the format of the date. SAS can perform calculations on dates ranging from A. I created a new table where I'm changing the date to "01JUN2019". Hi all. If you want Excel to recognize it as a date use the mmddyy10. And, actually, in SAS 9. 2018b). 3. What it cannot do is handle different data types for a single variable. Dates, times, and date-times are commonly used variable types in research. The reference date in MS-Office is Jan 01 1900 (which has value = 1) and is Jan 01 Countless times during the day I am copying and pasting records from SQL Server Management Studio to Excel. is too large for 10 characters wide. But if your spreadsheet has a mix of numeric (both SAS and Excel store such values as numbers) and character cells then it will be forced to create a character variable. That is the number of ticks/seconds/days since that date. A common solution in a situation like this is to convert to Text before export. data have; set new; birthdate=input(dob, yymmdd10. 3 and above, v1. Leave OFF the $ to In SAS date is a number, you only see it as a date because you formatted the number as a date. Or add 21916 to all imported Dates are one of the things Excel can do very strange things with. SAS stores dates as the number of days after January 1, 1960, so today (October 25, 2019) is stored by SAS as 21847. . However, when the data was imported, one was imported with the datetime format and the other was imported as a character field with the number values like 18482 for 8/7/1950. So add a constant. I am able to get Bytes and Last Modified date of a SAS file however i am unable to get Date and Time of the SAS file created for the fir I'm looking to compare dates received for a certain variable and while importing the excel file into SAS the dates were converted into SAS dates. PROC Star The 60 year difference probably occurs as a result of an import from Excel or MS-Access. this is the code sample that produced the above ODS EXCEL FILE You lose the ability to use built in SAS functions for date calculations. Commented Jul 10, 2015 at 14:24. e. please help. How to import I'm have to import an excel spreadsheet that had a date column but the values are not a consistant format. or some other date format. sas. xlsx) Data - SAS format (*. You have an integer that looks to humans like a date, but it is not a date according to SAS. However, one column originally had mixture of dates in format 12/31/2020 and TBD. Then SAS would have been reading from a field like 06/29/2012 to start with. Write the SAS date (a number) I have exported data from a RedCap database to SAS via an xlsx sheet . Then reference that variable in the export statement. In excel the date field is formated as date (04. Excel is very locale-dependent, and the (MS-supplied, therefore unreliable!) interface module (Data Access Objects) often delivers data in a way that makes it hard for SAS to realize that a column has certain attributes, like We can use some Excel functions to convert these integer dates to Excel's native date format (number of days since 1 January 1900) which can then be formatted to display however you like. SAS date imported wrong. Improve this question. There is 1 column, let us call it date1. EXAMPLES: SAS_date = Excel_date - 21916; SAS_time = Excel_time * 86400; SAS_date_time = (Excel_date_time - 21916) * 86400; Hello I want to import data from excel. As I used 'mmddyy5. In my program we've date values like 3/25/2022 and 04/24/2082 in two different fields from the excel. In SAS, dates and times are considered numeric variables, but they have several If you try any of the TAGSETS. Before being able to append them I had to convert all my date variables into SAS date variables (format DATE9. Quick and dirty formula to convert an MS Excel date/time to a Unix timestamp value – Mark Baker. You merely need to subtract the difference between the correct date and the value you have. But for the date, there are lots of random missing values (there is no missing date in my excel file). D. Not really. ); format birthdate date9. convert the character string representing a date (and stored in a character variable) to a numeric value representing a SAS date -> read the character string using a (date) INFORMAT. Day 0 in SAS is 1 January 1960 and Day 0 in Excel is 1 January 1900. a_e_1; format AEENDTC DATETIME20. r; date; sas; Share. Am tring to import a dataset into sas with date fields. SAS day-of-the-week and length-of-time calculations are accurate in the future to A. You probably imported this from Excel which does date as the number of days after Jan 1 1900. sas7bdat) Before reading this tutorial, you may wish to review SAS Date Formats and Informats and SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values. 1. Hence in Excel to 'convert' a datetime value to a date value you apply a format which If you are saving an Excel files as a CSV file for later reading into SAS or other software then you should format your date columns using yyyy/mm/dd format in Excel to prevent confusion that can be caused by different defaults for month and day order. However, the default formatting in Excel only shows the "date" portion; to display the complete value in Excel you will need to change the Excel column formats. When I import to excel, the dates are numeric such as 40561. 1582 to A. And the column is text in excel file, contains date information in different formats, please see screenshot1. g. Hot Network Questions Can I add a wood burning stove to radiant heat boiler system? Jigsaw Thermometer Sudoku with no given numbers Calculator in 24. Learn more at our Excel If you want Excel to display dates in a particular style you need to tell Excel that. My variables are in date9. data proclib. If have tried to search for this in support. Once in Excel, I would like the data to be treated as a "date" type as opposed to "general" or "text", because I need to apply a date filter. To determine this, use the MDY function to determine the actual number for your date. Hi SAS community, I encountered a data change issue when I use proc import to call in XLSX into sas. I simply Solved: HI, i am using the below code to import the excel file with date. Some values appear as dates when formated options were changed from date to general. Actually in my excel file, date2 field was assigned as text. In most cases EXCEL uses 1900 as the basis date instead of 1960 like SAS. This is done with a FILENAME statement in the form: Hi. And it might be May 24th in the year 2010 (or 1910 or 1810). SAS uses Jan 1, 1960. One of my columns in Excel is a "date" column, written as YYYYMM (so, October 2015 would be 201510). For example, DATE = DATEJUL(99001); assigns the SAS date value '01JAN99'D to DATE, and DATE = DATEJUL(1999365); assigns the SAS date value '31DEC1999'D to DATE. ; put "Datetime format with datetime value: " dt=datetime18. So the date 01JAN2021 will show up as the string '44197 1) I am reading data from Excel. Plus Excel doesn't do very well with dates prior to 1900. From About SAS Date, Time, and Datetime Values: SAS date value is a value that represents the number of days between January 1, 1960, and a specified date. NOTE: SAS successfully imports some other date columns correctly with the same date format. Excel may or may not support or use the SAS format, but generally it does recognize I have same issue, the date format is 9/1/2020 7:28:11 AM in excel is showing as 22159. Knowing that 01 Jan 1960 is represented as 21,916 in Excel and 0 in SAS tells us to subtract 21,916 from the Excel Date Value. where the string, "in_C000000_" will remain constant, the string "013117_" will be the current day's date, and the string "65201" will be the row count of the data set itself. If you have a SAS date, as in your case 18263 (1 jan 2010), the equivalent Excel If you want to convert from an Excel date to a SAS date, subtract 21916: the difference in the starting points of the calendars. By default, a date does not contain a time component. Hi, I have two date fields in the original excel file, both are in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. You are correct the data comes from EXCEL I convert to CSV before exporting into SAS. ; DATE() returns today’s date as a SAS date value. I have an Excel file which is updated every day. AESR $12. 4 and SAS Studio. The first row had values and exported from sas correctly using proc report/ods excel. 5 20121005 3005 5002 Weird SAS date format after importing from Excel Posted 11-15-2023 11:49 AM (955 views) Hello all. You can therefore add or subtract 21 916 from the date depending on whether you are going from Excel to SAS or SAS to Excel. I formatted the excel data2 field to date format, but SAS is still importing date2 as text. The functions Month and Day give you those bits. SAS identifies the new date as a For one of the columns the values are dates in excel, but when SAS imports them, they become character $16 variables (Ex. 06. Be careful of negative numbers. Well, the current date as a SAS date value (number of days after January 1, 1960) is returned by the DATE (or TODAY) function. When I import the dataset in SAS, that column is imported as char. The MDY function builds a SAS date value from a month, day of month and year. (01/01/16 -- with 2 digits year) in SAS, but when I exported to csv file, the format of the date changed to 4 digits year, and it also showed 4 digits year when I opened the csv file with Notepad. formatted date field in SAS to an Excel spreadsheet via ODS tagsets. There is no date data type, but there are date formats, a numeric variable with a date format will be treated as a date in Excel. Is there a way to get SAS dates to come into Excel as a date? When opening a local SAS Data Source (sas dataset) a message appeared that the dates could not be read. ** Change all date variables to exclude invalid dates ; ** And from Excel to SAS date format ; do j = 1 to 9 ; if chardates{j} = "0000-00-00" then numdates{j} = . date 2020-03-09 may be converted to 3rd So the issue is that your Excel file has text in at least one of the cells in the column with the date values. I have only switched back to text files having encountered formatting problems for date/time fields with excel once a . My problem is that a DateTime value such as 8/23/2013 4:51:02 PM does not display correctly as shown in While I am doing the export using the ODS Excel in the XLSX format the date "12/31/9999" is getting converted to "12/29/9999", rest there is no impact on the output. Note this also happens when you have dates as column headers and you ask SAS to treat the headers as variable names. I'm new to this as I am an intern so I have limited knowledge on SAS. Useful information: SAS assumes 1 Jan 1960 is day 0. I've gone to the original Excel file and converted that column into a date-time. However, when I open up the viewtable in SAS I can still see values there (e. After I do my import my data table has both columns except date1 is $10 and date2 is a number. Here below is the format of data and time: The real format of keeping is: The code is as following: proc import out= WORK. Excepted result is same value as input (03/25/2022) but with S I am trying to import an excel sheet into sas9. load the excel date string into a DateTime object, then you can format it however you'd like. i. Some dates are shown as characters in SAS in the format of 5 digits e. The unformatted date value (i. 4M3. ; I assign a date at the beginning of my program %let FromDate=01JUN2022; %let ToDate=31JUL2022; I reference it all throughout the program with no issues. 2020) but when this is imported to sas it changes This causes the actual dates to appear in SAS as a character string representing the number that Excel uses for that date. Your help will be appreciated Hi folks, I'm trying to find age of customer by using a column which has Julian date as the date of birth. is there a The default format of date in excel is determined based on the language selected in the system. Here is the result from PROC IMPORT. SAS date values can reliably tell you what day of the week a particular day fell on as far back as September 1752, when the calendar was adjusted by dropping several days. ODS Excel will apply Excel This occurs because excel stores dates in days from January 1, 1900, while sas stores dates in days from January 1, 1960, so 28/09/2024 is stored as 45563 in excel and 23647 in sas. , 20160131) Exporting data and analytical results from SAS to Excel is performed using the EXPORT procedure, the SAS DATA step, SAS Enterprise Guide, the SAS Output Delivery System such as the E8601DT format, for the datetime columns (SAS Institute Inc. SAS and Excel formats are coded differently, as shown in Table 1 (from Derby (2008b)). All subsequent dates beyond 3/1/4000 will be one off from their Excel counterpart. It returns me the variables as missing. ); Put Function returns I'm exporting a SAS dataset to excel, then importing it back to SAS, and for the purpose of validation, doing a proc compare to ensure all values are the same. Are you importing from excel or from a text file ? SAS importing dates from excel. EXCELXP examples in the paper, you should find that Excel interprets the SAS date field as a numeric date using the format you want. SAS stores dates from The issue with with the DateTime and the Time field coming over as character was also a defect with the pre-production version of the Excel destination which also was fixed for the production version of the Excel destination which will be available with SAS 9. Any help that you can provide would be much . Excel starts in 1900 and SAS in 1960. 58656250 When I'm import these into SAS, this is how SAS is displaying them: 13NOV2018:14:04:39 13NOV2018:14:04:39 and the numeric Start with understanding the differences in date and time handling between SAS and MS Excel. When it comes time to produce the excel output though it only comes out in sas date format, I need it in mmddyy10. Can you help me a bit more please. Once you Excel and SAS have different default dates in back-end. Does produce formatted values in the target. And all dates are automatically converted to some kind on numbers like 44196 (instead of 12/31/2020). Create an array of the character dates. Exporting data and analytical results from SAS SAS will import DATE and DATETIME values properly from well formatted Excel spreadsheets. , the number of days since 1/1/1960) that SAS associates with that number will appear in the second text In Excel dates are numeric values, just as in SAS. I need these dates to be read into SAS as date9. SAS at least doesn't have many issues until get prior to about 1585 or so. 01JAN1960 SAS datetime number 0, 1 = 1 second; 01JAN1970 Unix OS datetime number 0, 1 = 1 second; To convert an Excel date number to a SAS date number you need to subtract 21916, which is the number of days INFORMATS control how SAS reads in a variable. Does anyone can tell me how to convert it to a SAS date so it shows "18862" instead of "23AUG2011"? I tried the following codes but it does not work. My question would be on FINFO Function. AESEV $64. I am attempting to output a date9. The format of the dates in Excel needs to be m/d/yyyy. Note that the FORMAT attached to the character is much less important than the storage LENGTH of the character variable. Create an array of your numeric dates. Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 11:07. \01Source\IMG YTD &IDBYear. However, I need the file name to be dynamic. I'm looking to move a current Excel process into SAS, for convenience, however, I have an issue stemming from the fact the base data I have to work with is currently only available to me in Excel and will require importing. xlsx file. Astounding. and its type is numeric. Solved: My date is date=20361; I need my date format to be in YYYYMMDD format. 04 has a conversion problem The 2nd and 4th items are examples of how EXCEL will store TIME and DATE values and how SAS would then store them as character string when it has to store those numbers into a character variable. DATEPART( datetime) returns the date part of a SAS BTW, if this file comes from an Excel file exported to CSV you may have a mix of dates like 07/21/2014 and 48756 where the second are the native Excel date value. Follow The date column being character having a mix of 'date looking' strings, and Excel date value numbers tells me some of the date values in your Excel are actually strings, such as '11/10 or ='11/10'. 4093171296 ; RUN; Now, theoretically, when SAS creates a file for Excel, using PROC EXPORT or the SAS Excel LIBNAME engine, SAS and Excel know how to talk to each other about dates -- for exampleSAS has a "zero" date of Jan 1, 1960 while Excel has a "zero" date of Jan 1, 1900. format and date 9 informat length 8. Formats are used to display the formats as desired for reporting and presentation. data date_format; infile "&in_path\date_format_issue. da Problem Note 41000: Date values might be incorrect when you read Microsoft Excel files with the XLS or XLSX engines Date values might be incorrect when you use the XLS or XLSX engines to import Excel files. %let numdate = %sysfunc(today(), yymmddn8. Also, converting the datetime to an excel numeric representation of a datetime works - I used tagattr and set the type as Number with a date format. I'm using proc import to import some data from excel. ; else numdates{j} = chardates{j} - 21916 ; end; drop j Proc EXPORT will use a default Excel data format, m/d/y, for any data set column formatted with a SAS date format. One solution may be to transform the number in text using put function You learn how to import Excel data into SAS using the IMPORT procedure, the SAS DATA step, SAS® Enterprise Guide®, and other methods. Apply a Format to the SAS Date Value. I am attempting to output an excel (xlsx) file using ods excel from a proc output. 1991520000 1806883200 1804982400 1806364800 1807488000 1808092800 1808956800 1810166400 . csv file. excelxp method. format Piece of code :- data I will summarize the examples of converting SAS date to numeric number: Example 1: SAS_Date=’28OCT2019’d; Desired numeric is 20191028 Number_date= input(put(SAS_Date,yymmddn8. With the value of that second "date" I would say go back to Excel and make sure the entire column either numeric or character for the date. SAS importing dates from excel. Can anyone tell me how to improve my code please. This format makes an educated guess to convert the character string into a SAS date value. How 2-digit years are When SAS retrieves an Excel DATE value as text instead of numeric you get the raw Excel value converted to text instead of the number as displayed by Excel formats. How do I keep the dates in DATE9. ; input id date; run; When I open the file in Excel, the date is either left-aligned or right-aligned, allowing me to guess which is the I have a dataset that contains both text and date value in one column. DATES store numbers of Days, Datetimes numbers of seconds (both base with Jan 1, 1960 in SAS) and TIME is number of seconds since midnight. From the values around the leap day in the year 4000 - 2/28/4000, 2/29/4000, and 3/1/4000, one can see that Excel is acknowledging that 2/29/4000 is a valid date - whereas after the import, SAS has deemed these dates 2/28/4000, 3/1/4000, and 3/2/4000. The raw number 44138 is: Hello all, I have the following code and trying to assign the date to _hist macro and I need to make sure that that value assigned to _hist is going to be DD-MON-YYYY (like 05-Nov-2024). The only thing I can see different is that date2 has more data in the column then date1. com SAS newbie here--I am putting together an Excel spreadsheet via the ods tagsets. xlsx" OUT=EQ I am trying to import data using proc import and having trouble with a date format. The last step is to apply a SAS Date Format to the SAS Date Value. SAS datasets are more like a database than a spreadsheet. which would format all Your screen capture shows that you do not have valid SAS date values, and you do not have valid SAS date/time values. When I bring this data into SAS using Proc Import it converts the format of the column titles with the following stated within the log: You need to create a macro variable with the date especially if the date will change depending on when you run the code. Excel measures times in fractions of a day, so dates are just the integer part of a datetimevalue. nltqg pwm xsrpjc xnncl pzf hcmid kugkp ydb rcyzmm xgvpoc