Smartsheet api indent (see the in process indent on the attached) It is making child level 2 an indent of child level 1 instead of an indent of the parent. The indent property can only be used to specify indent level for existing rows in a sheet -- you can't use it in a request that adds I have over a years worth of indented drop down list worth of info and randomly one day all of the indent buttons disappeared and i cannot open any of the indented drop down lists unless i randomly search something in that list. Many thanks. or. You can place a hierarchy function inside of another function, for example, to automatically reference all indented child cells underneath a parent, even as new child rows are added to the parent row. Smartsheet Gantt Chart. I've just responded to your other post, here. Could you please work on this option should be for column. If it's all row data, I'd put a support ticket into SmartSheet. Delete a lot of rows using Smartsheet API. I am working on a project tracker in Smartsheet and need help setting up a form that allows users to add tasks under I need a way to automatically indent tasks under their main projects Any guidance on how to achieve this setup, including form configuration and automation tips, would You would need to use the API, That actually sounds like a good idea for a video. All rows that are indented become outdented (left justified). Just checking in on this - were you able to get the shortcuts to work on your sheet? Smartsheet events Your hub for Smartsheet events, webinars, Q&As, and user groups. indent nor row. I followed all of the instructions in the tutorials as well as looked up in the community other issues and followed those instructions but the indent option is still greyed out. I think the only option at the moment is the Smartsheet API. " to emulate the indent (dot and space to indent because smartsheet truncates all combinations of multiples spaces into single space even when you use char(32) ) =IF Want to practice working with formulas directly in Smartsheet? Check out the Formula Handbook template to view 100+ formulas, including a glossary of every function and examples of commonly used and advanced formulas. I would like to indent that row if the Activity ID is not 07/28/21 edited 07/28/21 in Smartsheet Basics I have a file with primary column that has indented rows, as well as some start / end dates. How do we get a Smartsheet team member to reply and answer this basic ask? We spend all this time making a polished look and can only use reports on the dashboards and they look horrible without the indents, hierarchy and don't flow. When I manually indent on the report itself, as the report refreshes, the indents are removed. If there's a discussion here that interests you and you'd like to find Developers & API; If you indent all phases so that «SCC Project Name» is the top level parent to all, then everything will roll up to that row. This has happened to me a number of times and seems to happen when the combination of rows and columns is large but less than the 500,000 cell limit. Step 1: Open the Sheet in Smartsheet. Additionaly I would like to Row indent/outdent; Setting a sheet's project settings; The Smartsheet C# SDK allows . Step 4: Adjust Hi all - i'm looking to move a row from a sheet into another sheet and have it automatically indent under a grouping. I love the Indent feature and especially the CHILDREN() function. Leading 0's will translate the number into a text value (to keep the 0 showing) so it can't be evaluated with the RANKEQ Hello @Thomas Gunn,. Is there any way to indent specific rows in the primary column that meet a specific condition, like through conditional formatting? For example, WBS ID is the Primary Column. Also, by indenting, grouping columns will add more logic to the layout of your sheet. I see createdDate but not Another way would be to enter data down a few rows in any column then indent some of the rows. Additionaly I would like to Unfortunately, it's not possible at the moment to indent on anything else than the primary column, but it's a great idea! Please submit an Enhancement Request when you have a moment. However I think, based on your initial description, manually copying/pasting the task where it should be is actually the best way to proceed to ensure that all of your information is actually in the right order. I am looking into the Smartsheet API to see if there is a way to program it. com I am trying to create a smartsheet using Java API that fills data in parent/child task format. Instead the GREEN Items are listed at the very bottom of the @Andrée Starå no problem, I must do some homework on the API! Home The second to use ". So I'm looking for a formula that will return the Project Name (i. Create a column (Text/Number) and add this formula to every cell =COUNT(ANCESTORS([Task Name]@row)) [Task Name] should be your Primary column name. to_json() I need to setup an auto indent for a client. Indent rows with Smartsheet API with Java. Alternatively, if you just want to erase all hierarchy, you could insert a Whether you’re planning to build an integration that calls the Smartsheet API directly, or one that uses a Smartsheet SDK, the API documents contain lots of useful information. . I have used Zapier to effectively move rows within a sheet. Is there any way to get smart sheet rows based on column value. However, I need to report out this information at the store level. I've tested on a sheet where I have Editor permissions, and I can copy the row information from locked row, paste it in another row, and then indent this new row (as long as there's information in the row above where I pasted). With the new format of the tool bar (now a ribbon at the top), I can't for the life of me find a button to indent/outdent to create tasks and subtasks. When I indent my headers, the expand/minimize button is all the way to the right (circled in Welcome to the Smartsheet Forum Archives The posts in this forum are no longer monitored for accuracy and their content may No - an INDEX/MATCH formula is for when you have information you need to add in the same row with one matching source column (such as name being the same in both sheets, and you want to bring in the email address or phone number from another sheet). The result of the formula should be 350. Not sure what's causing this issue. js Quickstart Guide: How to return the rows array returned from API into a variable. in any other application Square brackets are located on alt+8 and alt+9 but using that in Welcome to the Smartsheet Forum Archives The posts in this forum are no longer monitored for accuracy and their content may no longer be current. 1 Of course the AI they have it's also useless. Hi, I currenlty have a smartsheet with a bunch of tasks broken out into different sections. Additionaly I would like to Hello, I am new to using Smartsheet for project planning. I'm trying to write a formula that will indent the items in my Activity Name column based on the value in my Project Plan / WBS Hierarchy column. So, let’s dive in and learn how to indent sheets in Smartsheet. Is there a way to make sure that child rows indent under their You can set up the Smartsheet integration with Indent in a few minutes: Select Smartsheet from the Indent dashboard catalog; Deploy the integration for reading and managing resources with Indent; Configure your policies from the Indent dashboard; You're done! Share how to request access with your team in one click; Get a demo of the Indent The strange thing is she is able to right click and indent it, but not using the keyboard shortcut. If there's a discussion here that interests you and you'd like to find (or create) a more current version, please Visit the Current Forums. He's importing data using data shuttle but the csv file tracks levels in a column called Level. I can build a massive list of rows and add them easily using add_rows(). Please let the Product team know about your use-case and feedback by filling in this form, here!. It does not let me click on them. If the section is expanded, the inserted row will auto-indent to the right child depth and the auto-fill will work as expected. Additionaly I would like to I'm trying to automate a tick box when two other conditions are fullfilled. Each "regular" row is a request, which has tasks as sub-items by indent. In smartsheet we don't have that one as of now, and the dependency function is not helping that way, as the start date has alwasy to be in the past. Hi, I have several standard grid sheets that are populated via webforms, we are based within the UK. This will break the connection between the two sheets and you won't have to return to the source sheet to delete the Cell Linking. I'm trying to build a whole sheet from scratch, and stay efficient while doing it. I am trying to have a formula look at a "Parent" row Status IF it is blank than to then look at the child row associated and if the Status is Red, Green or Blue, place status within Parent Status ONLY, if it is not any of the listed status leave blank. Home › Forum Archives › Archived 2016 Posts. Can some one help me with this? Welcome to the Smartsheet Forum Archives The posts in this forum are no longer monitored for accuracy and their content may no longer be current. Additionaly I would like to Question about copying a sheet. Why does the parent row not switch to summarizing the outputs of the subtask dates? When exporting a smartsheet to google sheets, the indent formatting doesn't pass over to the google sheet. Is it not possible to use them with the free trial? Id love to be able to "automate" a simple indent/outdent function. Tags: Is there Task indent fucntionality in the Android App › Forum Archives › Archived 2016 Posts. I cannot outdent this one row now and it's messing with some reports. Welcome to the Smartsheet Forum Archives The posts in this forum are no longer monitored for accuracy and their content may no Developers & API; I know this was in the works, Is there a solution for displaying "indent" rows created in a master to a report for collapse view across all reports? The sheet automatically lock every thing that is in T3 and T4. The solution for "Workflow Execute: deleteAllRows failed, cannot proceed adding new rows" is to delete the rows on your smartsheet prior to attaching the file that triggers your data shuttle. La API es una herramienta eficaz para los desarrolladores que garantiza una combinación de gestión segura de los datos, automatización a través de webhooks y la capacidad de ajustar Smartsheet a escala en toda la empresa. I've used Smartsheet for a number of years, but have been away from it for several months. 3. It will also rollup you Start and Finish dates for the whole project too. Does smartsheet have a script or solution to address this? First, a few things to understand about specifying row location: By default, new rows are added to the bottom of the sheet -- so it's not necessary to specify the toBottom property if you want new rows to be added to the bottom of the sheet. Error: adding rows with smartsheet API. com as an admin. Every time I save sheet or switch back from another sheet, my hidden indented rows completely expand & I have to re-click everything to find where I am. I need to read the value in level and indent It's a very large family so I would like to automate the hierarchy by either: - automatically indenting the row based on the Generation Tier selected. Hello, I have report that is created from a project plan using a helper column to bring in parent level tasks. Below is an example what I would like to achieve. 0. Hi there I would like to count the values of only the last children in the column. Trying to find a more automated way of indenting a large number of rows when I have a large number of parent rows. If present, Each indent is a level. Start off by familiarizing yourself with the following sections: Overview: A high-level context for working with the Smartsheet API I am trying to indent the rows under ink cartridge check to make it a parent row, but the indent option is grayed out. My hope is to have a formula that says if "column A" value = Child, then indent that row 10 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter 02/08/23 in Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas It would be nice to have some more obvious way to display indented rows with the ancestral grouping other than the slightly indented text. Some cells have one indent, some more, so I would like to know the formula, to count only the last indent children. Is this possible to achieve with a formula or some other way? Can you show a screenshot? As long as you have data in the row(s), you should be able to indent/outdent with certain basic restrictions such as you can't outdent past the leftmost possible outdentation. g If the indenting is the type of indenting SmartSheet uses to create a hierarchy of tasks, then you need to select the most-indented rows and push them out: Developers & API; Help ©2024. I am now wanting to indent rows below a couple new headers: "Commitments" and "Prospective" but as you can see in the screen shot below, the "-" symbol keeps showing up in the column just after the frozen column (2016 Is it possible to indent rows in Dynamic View? One view I need if for my construction team who use them on major projects and the different trades attending site. Google Sheets Node. The workaround is to manually edit the google sheet by entering spaces on the lines that were not indented. Thus, if you indent and the row below doesn't yet have dates, the cell clears to match the children roll-up data below. Scott McAllister Hi there I would like to count the values of only the last children in the column. This would require you to add a row, and then indent the row once added. Firstly, one drop down is selected (in [Consultant Assessment] column) AND the row indent level not 0 or 1. I have never ran into this before. I've never seen all row data disappear, only date data. Step 3: Click on the indent button. 1. There are a few ways you can do this. Hello SS Developers! I am both a formula and API-deficient SS user. With the Smartsheet API, the fact that a row is a child row of another row is indicated by the presence of the parentId attribute on the Row object. The SDK can be compiled from source or installed as NuGet package. I have parent and child tasks that are 100% completed a year ago that are now suddenly expanded every morning. If your only reason to indent is to use formulas with CHILDREN() or PARENT(), then careful redesign of the sheet may remove this liability. It looks like your Auto number column contains 0's leading up to the actual number. I have suggestion to add this feature in smart sheet. NET applications to more easily interact with the Smartsheet API. I am directly writing tasks into the Task Name column for a new, shared project. I select all rows and indent. Bob Wondering if it is possible to send notifications via Smartsheet when an event is added or updated to a Calendar in the app Alert Someone 1 Week Before Due Date Hello Smartsheets Community, I'm sure this is a dumb question, but I can't figure it out and need some help. This is not a standard Zapier action, but it can be done. e. Unfortunately, when a shared user (not admin) bring a new project to the bottom, It is set as a T0 tier and that user cannot indent the project to become a new T3 (the parent is month not the previous project). Head over to the SDK project over on GitHub to learn more. Additionaly I would like to Hi, I've a sheet grouping requests and tasks in the primary column. I use Smartsheet to track my yearly activities. For example, the report is not allowing me to see which rows are indented/outdented. @rachel. Craig Welcome to the Smartsheet Forum Archives The posts in this forum are no longer monitored for accuracy and their content may no longer be current. I tried couple of options, So, I tried another option, where I created the sheet and then re-read the sheet and tried to indent the rows using following code - There is currently no way to have this automatically done without setting up some helper columns. For example, if the Project Plan / WBS When indenting sheets in Smartsheet, follow these steps: Step 1: Open the sheet in Smartsheet. Additionaly I would like to Indent rows with Smartsheet API with Java. I then filter out my header rows based on some kind of criteria so that I only show the detail lines. I separate the sections with different field values but to help with readability- I also do indenting in the task description field- this allows for the summary tasks to show as bolded. When I create a report off of my data sheet, it removed the indenting of the parent/children rows. We have future of rows indent and outdent in smartsheet. I am using Data Shuttle to bring data from an external source into my SmartSheet. First Indent on Primary Column In large sheets, with 40 or columns or more, an indent function would make life a lot easier when scrolling left and right. Is there a formula or existing function to indent only blank cells in a column? Thanks for any information! Best, John Stanik RN, BSN I've been using smartsheet for a few years now and never had this issue before, but starting this year, every morning when I go into one of my project sheets at the start of my work day they are ALL expanded. If the Indent button is unavailable, you may be trying to indent a blank row. the count of projects shown is a total of all projects but some are short Hi there, If you look at the attached image you can see the issue I'm having - the issue is that the line items colored GREEN should appear directly under the gray "Universal masthead design / Tone / Messaging" bar since they are indented in underneath it - see task list on the bottom of the attached image. I’d like to suggest enhancing the Gantt chart to support more complex project schedules, similar to Microsoft Project Professional or Primavera P6. I would like an #auto number added only on request rows, and not on task rows (with a positive indent). Am I the only one having no luck in using the suggested shortcut CTRL ] to indent? I am using Windows 10, Chrome webbrowser and swedish keyboard ( ] = AltGr 9) Ctrl AltGr 9 just types the symbol ]. Hide the original TASK NO (guess you Hi there I would like to count the values of only the last children in the column. Also, I am not concerned with duration or start/stop dates as I just fit the work in during free-time on nights and weekends. Additionaly I would like to I imagine that most don't use the multi-indent hierarchy for project management but I find it much quicker for planning out the whole project than assigning predecessors. Smartsheet Gantt Chart I’d like to suggest enhancing the Gantt chart to support more complex project schedules, similar to Microsoft Project Professional or Primavera P6. Any ideas? SmartSheet will automatically roll-up children dates to parent rows. Welcome to the Smartsheet Forum Archives The posts in this forum are no longer monitored for accuracy and their content may no longer be current. I know it will go at least 16 levels. Additionaly I would like to. parent_id seem possible to set on new rows (since the fresh rows How can I use Bridge API Call OR Get Sheet OR another element to obtain the "Created By" metadata for use in a workflow? I see createdBy in the sheets summary in the SDK: sheetSummary - fields But I don't see it in the output of past runs of either the API Call or the Get Sheet element in Bridge. Right now, there is a main "parent" form, then a linked "child" form that creates a I need to setup an auto indent for a client. It will helps to segregate different groups of columns for specific data. Project 1, Project 2, etc. As a possible workaround, you could use the Smartsheet API. Shailendra, are you copying and pasting between browser tabs or from within the same Smartsheet tab (and just switch sheets from within Smartsheet)? I have found if I copy and paste from within the same Smartsheet tab, it works. - automatically Select a cell in the first row you’d like to indent, and then select the Indent Brandfolder Image button on the toolbar. The primary column is the only one that shows the indentation, and you should see the grey + and - boxes on the right I used Smartsheet report tool to merge two sheets with common column names. What do i do? Hi, I'm new to Smartsheet - I have created a Task list and want to create parent and child rows in a task list, but the indent/outdent buttons are shaded out and the shortcuts (Ctrl ] ) don't do anything. Thus, it is getting tedious to manually write "Task 1. So our project managers are having to scroll right Hope you are fine, please check the following article it will help you how to do that Hierarchy: Indent or Outdent Rows PMP Certified bassam. So in my image Row 2 would be have a level 2 and Row 7 would have a level 3. Step 2: Choose the rows you wish to indent. Currently, Smartsheet’s Gantt chart works well for simple schedules but is not suited for managing complex construction projects. In order to create a hierarchy, data needs to exist in boththe parent and child rows. Is there any functionality that can Smartsheet events Your hub for Smartsheet events, webinars, Q&As, and user groups. Rows in T0, T1 and T2 stay unlock. Hi there, The indent/outdent options are not available to use in the free trial. I'll have to look into making a video on doing that as I think it would be a good Appsheet/Smartsheet integration use case. Additionaly I would like to One way is to copy and past the dates into another document, indent the tasks needed, and paste them back in, but that seems like a less-than optimal choice. The issue I have is that I don't seem able to include "indent" function to the rows (i'd like to indent per month), as the sheets are growing huge as we have a lot of data being submitted from remote and field workers. The Unique ID with the lowest suffix should be the parent row and subsequent ones should be children. I would really love to see the indent levels of tasks in report based on a indent levels of tasks in report based on a project plan. I've been trying to use expressions to combine two columns into a single dynamic dropdown column in a target 1. Filter on the highest number you find or use 'is one of' and select the highest number. Developers & API; Help ©2024. You might need to adust the conditional formatting to keep the look of this sheet with the Dark Blue but that should do what you want. Or, a custom API script written that would generate the reports in the format you need. I've just now gotten back to it, and created a sheet to manage tasks. Use an IF formula in a the newly created TASK NR column to check if the LEVEL column in this row is empty and if yes show the number from your TASK NO column. You can use hierarchy in Smartsheet to indent or outdent groups of cells to better show relationships between groups of data. Although I'm unaware if this can be done via Zapier, I feel this could be achieved with our API. There currently isn't a way to prevent users who have Editor or higher permissions from adjusting hierarchy in a sheet, other than locking those rows completely. I am able to create a indent on this report, but not able to save it. See all events; ENGAGE Smartsheet ENGAGE brings together our global customers, experts, and partners to share their experiences, ideas, and best practices. I want to automatically indent based on the Unique ID as shown in the below example. Most other solutions that I have seen are very similar to this one. This is what I have at the moment: =IF(AND(ISBLANK([Consultant Assessment]@row), ([Indent Level]@row < 2)), 0, 1) How can I use Bridge API Call OR Get Sheet OR another element to obtain the "Created By" metadata for use in a workflow? I see createdBy in the sheets summary in the SDK: sheetSummary - fields But I don't see it in the output of past runs of either the API Call or the Get Sheet element in Bridge. When I have multiple Smartsheet tabs open and copy and paste between them, it will not work. Additionaly I would like to Hi there I would like to count the values of only the last children in the column. khalil2009@gmail. I've attached a screengrab for reference. However, if the parent menu is collapsed, the auto-fill indent will not have two consecutive rows at the same indent depth and the auto-fill doesn't work. I thought I could just add blank lines beneath the "main" bug/issue and then indent the line, but Hi Marat, If you add one row at the very top of your project plan and indent all the tasks under it - this first row will be your entire project - so if there are delays in tasks that are under will impact the main top task. How to get column title for each row entry. Is that an option? I hope that helps! Can you give a bit more information about how to use the API to indent? I am wanting to indent rows that I am importing Your problem seems to be people missing to indent a new row to the correct level, right? Sounds more like human factor to me. It will make it easier for others to find a solution or help to answer! I need to roll up detailed plans across multiple sheets, and have the parent child relationships be really clear by having child rows indented, just as they are in the original plan. To open a sheet in Smartsheet, follow these steps: Go to the Smartsheet website and log in to your account. I hope you have a nice day as well! Cheers, Genevieve I would rather not have to manually go in and Indent new info from information dumps, as there will consistently be a lot of new data. I am trying to create a smartsheet that automatically indents child rows from a form submission. If there's a discussion here that interests you and you'd like to find (or create) a I'm having a similar problem where I believe an editor accidently indented a cell in a column that already had an indent. Have a fantastic day! This is the quickest way I have found to do it (baring the API) 1. 0 Developers & API; Help Finally, you could look into using the Smartsheet API to copy rows. Learn more; Project management templates; Smartsheet dashboard gallery; Getting started with the Smartsheet API When I created a "Report" for this same sheet, I noticed that the parent/child rows are not showing on the "Report". One way would be to collapse all rows, then open up each hierarchy, select all its child rows in one go, then outdent using the toolbar (). You can't indent more than one level per row. The keys are working just fine (able to CTRL + C/V, and the [ and ] keys all work individually) but it does not allow her to indent rows using the keyboard shortcut. However, I need some rows to be children of other rows, and neither row. When I add the report onto my dashboard the last entry in the report is indented, I don't understand why this Yes, just go to the row you want to indent and indent (Ctrl+K or the button) You can't indent any row more than one level below its parent, but it can be indented several levels deep. 1" for the child task of the parent Task 1 because the tasks can be edited/moved. Did my post(s) help or answer your question or solve your problem?Please support the Community by marking it Insightful/Vote Up or/and as the accepted answer. Every time the report refresh, the indent gets removed off. The API is a powerful tool for developers that helps ensure a combination of (See: Hierarchy: Indent or Outdent Rows). That option should accept Innovative IT teams that use the Smartsheet API see benefits as soon as their integration is up and running. Hello, I am unable to use the indent feature. For example, if the Project Plan / WBS Hierarchy column has a value of Milestone, indent the Activity Name cell two spaces. It would be very helpful to have a way that the indent/outdent feature is made available on Reports and Dashboards. In the top left corner, click on “Sheets” to access your sheets. Additionaly I would like to What is the best way to automatically insert a set of (about 10) rows as child tasks under each project row? I am designing a smartsheet based on the Project Sheet template, but in my case we manage a large number (about 150) of projects. I would be interested to see this as a feature though, as I can see the value of being able to indent as a conditional formatting rule. Thank you for your help. You can set up the Smartsheet integration with Indent in a few minutes: Select Smartsheet from the Indent dashboard catalog; Deploy the integration for reading and managing resources with Indent; Configure your policies from the Indent dashboard; You're done! Share how to request access with your team in one click; Get a demo of the Indent Indent rows with Smartsheet API with Java. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company 1. Once logged in, you will be directed to your Smartsheet home page. Depending on where new rows go you may either train them to mind the indentation, place a How to remove all indent/outdents from a sheet. Additionaly I would like to Hi, I'm trying to indent a lot of rows on a mac and can't figure out 1) Want to practice working with formulas directly in Smartsheet? Check out the Formula Handbook template! Trending in Formulas and Functions . Hey @RobertAW. Did that work/help? I hope that helps! Be safe and have a fantastic weekend! Best, Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD. Additionaly I would like to I am new to smartsheet and am trying to indent as follows:-parent level -child level 1 +1 +2 -child level 2 I cant seem to get it to allow me to indent the child level 2. Remove filter and voila-- all detail rows are now children of their respective header rows. I believe my question should be directed toward the API/Developer community, as I asked the AI formula developer tool to create a formula for this request and it stated, "Smartsheet formulas cannot be used to automatically organize rows into hierarchy". Hello Ian, The best way to remove links is to open the destination sheet, select all of the cell that contain Cell Linking, right-click any of the selected cells and choose Remove Link. Is there a formula i could use that would tell met the level of indent? The reason is to set up common schedule templates that will consolidate multiple projects into reports with Gantt bars to produce a Gantt of Gantts (program view) Thank you. . Hot Network Questions Best way to stack 2 PCBs flush to one another with connectors Linux: How to find CPU socket type via CLI? Hi @Rashada Alexander. If there's a discussion here that interests you and you'd like to find (or create) a Is it possible to create a workflow to indent rows if a certain criteria is met? When importing or building large sheets, I have a lot of rows to indent. I import the Excel file into Smartsheet. Trying to create a sheet summary formula to calculate the cost/project of indent data based on the outdented criteria: So if the Regions size is Large then calculate the cost/project for all regions, I've only shown 2 as an example but this encompasses 80 regions of sizes 1-5 with multiple project names. Level 1 rows will return no result. For that purpose, I am trying to rely on bulk operations. ) for each of the tasks under the Project. @Andrée Starå You must have been replying at the same time as I was. If there's a discussion here that interests you and you'd like to find (or create) a ctrl-] and ctrl-[ do nothing for me in my Gantt views. 2. If there's a discussion here that interests you and you'd like to find (or create) a Hi there I would like to count the values of only the last children in the column. Additionaly I would like to Is there any way to indent a row in the primary column programmatically? You can submit your feature request to the Product team by creating an Idea Post in the Smartsheet Product Feedback and Ideas topic here in the Community. Is that possible? I did see an article from 2021 in the Smartsheet I propose, when creating a form and having the primary column selected on the left, that an option be available on the right for "Default Indentation". There may be a limit but it likely isn't anything you'll ever need to use. Learn more; Project management templates; Smartsheet dashboard gallery; Getting started with the Smartsheet API I froze the column "company name" so that it and all the columns before it would follow me across the spreadsheet as I entered data. Developers & API; Help Hi there I would like to count the values of only the last children in the column. The row above it will become the parent row. The API will you to indent/outdent rows. 4. Los equipos innovadores de TI que utilizan la API de Smartsheet perciben beneficios en cuanto comienzan a usar la integración. Product questions? Ask it here! The community's got your back. It wont let me reapply the indent/outdent option either. Once shared I will be happy to take a look at the indenting issue. Maybe with a slightly colored background for the Hi @Angela Logie. Since each "Project" is an indent level of 2, I've been trying to create a formula that would Hi @CycleBagEd. Is there a workaround for this or is it only a few people needing such a functionality? Georg Wondering if it is possible to send notifications via Smartsheet when an event is added or updated to a Calendar in the app Alert Someone 1 Week Before Due Date Hello Smartsheets Community, I'm sure this is a dumb Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone here can help me out with a challenge I'm facing in Smartsheet's Data Shuttle. Both sheets have their own indent function. You can place a hierarchy function inside of another I'm trying to write a formula that will indent the items in my Activity Name column based on the value in my Project Plan / WBS Hierarchy column. I see createdDate but not Welcome to the Smartsheet Forum Archives The posts in this forum are no longer monitored for accuracy and their content may no longer be current. Additionaly I would like to There might be 6 different store numbers listed in a single cell. I am baffled as to why, when I indent tasks, they do not visibly indent, either in the grid view or the gantt view. The deeper the level of indent in the WBS, the more detailed. Hello, I am trying to find a suitable formula so that my Total Hours indent level 0 row can sum all underlying indent level 1 Total Hours column values and stop the sum at the next indent level 0 row. SMARTSHEET EXPERT CONSULTANT & PARTNER. When I indent a row to show a parent / child relationship, So that I can assist you directly, could you please share your sheet with support@smartsheet. Thanks, Using the Smartsheet api (with Python3) If I get a sheet through the api with get_sheet() then use the . lvirmv xuu uxsfd hmp nmjlx zhyncur vzcdewv tkev ewlia vxcpypk